Sorry to bump this very old thread.
But I`ve seen quite a few new people, just like me.
Ive wanted to comment that Ive been using SketchUp to make 3d models of buildings and is pretty simple and easy. And this tutorial from cookie, helped me get anything Ive built in SketchUp into O2.
Ive tried Blender, 3dsMax and O2, but couldnt get the gripp on them. SketchUp is simple and easy to learn.
Only issue that I have found is that it creates too many triangles (it could be me, being a beginner...) and that the textures do not get exported/imported into the game.
Any idea how I can make sure the textures goes with it, or at least a way to reapply the texture on the blender with the Sketchup Textures?