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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. Hey IndeedPete, First of LOVE the mission. the thirst thing that came to my mind was. Where is the MP version :P seriously though. after the full release and the MANW stuf are you planningto make a mp version of it? this is like the thing i have been waiting for for MP everyday I'm looking for that one mission where i could spent DAYS on. the mission, sm's, everything is incredibly awesome oh and supported btw!
  2. I think they will make new weapons. I mean all the old weapons form A2 are avaible for the modders to port over so why would they take those weapons when they allready "released them" in a sense. no if they wan't to make something usefull for this DLC they will have to do it from scratch
  3. lets see CfgPatches can hold multiple things class CfgPatches { class merkava_rename { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Armor_F_Slammer","A3_Armor_F_T100","A3_Armor_F_Kuma"}; }; }; something like this ^ as for diffrent vehicle's you will have to get the oher vehicle's base class and root class. these can be found here in the assets page on the bis wiki. although i advise you to unpbo your addons file for the game and look up the diffrent configs for the vehicle's as they will teach you everything you wan't to know.
  4. kbbw123

    Scripting help for a novice

    this is a script that we use on our missions to kick people out of vehicle's when they try to enter a whitelisted vehicle in a seat other that the back seat. //Code is Client-side only if (isDedicated) ExitWith { false; }; //whitelist //_whitelistedvehicles = ["A10_US_EP1", "AH64D_EP1", "CH_47F_EP1", "MH60S", "UH1Y", "AH1Z", "C130J_US_EP1", "AV8B2"]; _whitelistedvehicles = [""]; //_whitelisteduid = ["123424134","134254315","134145134"]; _whitelisteduid = [""]; //idarr = []; //Get player UID _uid = 1; if (isMultiplayer) Then { _uid = getPlayerUID player; }; [player] call BIS_fnc_helicopterSeat //Request Array from server RequestArray = 0; publicVariableServer "RequestArray"; //Start loop while {true} do { if ((typeOf(vehicle player)) in _whitelistedvehicles && !((vehicle player getCargoIndex player)>=0) && _uid in _whitelisteduid Then { hint parseText "<message here>"; _vehicle = vehicle player; player action ["Eject", _vehicle]; player action ["getOut", _vehicle]; _vehicle setFuel 0; sleep 0.5; _vehicle setFuel 1; }; sleep 1; }; now we personally run a heavely modefied version of this to work with or database system so i can't remember exactly how it was but in theorie this should work
  5. Hello there, We are currently having a issue with PwS when trying to download a custom repo. all the dependensies download correct but or custom mod (That is not on PwS) is not downlaoding at all. we made the repo on sixupdater and then replaced the sixupdater:// with pws:// but as soon as i try to manully install it when looking up the repo PwS freezes and doesn't respond anymore could anyone help me on this matter? we try to host a xmas event on the 20ths of december and we need the repo to work :( Cheers, KBBW
  6. i gave it a good thought and i would have to put up: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. I remember clearly how it was when i just started playing the game and just watched those amazing carribean Ilands with amazing watefalls or the giant whale jumping out of the water. thats definetly the most awesome game i played
  7. kbbw123

    No Entry errors after AIA TP?

    Doyou have the patch for AiA TP?
  8. i stay with my statement.... the toilet has to be made :P
  9. kbbw123

    Jurassic Arma

    euhm.... yes if you mean the raptors with the feathers on the heads.... they wern't acctually male raptors... they where a diffrent species related to the raptor if i remember correct they where called Omniraptors (memory is a bit vague there) but yea after the part where they transformed to me male aswel (wich acctually happens in JP1) they will still look the same as the other one's only for the "bult" between the legs ;)
  10. kbbw123

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    I kinda like the point where they gey stuck. its like they are asking to be pedded on the head only to lure you close because once your close they can move and will attack.... clever girls
  11. just tried the original one with the SM but....... ad arival he was allready dead..... (either by the car or a raptor unsure about that) and after that the text still shows up dunno i guess raptors don't respond to setcaptive someone should make an toilethouse of JP 1.. so you can put him in there aslong as the T-rex issn't made
  12. kbbw123

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    for all the people who dont know the SWEU ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_expanded_universe#Story_eras
  13. i think you'll have to Mail Matt Lightfoot matt.lightfoot@bistudio.com as far as i know he is now responsible for all of these things
  14. make it a heavy modified mission to make it work for the clan ;) 3 slots left anyone wanna Join?
  15. kbbw123

    Assassin's Creed Victory

    Maybe they will make it as in prototype (abit) that you can jump of the roof of a building into a helicopter and tae control of it xD oh and ofcoarse there will be a hidden Silenced gun on your forarm :P
  16. kbbw123

    Assassin's Creed Victory

    Don't think they will pull that off :P Japan has to much history for that my bet would be a WW 2/1 assassins creed in 2016 (Yey running around in germany with a tomphson ^^)
  17. kbbw123

    Far Cry 4

    The best way to deal with the Eagle is to take a nice LMG/MG and spray and pray ;)
  18. hey when they can train raptors for a hunting pack I'm sure they can also teach them the human language
  19. i seem to encounter that the Raptors are running in place. making it possible for me to olmost pet them.. is that something common or just me?
  20. 0.o I'm mentioned on Armaholic I'm famous :o
  21. I think its acctually in the config viewer ingame under cfggroups if my memory is correct
  22. Het there. awesome missions. few things: There is a spelling mistake in the description. the second time you mention Pantherea park you wrote pak instead of park ;) (in mission adn in the post here) Also if you place a trigger on the Main Gate with this in it: repeatedly, activation by BLUFOR size: A = 10, B= 6 on activition: door1 = nearestObject [T1, "land_ibr_zoogate"]; door1 animate ["Dvere1", 1]; door1 animate ["Dvere2", 1] on deactivation: door1 animate ["Dvere1", 0]; door1 animate ["Dvere2", 0] you can make the gate look like in the first film ;)