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About liveandletdie

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  1. liveandletdie

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    OFPS Team is currently developing it, in cooperation with benny...we are constantly rolling out new fixes and features. Got some new updates rolling out in the next few days! Check us out http://ofps.net/ Discord: https://discord.gg/HM6wYwk (best spot)
  2. First of all i gotta say THANK YOU for this mod, one of my favorite MODs for ARMA! I was wondering is there anyway to get around not using the userconfig file and still have it engage projectiles (mortars/arty/rockets)???
  3. I updated the code above with the full timer script file. The activation of the script is actually in a custom interaction menu that the user needs to open to access the arm function. I originally just tried calling the script with a exevm but it would only show on the person who triggered the arm so i switched it to the "BIS_fnc_MP" function which seemed to do the trick. From my testing every client always gets the timer and the countdown as well as the damage, its just the blast effects and mushroom that do not show consistently.
  4. In a mission i am working on i have a nuke script that is tied to a vehicle (suicide nuke truck), you walk up to the truck, select arm nuke then a global timer gets set, once timer reaches 0 the nuke script launches using the vehicle as the source. So far this is working great, but i am having some issues when in multiplayer environments. The main issue is that not everyone sees the explosion effects and it shows it randomly to different players, ie ill detonate a nuke and it will show fine on my screen, then detonate another and i will see nothing (but damage effects) and the reverse is also true, so first nuke sometimes will not be seen then arm another and it shows perfectly. This is true for all players in the area, some will see the explosion and others will not, even on the same detonation, it is very inconsistent. This seems to affect all players in the game with most people seeing the flash, explosion, damage, mushroom and the rest of effects but it just seems to be inconsistent on who sees it. I have put some of the code used to call the script below, any and all help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance! If you need to see more code let me know and ill post more of it... Action on Truck [[[_target], "Addons\nuclear\functions\fn_bombTimer.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; fn_bombTimer.sqf (only showing the part that calls detonation) private ["_time", "_object", "_target", "_nukearmtimeset", "_nukeblowset", "_time_differencem"]; cutText ["BOMB ARMED", "PLAIN DOWN"]; _time = 300; _object = _this select 0; _object setVariable ["nukearmtime", serverTime, true]; _object setVariable ["nukeblowtime", (serverTime + _time), true]; while {alive _object && _time > 0} do { _time_difference = (( _object getVariable "nukeblowtime" )- serverTime ); hintSilent format["Nuclear Detonation: \n %1", [((_time_difference)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; if (_time_difference <= 0) then { call {[_object] execvm "Addons\nuclear\detonation.sqf"}; playsound "nuke"; hint "Nuclear Detonation Successful"; }; sleep 1; }; while {!alive _object && _time > 0} do { _time_difference = (( _object getVariable "nukeblowtime" )- serverTime ); if (_time_difference > 1) then { hint "Nuclear Device Disarmed"; }; sleep 1; }; detonation.sqf private ["_object", "_xpos", "_ypos"]; _object = _this select 0; _xpos = getpos _object select 0; _ypos = getpos _object select 1; //Nuke Settings call compile preprocessfile "Addons\nuclear\config.sqf"; //Object Variables //[_object] execVM "Addons\nuclear\config1.sqf"; //Destroy Object - Truck [_object] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\destroy.sqf"; //Make Units Escape [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\escape.sqf"; //Player Quake and Dust [] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\athmo.sqf"; //Player Color and Flash [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\colorcorrection.sqf"; [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\flash.sqf"; sleep 2; //Player Ash Fall [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\ash.sqf"; //Initial Flash [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\glare.sqf"; [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\light.sqf"; //Initial Blast Effects [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\blast_1.sqs"; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\blast1.sqs"; //Mushroom - links [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\hat.sqs"; //Player volume adjust [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\ears.sqf"; //Player aperture adjust [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\aperture.sqf"; sleep 0.5; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\hatnod.sqs"; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\blast1.sqs"; //Main Damage - links if ( damage_on ) then { [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\damage.sqf"; }; //Blast Rings [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\ring1.sqs"; sleep 0.5; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\ring2.sqs"; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\blast2.sqs"; sleep 0.4; [_xpos, _ypos] exec "Addons\nuclear\script\blast3.sqs"; sleep 5; //Player Hearbeat [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\heartbeat.sqf"; sleep 60; //Nuclear Fallout [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\dust.sqf"; [_xpos, _ypos] execVM "Addons\nuclear\script\snow.sqf";
  5. liveandletdie

    Custom Map Objects Lagging Server

    @jshock, Yea that is exactly how the init is being called....right now like i said it works perfectly but it seems that the longer the mission time goes and the more players that join the lower the FPS gets. This mainly affects the server when the objects are loaded in, when they are not loaded the server fps does just fine. Ill go ahead and try the simulation disabled and see how she performs, if you or anyone else has any further ideas i would love to know any other suggestions. Thanks for the help so far!!!
  6. liveandletdie

    Custom Map Objects Lagging Server

    Im not sure on the exact object count but probably in the neighborhood of 100-200 objects, they are made on mission init, specifically the server init. I have added a few images below of some of the structures for reference. @whizter, thanks for the idea, ill try that later tonight to see if i see any improvement!
  7. I have a quick question to see if anyone has a useful solution. I recently added a bunch of custom objects to a CTI mission based on Altis, using the handy GID object placement script ( http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21924 ), new objects include a large bridge from faronaki to vikos, a new castle near telos, numerous naval water platforms and a sub pen complete with 3 subs and everything works as intended, however when loaded into a server with lots of players the server FPS drops dramatically and i am looking to see if anyone knows of a solution or a better way to add these objects to reduce server load and increase server FPS. Any and all help would be much appreciated! To add these additions i created a new file named initMapStructures.sqf and placed it within my mission, this file is simply a list of all the added objects as listed below: Init_Server.sqf: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Addons\map_structures\initMapStructures.sqf"; initMapStructures.sqf - (contains many other object like the one listed below) /*New Barracks*/ _pos = [12854.365234,9790.572266,0.0631251]; _object = createVehicle ["Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _object setDir 325; _object setPosATL _pos; /*Cargo Tower*/ _pos = [12880.53125,9810.557617,0.086236]; _object = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _object setDir 326; _object setPosATL _pos; Etc... many more other objects Ill post pictures of some of these structures soon for reference... Any and all help would be much appreciated!!
  8. liveandletdie

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Has anyone implemented rewards for destroying base structures? If so let me know...