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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. kbbw123

    [End game] is the new revive function portable?

    Wait for the next game update 1.44. revive should allow for more value's in the respawnonstart parameter. meaning that you should be able to have the gear selection at start aviable again
  2. What RH said. when I'm in VR world with the vermin the bullets go as fast as the kriss in that video. no matter what BIS doen shooting faster as your FPS allow you to is never going to happen. my tip upgrade your pc for better FPS
  3. you have to forward your ports, or use a DMZ in your router settings. there is also a new option if you host a mission but i don't know how i works as my router doesn't support it
  4. So has anyone else noticed that the copilot seat of the po-30 is just wrong? the hand of the copilot is stiking through the door.......
  5. don't use both of them at the same time. I used the addvirtualbackpackcargo on my mission and it creates the addaction for you aswell you don't have to call it using the BIS_fnc_Arsenal option. so i would think that the same happensd with the remove option. just use the [ammobox,["B_Parachute"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo;
  6. OMG no more telepathic healing wen sticking a stick in ya knee hooray!
  7. Well then. Snow units implemented aswell:
  8. Every base class you include needs an semicolom at the end class Rifle_Long_Base_F needs to be class Rifle_Long_Base_F;
  9. OMFG i'm having a hart attack! Love you guys so much xD One question though how are you gonna get the figters and laat ect flying? They are all repulsor vehicle's so normal chopper or planemodel would look just wierd.... Is it possible to make a repulsor flight model or are you jat gonna use a standard one?
  10. kbbw123

    T-14 Armata to be shown on 9th may parade

    The Armata T-14 has a 125 MM cannon. the version shown in the second clip also has an 30 MM AA gun and a 12.7x108 3 barrel minigun
  11. kbbw123

    The use of smoke nades?

    For me it did work. There was a vehicle overwatching a position i poped some smoke to mo e from co er to cover and he didn't find my position till i looked over a co er whitout smoke being infront of me got an instant headshot at that moment. I think smoke works aslong as the distance it has to cover is not that big.
  12. kbbw123

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    I've gad it working on dev branch will take a look and pm you when it still works
  13. Okay the first one looks like they implemented the corepatch mod as an addon to fix allotta errors but you will need either ACR dlc or ACR lite from now on. second one is one i also get when i disconect from a server haven't found a solution yet
  14. Its simple its like name --> perm ban on guid and ip aaaand done.
  15. try making the unit inherit the class of a soldier that acctually has those clothes and then remove the model part i believe... its not needed as the uniform model is allready defined in its parent class.
  16. kbbw123

    will the arma launcher ever be like PWS?

    Acctually the launcher detects if you workshop item is complete and uptodate or not. It wil also repair it and download the update if needed ( most of the time steam auto update's it). As for creating custom modpacks you just have to make a folder with the mods you want and link the file to the launcher. You can also make presets On the top of the launcher there should be a cog sign. In there you can put the whole bar in where the mods are located. Then it should work because the launcher looks for mods in that folder than. This also makes it possible to put multiple mods on diffrent hdd/ssd and gave them all aviable
  17. kbbw123

    [Official] Launcher Feedback

    The launcher is PERFECT allready:) Its my prime source to launch the game with mods! Far better than anyother launcher. The only thing that needs doing is proper steam support and a conection to an rpt for user made mods that refuse to put them on steam. If it had that it would be the best thing to happen to arma (#bipodz not included in the list yet :p)
  18. kbbw123

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Hey zipper5, Is there any plan to add animations to the revive system (unless added allready havn't had time to test again) and if your gonna add it is it the standard heal self animation like when you hela someone else or fix a car? Or will it be the proper treathing wounded animation?
  19. That seems to be a loadot script not working as it should. Not many loadout scripts are compatible with arsenal. Also if you put the loadout on the player init the same happens.
  20. kbbw123

    Blue Screen

    Please provide the .rpt log and what mods are you running?
  21. kbbw123

    Having issue with config.cpp

    class CfgVehicles { class HouseBase; class Land_VFL_Benghazifourpalaces: HouseBase { scope = 2; model = "VFL\VFL_Benghazifourpalaces.p3d"; displayName="Benghazifourpalaces"; VehicleClass = "Juoksuhauta"; destrType = "DestructNo"; }; };
  22. Lots of errors ingame. the complete stringtable is fubared. resume button is missing and allot of controls are missing because of it.
  23. the only thing i can think of is...... Seeying how many of those i can put into a single server untill it crashes! No starwars or halo fleet was ever so big muhahahaha!
  24. in that case i gues its possible if you make a static version aswel. just give it an useAction in the config of the weapons and then make a script that will transfer it into the static if you have the tripod and gun.
  25. Nope. The current vanilla static MG's are not once that you could fire handheld. Also don't forget that you have to carry the ammo for it (i wouldn't want to carry a HMG, tripod and 4/5 mags of 50 ammo...). Hence the reason you have to have someone with you to carry the tripod.