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About rikupsoni

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  1. rikupsoni

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    This. I don't follow the beta-testing here, just came to read the RC notes and saw nothing on lightning and I'm disappointed. If you try Chernarus for Arma 3, the lightning is completely broken and there won't even be a proper night. OK; maybe it's up to the custom mapper. But it also affects a lot of things in Altis and Stratis too. For example, the car lights are too small now and you can look into every light with nightvision on. Before, having nightvision on in city district with lights was a big disadvantage. Now you can look directly into car lamps.
  2. I just tested again and it doesn't affect Arma 3 pine trees at all, but it does affect leaf trees. I'd say the advantage is not as big as in Arma 2, but some random bushes are significantly smaller and if someone happens to be in such one... http://imgur.com/a/iB87Q
  3. I was switching options while in-game and was surprised to see that the ATOC video settings (AA & PP) made some large changes to how big the trees are. The "Grass" option also makes grass slightly smaller, "Arrowhead trees" makes trees smaller than "All trees". The screenshots are from the Chernarus map but the settings affects trees the same way in Altis and Stratis: http://imgur.com/a/Xs9KD What do you guys say, is it an unfair advantage? Look especially how well you can see the forest in the background, some trees are significantly smaller allowing you to spot someone and shoot them through what would be leaves.
  4. So this beta is run by changing Properties -> Beta tab of the main ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead? The Beta (Obsolete) serves no purpose anymore? Could you BIS remove the "Beta (Obsolete)" completely from Steam? It's just confusing and it's one useless game in Steam library if it isn't used anymore.