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Capt Manni

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About Capt Manni

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  1. Here's my question regarding BAM. Given that it's a complex object, and given that it comes with no crew manning the M2s or gunners chairs on the bridge, how would one go about putting AI into those positions in the editor if that is even possible. I'm not finding any documentation regarding this via the FFAA forums, readme, or google search. Ideally I'd like to do this but I can't seem to find a way to do so myself it seems.
  2. They had it set up that way initially, and while it looked great it resulted in your aircraft being dragged backwards out of the sky most often I found. I do have two suggestions, take or leave since it's just MHO, if a script like the Taru pod-mod was built into the pelican you could hook the using the ropes using the sling load system, then winch up and attach using the pod-mod script and you would be able to carry like in the Halo games, dropping would also behave similarly. Using that you could conceivably have the extended bay troop carrier version without having a separate model also. Either that or disable the vanilla sling system entirely on the pelican and rely on a dynamic attachto script like igiload, but perhaps separate from that so you could have the option to use igiload to internally transport cargo in addition to the hypothetical stand alone script local to the pelican that would attach your desired cargo under the tail. Mods' looking good guys. Didn't see it in the patchnotes, but I'm looking forward to an updated pelican cockpit eventually. Whenever that is. :)
  3. EDIT: Yes it has been mentioned before, but I started this post before Bates had posted. I have kids. Takes time to get anything done. So I'm posting anyways. Couple observations/opinions about the WIP Pelican(s). NOTE: ALL of my testing has been with AFM enabled so without it some of the following observations may not apply. Maneuverability: It is a fair bit sluggish, I realize you're trying to simulate a pseudo fixed wing VTOL using heli physics and the way you have implemented it works well as far as I am concerned; and the secondary fact of it being necessary to have it classed as a heli instead of the 'true' vtol functions is that since they are technically classed as fixed wings sling loading does not work for fixed wing. However, at speed it banks poorly and IMHO could stand to have the ability to bank a bitmore effectively. As it stands right now it doesn't bank well at speed 150-300, and if you are performing a combat insertion or extraction in a hot(ish) LZ, evasive maneuvers, or trying to do any NAP flying you're going to have a bad time and will either crash or get shot down. If you slow down to around 60-150 the maneuverability improves, however so does your vulnerability to AA fire tenfold especially at low altitudes due to your low speed. TL;DR: Could use more ability to bank more effectively. Sling loading: Works fine until you hook, then the aircraft immediately begins flying backwards. Fast. Which is going to be the source of some problems if the pilot isn't prepared for it. Due to positioning of the sling? Config issue? AFM? A suggestion is to also see if you can add the functions of the TaruPodMod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186272-XENO-Taru-Pod-Mod feature of retracting the ropes and attaching the warthog/crate/whatever to the underside of the tail o the pelican like in halo. Conceptually that would also allow you to create a troop bay extension pod instead of having to make a whole new pelican model and be able to modify your load capabilities on the fly. Get Out Position: I think this should be moved back 1-2 meters, if the ramp is down and a character disembarks they clip with the ramp and have issues with disembarking such as getting stuck in the ramp, or becoming injured. Scroll menu: Displays open/close actions regardless of ramp position. Ramp is not openable/closeable from the exterior of the aircraft. Has option for manual fire, but no weapons; remove? Fuel Consumption: Seems a little bit too high. Landing Gear: No wheel break/wheels don't roll for grounded taxi. Engine Sound: Maybe a tad bit too loud outside, and cannot hear it inside the cockpit at all after the engines spool up completely. It feels like flying in a vacuum. Overall I really like the pelican even in its WIP state. Warthogs: Seem to want to roll over mid air if they get wheels off the ground. PhysX issue? Gausshog: Cannon didn't seem to damage buildings, sporadically would not damage other vehicles at all even with a direct hit. Damage Models: Still need implementing? Weapons: Seem fine, my only critique is of the pistol. I never noticed in HALO (spartan HUD uplink compensating for it I guess :P) that the iron sights are physically impossible to use since the upper housing that contains the optics blocks them entirely. Is there a way to create that portion as an attachment like the battle rifle's ammo feed? Or should we just learn how to use the optic as this is working as intended? Marine/Pilot armor: There is some clipping with the neck armor http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=404379936 Question: Is AGM Fast roping going to be enabled for the pelican as well? Keep up the good work!
  4. Capt Manni

    Turtle's Armory

    #HoldyourWarhorses2k15 ? Capt. :( On the upside your MV22 is getting a little more polish.
  5. Capt Manni

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Could you also add support for the JNS Skycrane's mod? Since the classnames are different than the default Taru the Bluefor version doesn't automatically inherit the functionality for your mod. Thanks for your consideration!
  6. Capt Manni

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Hey Raven, Just wanted to pop in and thank you for all the work you're putting into this mod!