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About vaultraider

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  1. vaultraider

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for the clarification. I just thought it would be worth mentioning, since I noticed that happen when I tried to go back into arsenal with the folded versions in hand. Nothing game breaking, but I appreciate a better understanding of why it is the way it is, and not something that was overlooked.
  2. vaultraider

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I will take a look, I must have overlooked that post. I usually use another mod so that I can manually cycle the bolt when I am ready to do so, however with the apex update it is no longer functioning correctly so i disabled it. I am thrilled (and a bit silly for not noticing this) that there is an option now making use of this, thanks for the heads up.
  3. vaultraider

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I had a question in regards to the update for the AFRF portion. Was testing out some new additions, and I can find the added m24sws from the us pack, but I am unable to find the 'folded' variants of the ak103, 4 or 5.... unless I am missing something completely here... The ak-103, ak-103-1 and -2 are all identical, I am not sure if there is conflict on my end or perhaps something that may have been overlooked? I tried to see if anyone else posted about this, but didn't see any reference as of yet, so I thought I would mention it. Other than that, I also had a few concerns about the m24sws as after each shot, the recoil and 'animation' drastically is off target to the point where its sort of swaying me away from use from it... but using as many mods as I do, this may be a conflict issue, if nobody else notices it. Overall still loving the updates as usual :-) Thanks. FORGOT TO MENTION : Testing the ak-103 variants that are listed in the screenshot, I CAN fold the stock of the ak103 using the rhs keys, but when I go back into arsenal, it makes the weapon 'vanish' unless I fold it back to the normal ak103. Hope this helps.
  4. I already have AGM running, and it does not have a conflict, so I disabled it to test the BWmod. I originally thought it would be the BWmod, but after downloading it and trying it out to see, it doesn't seem to have a conflict for me with the HLC scopes either. I turned my AGM back on and it seems like it is still working fine even with both BWmod and AGM running. Perhaps it is another one that is causing a conflict for you. Best guess would be to disable several weapon addons at a time first, and then the rest to see if it runs without that group of weapon addons enabled. If it does work, then you know that you have the conflicting one within the group you disabled, and just test each to see which it is.
  5. I absolutely love the creations of the HLC content. I cannot wait to see what is next, they function so well and enhance game-play so much for myself. Wicked awesome video at release of the new ones too btw. Keep up the amazing work! :cool::cool: So I found what was causing myself to have the same issues as you, and it is with regards to another mod installed. The German Future Soldier System Gladius IDZ2-ES mod has a conflict with this one that ends up causing the scopes to not be seen on the weapons, yet still remain functional. I am not sure if there is another mod that conflicts, but this one definitely has and removing it fixed all my issues with the scopes.