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About fodnow

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  1. call {[this] execvm "leerkfz.sqf"; [this, 30] execvm "nuclear\geiger.sqf"}; this addaction [localize "STR_NuclearActive", "nuclear\nuclear.sqf"]; I have this script, for a nuke mod, and right now what it does is make the vehicle/object it's attached to a bomb that can be remotely detonated. Is there any way to make it so that you can attach this to a JDAM bomb of a plane, and make it detonate upon impact? Even if the detonation on impact isn't possible, I'd be fine with still having to activate it via remote. I know very little about scripting in Arma, so I signed up on here to ask. I don't know if this is the right thread to reply to, but I can't make a new thread yet, so if it isn't I'm sorry. Thanks! tl;dr What do I need to change in this script to make it attach to a JDAM bomb rather than the vehicle itself?