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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. kbbw123

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I got a propble with HWS, it seems that each time i use my custom faction it will load everything but after 2 mins. ingame it tells me that i have to surrender and end mission.(Often whitout leaving my spot)
  2. well with such a budget you especially have to look for a good MoBo, GPU, CPU ans SSD RAM i would suggest 16 Gig. not that arma uses more than 4 but all the other ram is for any background program your using making sure that you have a wide margin when you run A3. (Go for the cheapest DDR3 brand you can find should be good enough) A powerfull power supply is needed ofcoarse for proper hardware so atleast a 1000 Watt PSU. GPU GTX 970 or higher CPU hm.... i would say for now it doesn't matter how many core's you get because ArmA 3 runs on 2 core's only atm but that might change in the future as they stated themself so a quad or 6-core with relatively high Ghz should do ust fine. maybe an proper i-7. Well i on't really know any good MoBo's but i guess one that will handle a i-7 and GTX 970 i guess ;) SSD. you will need an SSD to pu your OS and ArmA 3 on. this make's traveling wth a plane or such faster because the game can load the map quicker. an extra HDD (2TB+) to put all your video's, mods ect on I know i don't realy give product name's here but this should be a good guideline to start from to have good performance. Oh and ofcoarse look out what kind of missions/servers you join in MP because that will also affect FPS allot
  3. kbbw123

    Any ACE servers left?

    Elite Warriors ACE Domination running atm. (ACE, ACEX, ACEXUsnavy,ACEXRU,ACEXSM)
  4. didn't work still transparent. also tried the other extension in the list but still nada
  5. I like the setting. Its give's usefull thoughts for PMC like groups. and for the next game..... Lets make it a political game. instead of going in the field you stay at a desk and swear allot
  6. I have the same problem. but when trying a picture from somewhere that allready worked ingame (same config settings as the other picture) it worked ?!? both had a transparent background and both edited in GIMP 2
  7. kbbw123

    [SP] In Our Time (Campaign) v1.05

    You could fix it by using this command for the helicopter if it is Spawned with a name/ Placed in editor https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowFleeing
  8. kbbw123

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    I love that sneakpeak of the T-rex 0.o
  9. if it is completly private than there is no need for BE
  10. Copy and paste all the mods to the HDD, open PwS go to game settings change the mod directory to where you pasted them and run your game with all the mods. it should go and check that directory and recocnize the mods whitout having to redownload them
  11. kbbw123

    How does BIS treat a loyal customer?

    Posted by dwarden the last time: You really don't get it do you? Your just asking for another forum ban if you keep doing this mate
  12. http://www.elite-warriors-hosting.co.uk/ We are new but we are cheap and ofcoarse going for the 1A customer support!
  13. kbbw123

    How does BIS treat a loyal customer?

    Global banns are battle eye related not bis related that's why its being deleted you have to contact battleeye
  14. Okay linked it now to photobucket if this does not work I'm gonna cry
  15. kbbw123

    Which faction do you prefer to play as

    Well if we go for Vanilla factions i would say NATO. But otherwhise its my own EW PMC Faction because it has exactly what i want :P
  16. this was done in version 1.63 the pilot now has control of the free fyre rockets (Hydra/S-80/S-50) and i believ that in the SU-34 the pilot also has control of the cannon (I think) this is done because the hydras ect needs alining to hit so pilots can do that now themself whitout have to tell the gunner when to fire
  17. kbbw123

    France General

    I really think that this is so horrible... Not only did innocent civillians die because of this (Becaus ethey may have made comics about these things but they are stilnormal french civilians just doing their job) There are also diffrent facts. this was a Clear state act of Terror agains france and the first real terror attack in europe as far as I know since the IS attacks begun in the middle east. the second is as shown on pictures here allready newspapers don't dare to publish pictures out of terror of being killed. By doinf that we give the terrorist exactly what they want. CONTROL. its the same as what happend to Sony movie pictures. If you crumble out of fear for Terror the terrorists allrady won. I would say +1 into publushing their front covers everywhere in the newspapers, regianol folders,facebook, twitter, google+, ect. to show the terrorists out there: We wont bow for you but if you dare touch or Country,City's,Home's,Friends,Family we wont stand for it and we WILL come for you! And to back up this statement the West has to ally and start some kind of counter action against these terrorist.
  18. kbbw123

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Those sounds are just soooo......... *Passes out from excitements and hearing damage :p*
  19. I think it also depends on the NVs. i got some old school NV's at home like used in ArmA 2 and i can confirm that you cant used a scoped rifle like with an acog or shortdot wit it its just to inconvenient the way you have to hold the rifle i thin its even hard to use a aimpoint/holosight. i guess the only way to aim with hose NV's is with the laser. but the NV's from arma 3 might be diffrent because they are so small but because i havn't seen them in rl i can't say anything about them
  20. it happens sometimes that the passenger does not hop in the car but stays at the station. so it might be that he is there instead of around the car
  21. kbbw123

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    100+ player on each side thats a bit overkill for the servers mate ;)
  22. kbbw123

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    The reason people play allot of coop is: 1st. it is awesome to see full scale synergy combat going on with 100+ players 2nd. no matter how dimmwitted the AI's may be they are still a thousand times smarter and more leathfull than allot of players (Personal experience) especially when you consider there god like aiming abilety! playing a coop match is just so hard and fun at the same time that you can't compere it to PvP. its like comperaing a elefant and a giraffe. also often the servers show coop whitout it being coop its just that the coop header is rather easy. its possible tha someone plays a mission that is acctuall TvT with ai's in there and configure them to coop
  23. A merry Xmas to everyone!!! May santa be generous this year