Fatigue part is perfect now, much better than before. But the weapon sway part just isn't right. It's too exaggerated and isn't "a more predictable - and thus manageable" or "more meaningful weapon handling" as it was ment to be. It needs to be dialed back some. Also the side to side sway from an arm hit is, I'm sorry, absurd. It's just way way too much now. It's suppose to give a Penalty and make it Harder to aim, not be absolutely impossible to land a shot no matter what... If I get hit with an arm shot now I often just commit suicide in frustration or reload the save in sp, which gives you an idea how bad it is... It's bad..
Please dial back the overall weapon sway & the arm hit sway abit, leave the fatigue overall with the new system cause that's much better now, with crouch running not being the end all, and fatigue slowing your movement overtime. I sware it seems now when fully rested, I move faster than I use to move when fully rested (maybe just imagining that though). Either way fatigue system + , sway system -- , needs work ASAP