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Everything posted by markussr1984

  1. HI, I have a lot of Items on my Map (more than 2000) I read that the Arma Engine gets Problems with more than 1000 Items, so i tryd out a little thing: - We have no performance problems on Client side - Server is Running stable with up to 100 Players with (~ 15 serverFPS) i tryed to create the Items local on Player side (createVehicleLocal) to gets a higher Server Performance and take care to not create it at server side. But the result is that the server CPU load noe is at 80 % at 50 Players an there is no way to play with 100 Players as it is Possible with Syced Items. There is the Question WHY ?? if i create the Items local the server should not know this Items but if i look into logfiles he is trying to send Network Messages to it and kant find a valid object(sure he can´t) but why he is trying it ? This Problem decreases the server performance a lot of. And i don´t understand why ?!? Can anyone tell me why this is how it is ?
  2. markussr1984

    Vehicle(Item) locality Questions

    NO, both Server have there own 1 GBit/s connection to inet and are located at my hoster. And forget HT, its useless ??? sure ??? Picture is after 3,5 hours runtime of arma server
  3. markussr1984

    Vehicle(Item) locality Questions

    upgrade the hardware ????? WTF i have running hc on a dedicated machine with i7 4x 3,6 ghz. +HT the game server is running alo running on a dedicated server with Dual Intel Xenon E5-2630v3 -------------------------------------------- and to loadout to clients: is my knowlege false ? each connectet client has to check each item on collision and mutch more and has to send out network messages is there was an event each client and server have to handle this network package and take action if required. if the client has the items local with non network option then he should less to do. yes handle collision etc he have to do. but he can ignore all network stuff -------------------------- and yes i know how to optimize scrips. i did this with the most scrips in our mission and on server. our players have with near 100 players online between 30 and 90 fps. demanding on there cpu and gpu and where they are on map. i reworked the mission and server complrtrly from public variable mp framework ( altis life default) to the new remoteexec system. that its nearby very great and very fast :) and i did mutch more optimizing i cant write detailed here. i search always about ways to do it better so i try out somethig that i think its better then the normal system. so i tryed this with createVehicleLocal, too
  4. yes i know that they have to be whitelisted but i can´t find info where i can get this. thanks for your info.
  5. markussr1984

    Vehicle(Item) locality Questions

    @R3vo I want to optimize! And search each Possible way to do that! I want to reach - More Players - And Better Performance The way to calculate Items only on Client side sounds very good for me because this should not impackt server. - I have HC (He is running most "Server Side Skripts" and i transfer the ownership of all NPCs to him. Only Skripts who have to set Variables on Objects runs from Server side because Arma doesn´t sync this sure if it get set from Client side) - I also have a Simulation manager running (for this reason i rewrote the "vehicle manager" from AgentRev(Wasteland)) and now i go serching about caching skripts and how it works ;) @davidoss Yes i know 15 fps is really not mutch, but it runs stable. To protect server again overload i have createt an server side fsm module to watch serverfps and if it goes to low then server gets locked id it goes over 15 again then it gats unlocked. ------------------------- I was just interested about the difference between createVehicle and createVehicleLocal. At the Moment i was reading about the createVehicleLocal command it sounds like an good idea to reduce server load. but i cant understand why the server gets so impacted from this. And i always aim on performance optimizing. And in Altis Life there are so lot of this who have to optimized you cant get ready. each time if i think, ok. now you have reached the best performance, i find a new hole to fill up ;)
  6. HI there, I´m using the latest perf binary 1.48 v6 but same problem with vanilla binary We upgraded your server a few Days before to an Dual E5-2630v3 Server with egnoth power for 1 Arma3 Altis Life Server on a Count of ~90 Players at (25 to 30 fps at Server) i saw that the Network traffic goes up realy high for a short time (~ 10 Secounds) this happens on undeclared situations many times (so every 5 to 10 Minutes) Netzwork traffic gets blowed up to ~200% of normal traffic and while this high traffic the Server FPS drops down to near 0 (1-9) if the high traffic is over the server goes back to 25 - 30 fps in rpt log I fount "Network Message Pending" BUT how can i stop this ? I can´t find any Network Message Problem in my Mission or Server Files. I tryed out a lot of basic.cfg values I tryed out some tbbmalloc´s (Large Page is enabled) Can anyone help me to find the issue ?
  7. HI there, I´m trying to get a Multi HC running on my Server. I want to get working 3 Headless Clients on my Server but the 2nd and 3rd always get kicked. I tryed very moch options and start Parameters i found in Web but nothig works with the current Version of Arma3 And NO, I don´t want to buy a Licence for each HC Has anybody a Idea how i can do this ???
  8. markussr1984

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Thanks. this works.
  9. markussr1984

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    HI all, I have installed a A3 dedicated server on a Windows 2008 Root Server. Now i try to get HeadlessClient running. On my Home Computer it works fine but on the Server not. If i start HC on my server it connects to the game server but a few Secounds later i get the Message "Client not responding" from my Gameserver console. I think there is left any Software installed on the server to run HC correctly. Can anybody tell my what i need to get it working ?