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Everything posted by TheConen

  1. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    According to this entry in the bugtracker (http://dev.withsix.com/issues/75789), server side modules aren't initializing properly in the current version. It's already fixed in dev version, and as two days ago an update was announced for "in a day or so", I decided to wait for the update - but as it hasn't been released until now and we would like to update our server and our repository today, I decided to ask for a hotfix. We are aware of the config changes and have already done the preparations for that.
  2. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Is it possible to get a hotfix for the server side initialization until the new update is out? We'd like to update CSE on our servers, but cannot do that with server side initialization not working...
  3. TheConen

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    CSE 0.10.0 RC1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/at0pgbpyaqtwg03/CSE_0.10.0_2.lea.addon?dl=0 ---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ---------- One question: when editing an already existing mod and extracting and analyzing the pbos, all previous entries for this mod are overwritten. Is it possible that the entries for already existing items are kept and only new items are added? Example: CSE 0.9.0 was already in LEA. I edited it, extracted and analyzed the new CSE version and had to enter the information for every item - even those which were already present in CSE 0.9. I would have preferred that LEA automatically detects: "Oh, I already know that classname, I skip it and keep the information for this classname (like description, images, factions and so on) and only add the new classnames I don't already know about." That way it would be much easier to implement updates for already existing addons in LEA, especially if they are big mods like CUP, Massi's NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons pack, BWMOD etc.
  4. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Well then, here it is: CSE 0.10.0 addon for LEA. https://www.dropbox.com/s/at0pgbpyaqtwg03/CSE_0.10.0_2.lea.addon?dl=0 With your permission, I would give this to Major_Shepard for implementing into the LEA repository. If there's anything I should change/add/remove, let me know.
  5. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    There is a known issue that server side enabled modules aren't initializing properly with the newest version. It is already fixed in dev version and a patch should be released in the next days: http://dev.withsix.com/issues/75789.
  6. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    One more question: there is an item which has the classname "cse_battery". Is that an item from the advanced interaction system, an item from the IED system (meaning it is "IED material") or something completely else? I couldn't find it in the wiki's classname list.
  7. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Thanks for the info. I am currently implementing the new CSE version into LEA and stumbled upon one isse: LEA lists me all items twice, categorized as "item" and as "magazine". They all have the same classnames, but some of them have "DISPLAY" in their description while their double hasn't. Am I correct in thinking that all CSE items are categorized as items (according to the changelog) and I don't have to include the ones categorized as magazines?
  8. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Awesome work, guys, and a really nice Santa present :). However I wasn't able to find the following classnames in the wiki: - Earplugs (which Glowbal kindly provided above, I recommend to add them to the wiki, too) - Darter replace battery Furthermore I have a few questions: what exactly does the tracker item do? Does it allow you to be tracked in BFT without having a tablet/pda and therefore accessing it? Where can I find the Fast Roping module? I wasn't able to find it under the CSE modules in editor. Or is it enabled by default?
  9. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Nah, wasn't that the rule for Santa? But talking about it, I haven't received a Santa present either - oh wait, what's that? New CSE version? With Advanced Ballistics? And fastroping? Guess I've been a good boy - looking forward to christmas :D.
  10. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Just saying... I think RHS would make a great christmas present.
  11. TheConen

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Hey guys, one question: with having IED modules to place different types of IEDs, triggermans etc., are there also some options planned to improve the defusing process and make it a bit more complex? Seeing you are open minded to other mods and actively working together with other mods developers', maybe working together with Goblin and including some parts of his EOD System (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181438-WIP-Von-Quest-Industries-E-O-D-System) would be an option.
  12. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Like I said in a few posts before: We currently don't use RHS, as we're waiting for the next patch, and we had that, too - so there is no way it can be RHS related. We don't use AGM either - what we use, is CSE and ALiVE, but as there has been no update for one of those in the last few days/weeks, I can't imagine it is related to them. It looks like a vanilla thing, but there hasn't been an ArmA update either - to be honest, I have no idea where it comes from, but I will keep an eye on it in our next event.
  13. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's not AGM related, we don't use it and we had that, too.
  14. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We noticed that, too - it doesn't seem to be RHS related, we currently don't have RHS in our repo (waiting for next patch) and had that yesterday in vanilla vehicles.
  15. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don't know anything about that, but I thought you guys might wanna know about it :)
  16. TheConen

    ASR AI 3

    The choice which modules they are using is entirely up to our mission creators - and I can't control every mission they build on if the AI Skill module is in there. There is quite a possibility it is being used, e.g. if the mission creator wants to set other AI skills than the server would set - and I just wanna know if they will clash or if they will work together. I don't care if the one overrides the other as long is the server is stable.
  17. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Maybe you guys already noticed, but in case you didn't: BI re-opened the submissions for the MANW contest as plenty of addons weren't submitted properly, RHS Escalation being one of them. This gives you the opportunity to re-submit an updated version of RHS Escalation with all the bugfixes etc. you've already discovered and fixed since your release. Submissions are reopened till 14th December. Beware: MANW submissions are being reviewed with ArmA version 1.32, meaning you might have to remove FFV/Slingloading/RotorLib from the version you will submit - however, I hope, you remove this features only in the version you submit to MANW and not the one you hopefully release for public :). All relevant information about this can be found here: http://makearmanotwar.com/news/submissions-re-opening
  18. TheConen

    ASR AI 3

    Regarding AGM AI probably doesn't work with ASR AI 3 - what about ALiVE (which has an AI Skill module, too)? Are they conflicting too or can I safely use ALiVE with ASR AI 3?
  19. Awesome map, I do have one question however: will this map ever or your future maps be independent from AIA TP? As AIA TP is quite big and we're trying to get our repository down to a reasonable size, it would be awesome to have a few true ArmA 3 maps - independent from ArmA 2 assets.
  20. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Regarding the LEA repository: Yes, I will do one, but I'm waiting for the next patch as it fixes a lot of errors, probably changes some classnames, maybe adds new content and I don't want to do it all over again.
  21. Does this mod add dependencies to the mission.sqm or does it just replace the CAF AG configs and the CAF AG dependency remains as the only dependency in mission.sqm?
  22. TheConen

    KGB No Zeus Mod

    So, it's been a week now... anything new? :D:D:D
  23. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @JimiEz It's like you read my mind, but after having gotten this answer to this question I'm not very confident we can get something like that... although I admit your formulation is a bit more advanced than mine was and states the intention behind the question more clearly.
  24. TheConen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @rzon: AGM has several compatibility issues with RHS Escalation, if you want a realism enhancing mod that works good with RHS Escalation and ALiVE, I suggest you take a look at CSE.
  25. TheConen

    KGB No Zeus Mod

    We use the #adminLogged Zeus in all of our missions so - in case something goes wrong - a server admin can always go into Zeus mode and correct it, meaning we can't give that Zeus to a specific slot as you never know which slot the admin will take and the Zeus is also a normal player in the field who can die. We get this message everytime an admin logs in with #login (as we have several admins and ArmA only allows one admin to be logged in at a time, we sometimes switch with #logout) or when the admin dies and respawns or when the admin has to rejoin for whatever reason ("Steam ticket check failed: null" for example) and it is really immersion breaking... thanks to you we could finally change that :).