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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. kbbw123

    Major sound bug in all ARMA games!

    Have you updated windows yet? there is a hotfix somewhere on the microsoft site that fixes and error of the sound falling away. might be related
  2. kbbw123

    Major sound bug in all ARMA games!

    And if you right klik on it and open the output manager? is maybe a device selected as stnadard that does not have any phisical sound?
  3. kbbw123

    Major sound bug in all ARMA games!

    have you checked the windows volume control once you started the game? just alt tab and klick on the speak icon bottom right and look for arma 3 it might have muted it
  4. You can't just select a map you want for the mission. a mission is made upon a map and in order to change the map you will have to change the entire mission but putting it on another map and changing all the references to the old one towards the new one. (by example chaning the town names in by example an array in one of the many files)
  5. blastcore and jsrs are the 2 mods that are client side. the mission does not require those to run. all the other once have to be on the server. don't forget to set the commandline properly and still include the keys to the right folder.
  6. If you need help with arsenal and (I take it BIS revive) haull on me egg on ts and I'll put it in for you ;)
  7. Just create a camera over script and attach it to the tanks turret memory point.
  8. kbbw123

    Happy New Year

    Elite Warriors and Elite Warriors Hosting wishes Bohemia Interactive and every forum member a happy new year!
  9. kbbw123

    Bit of help for dedicated server

    its quite normal to not find it easily in the browser if the mission has not loaded, it usually get fixed by joining and activating the actual mission. in this mission it will also tell the server browser how to categorize your server
  10. We have a Xeon E5 cpu with 16 cores, and what we have figured out is ArmA can take a max of 4 cores. so no matter howheavy your missions are on 8 cores you will always be able to put effectivly 2 servers on it. if you have proper optimized missions you could even run them on 2 cores each giving you 4 servers on a 8 core. I would never run it as les than 2 cores though. dont forget to assign the cores to specifik servers though!
  11. We currently have a Intel Xeon E5 processor (16 cores at 2,7 GHz iirc) which runs arma 3 like a charm, all our servers have 2 core's assigned to them and our exile server runs with a stable 50 fps on the server.
  12. kbbw123

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    Fun fact awel: Did you know that parking in aachen is horrible? wel not if your an student, the city acctually give's you a parkingspot if you have a house/student quarter in aachen You can acctually use this info for smart puns in game as well ;)
  13. kbbw123

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    I allready like this guy.... he went to the school that is 10 minutes driving from me ;)
  14. Updated with download link for steam!
  15. kbbw123

    CPU 40% - Server Fps 5

    There are also diffrent factors included in here aswell. 1st. What missions are you running? There are missions that no matter how much fun are so badly optemized that its ridiculus... the server wont be able to load properly because of this. 2nd. Is it an AI based mission or a PVP mission? If it is AI based you might have a problem. most AI missions are based upon the amount of players. a normal dedicated server will start to lose major fps once the AI count goes over 140 at any given time so if you have a mission that generates 4 AI for every player with a 100 players that would be 400 AI. 3rd. Is there a loot system? Loot systems are a core of problem. yes they are very nice and allot of people use them because its awesome, ther are also very tallented people working on these loot systems. however if you have a loot system that spawns loot for individual people you will be ****** because it wil spawn loot in the area for 100 people. this is to much for any server that is not military grade ;) In allot of cases these things can be cooled down by using a Headless client.
  16. So I've acctually done allot of work on the mod. the last post I made was about the snow units well I'm now so far that I also have a desert, woodland and Multi cam version of the troops. have reworked the textures aswell. for all the photo's look at my photobucket library for my modpack! http://s502.photobucket.com/user/kbbw1/slideshow/EW%20PMC And I've also made a small trailer for the mod: I hope to be ready Q1 of 2016!
  17. Found this little buggar in the orca:
  18. kbbw123

    What Mobile Phone do you Use?

    Iphone 4S allready having that one since 2011 i think awesome phone
  19. kbbw123

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Like i stated befor is there no way to preserve the old one aswell like the standard/advanced AFM? this could be an solution for both party's. as a standard the new stamina for people who don't like the more realistic part and as advanced setting the fatigue system for us Hardcore players?
  20. kbbw123

    Eden Feature Requests

    An option to include specifik addons, Was playing around with it and could not find any of the military cargo structures AT ALL the only way for me to get a specified one was to put down one of the template bases found in group -> empty and drag the item i wanted to where i wanted oit and deleting the rest.
  21. kbbw123

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Feedback about the fatigue: 1st of really like the fatigue bar. the fact that we do not have to script one in is a plus. 2nd quite disappointing in how the new fatigue system turned out to be honest. Maybe its just because i like hardcore stuff quite a bit but the old system forced you to think how you went to the battle field. it stopped lesser smart gun an run junkies from running in with their maschinegun and Titan rocket launcher and breaking every last bit of immersion you could have in this game by turning it into cod/bf.... where by the way you still can't have a MG and RPG at the same time <.< the old system was a system where you would go as and Inf with only your gun, 6 mags, a pistol with 4 mags and a few nades and thats it (except for the AR/AT or Ammobearer) You had to use your brain a bit while playing and now its just... Oh i cant sprint.... then I'll run while stile have sniper aim on my MG! I can understand that there is allot of complaints about the old system (Damn cod kiddies!) but could you atleast like the AFM make it optional to either use the old system or the new system (oh and of coarse the script commands to force everyone on the server to that specified version) Much obliged!
  22. Found something on the PCML, Hands stiking through the tube when you fired a rocket
  23. The right mouse button is a switch seat function that they implemented. you will have an option in the scope view to enable a laser and lock onto that and hover it on the enemy's.
  24. Eggs Rangemaster and BAFX mod have LOADS of new vehicle's, You can also try Unsung from the unsung team. Also all new vehicle's in Vietnam era
  25. It looks amazing but I'm not sure if BI wil do it. 1st of the ocean we have around Altis and Stratis is not big enough for these Middle of the ocean storms (The ocean outside the map texture is not included this should be an automatic feature of there terrain builder so its not accounted for.) 2nd Tanoa will have more ocean yes but its an island formation meaning that you won't get those massive waves as island formations will break those kind of waves. so you wouldn't notice anything about them. so you will get nicer wave system yes but you cant enjoy it to the fullest.