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About MoLoJack

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  1. Hey Mecharius, thanks for the quick reply. Great to hear that there hopefully will be a release by the end of the week. Anxiously awaiting your release.
  2. I see this is a closed BETA. Is there an ETA or general idea how long we need to wait for this? Or is there any way to join into the closed BETA. I would love to get ahold of this to fabricate some missions for my Community.
  3. @alexboy I'm not sure if anybody else asked this but I did skim the posts in here. If I use this CRAM in a mission will the server have to have the CRAM files as well? Or will every member of my community have to have this in their addon folder?
  4. MoLoJack

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Sweet thanks Giallustio!
  5. Is there a way to spawn ammo? My Gaming community has decided to slim down our load-outs but we run out of ammo occasionally :( and if possible to spawn ammo this fix's our problems. Thanks, great Script keep up the good work. edit: I mean Just ammo by the way no gear or optics or weapons just the ammo. I have all the magazine codes I just don't know how to spawn them simce I don't see a magazine spawn group
  6. MoLoJack

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Hi, Giallustio I've been using this mod for a little while and haven't have any use in my clan missions yet for the Lift and Cargo portions but need the Fast rope capability. Is there a way to remove the portions that i don't need and still have it work? I have deleted the =BTC= Cargo/Lift folders modified the init.sqf coding to _fast_roping = execVM "=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_fast_roping_init.sqf"; and it doesn't seem to be working any help here would be great if you don't have time I understand maybe one of these nice gentlemen or women could direct me to my error?