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Everything posted by Arkensor

  1. Here you go, this is an example for this eventhandler: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleDamage player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{ hint str(_this select 2); //This hints the damage taken, each time you get shot }]; What eventhandler are available, and what information is passed to the _this array, to take information from can be found as tankbuster wrote here:https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers Regards Arkensor
  2. Arkensor

    [SOLVED] remoteExec

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec Go down to the examples and have a look. There is everything you need. I dont know if you thing works, you need to test that, because you have got player reveal, not just a hint or setFuel or whatever. Normaly it is : "hello" remoteExec ["hint"]; -> Arma does that <function> <paramaters> -> which results in hint "hello" so what you try could function, however I would suggest to write a function for your reveal stuff and execute that - if your code does not work. Regards Arkensor
  3. This isn't a new thing. Look at the fmg-9. It fits into a hoodie for exmaple and is capable of doing a Mass murder. And sure, auch things are legal in the USA, and you can wear rhem in public in certian states. 'Murika
  4. Arkensor

    Texture is not correct

    You get that on every map, even on altis ... It seems to me like a render problem, more than a texutre one from your costom content
  5. Then you didn't look right. Do not go to the open applications tab, but to all running processes and look there. Everytime I get that error, arma was running there. Regards Arkensor
  6. Arkensor

    Unable to get file version size

    Well kinda bump ? Is there anybody who knows anything about this ? Regards Arkensor
  7. Hello there, my community experienced a pretty strange behavior when it comes to the amount of players, shown in the arma 3 server browser and third party server tracking sites, which work over the SteamAPI. But first things first: The default server which we base this error on has a maximum of 255 players, which is the value from the server config file. This bug does not does not exist with server's which have got =< 255 max people. You can have got 255 players online without any issue. We have tested that, and had no problems. To proove this I can provide 2 screenshots: 1) This is a server with 1 HC connected with a max of 255 players. Note: Steam does not count HC at all, which makes sense, that is why there is 0/255 2) This is a server with 1 HC connected + 1 Player (me) with a max of 255 players ========== Now this was the case that it should be. To now the critical number of 255+ in the next case 256. Again 2 screenshots: 1) This is a server with 1 HC connected with a max of 256 players. Note: Steam does not count HC at all, that is why there is 0/0. Now, this time Arma displays 256 people, Steam does not. However, Steam does not display, nothing ... It displays: MAX-Players - 256 = 0/0 To see the difference here is another screenshot 2) This is a server with 1 HC connected + 1 Player (me) with a max of 256 players This is the point where the bug appears: We have got 1 real player, and one headless client. The server browser ingame displays 2/256 - however Steam does 2 - HC = 1 / 256 - 256, which results in 1/0 To approve that the amount of the max players, has to do something with 255 look at this: 2) This is a server with 1 HC connected + 1 Player (me) with a max of 300 players The numbers can be produced like this: 1 = 2 Players - 1 HC (not getting counted from steam) / 300 - 256 = 1/44 To put it into a nutshell, it would be very helpful if you @BI Developers could either fix that strange error, or have a nice little chat with your mates at valve :) This error can be reproduced at any given time, under any given circumstances. You just need 1 dedicated server setup, and a player. As a final result, 300 people on a server results in 44/44 players, displayed in Steam and all websites and tool, which use the SteamAPI, like gametracker, arma-server rating sites etc. What we have tried: We contacted BI over the feedback tracker, which they told us to go to the steam developers (Yes we try thing one again right now). We contacted Gametracker.com staff, and other websites if they had an idea, how to fix that We contacted steam, over ALL email links ,that had anything to do with their development department. I got one email back from the costomer service, telling me that if I have got an issue with paypal, I shoud contact them. Well played steam, your support bot fails all the time. WOW. No response from any valve dev at all. Since 6 weeks, I try to reach out to anybody that could deal with that, and no one was able to help. I hope that either a community member has an idea why this happens / how to fix that or that the BI staff can contact Valve directly to resolve that with them together. That it happens with 255 + players, and then the amount is subtracted with 256 seems, like it is not random, but a max size for a steam query buffer, or a security max size. At some point in the steam api, there must be a bug, a variable that is limited to 2 ^ 8 = 256 or something like that ... If I should provide more information feel free to ask me any time. Thank you very much for reading Regards Arkensor
  8. Arkensor

    Using a Description.ext ?

    Here you go: https://dropfile.to/Rtxmc It's pretty simple though, but if it helps you :) Regards Arkensor
  9. Arkensor

    Using a Description.ext ?

    Sure. I'll Upload that again when I am home.
  10. I said it might sounds strange, how I talk about the gamemod I host... It is just the thing my community wants and the environment I develop in. I would prefer a tactic server over all life mods, since that is what i have done in ofp and arma 2, but it was a new chellange for me to get into life modding, and now I can not leave my people, just because I don't like life mods anymore. I hate life missions, well not the missions itself, but the most of the people playing it. For example we have got 150 players, that also play tactic and koth, or coop and then you hav got at least 60 mainstream steamsale kiddies and those who came in with youtubers. For example there are 2 german yotubers, casual player who played altis life, trolled the shit out of it, and had much fun. Now their viewers also join the servers, and when they find out that there is more in arma, they go and play with a tactic clan, with no knowledge about nothing, and no willing to learn arma. There is this video, that already discribed the problem we arma 2 players had with some of the dayz only players: The same is it now for arma 3. In general, there are more casual gamers, but not less tactical players, or what some people call "real arma players", and the addional ones are just a bonus. I totally agree with your opinion on this topic, and I also like the way arma is heading. Apex for example would never have been planned without this big fanbase, since the first beta days from arma 3. The topic was started with the question, why so many casual gamers join tactical clans, without the intension to stay as permanent members. I personally think that the days are over of arma just beeing that combat fans, and those 50 man tactical clans with weekly missions etc.There are still many of that, maybe more than in arma 2, but there are also many many gamers that just want to play a quick match of something, and do not integrate into a community. Some years ago, you joined a tactial clan and over 1-2 moths you were a big family. That still happens today, but often not, you have got people that you see once, and then never again, or that you do not even know the name from. I think that is the change to the community the topic creator meant. But this is not a problem from having steam, or mainstream, it is the progression of online gaming, that now takes it's impact on arma. To put it into a nutshell, there is no real problem, and everything that has come with arma 3 and the game beein on steam was just an addion to the community, not a replacement for old things. I think it will be interesting how Tanoa will impact on the the playersbase, maybe a new map will revive many clans, and more memebers will join into their old squads again, I think that is something many people would appreciate.
  11. It is an improvement for the diversity of the mods and mission, and yes many people got into arma because they have seen it on steam, and some youtubers did their part on this too, but there are some people from steam and some from the youtube followers, the typical casual gamers, who have got nothing to do with something like tactical playstyle. If you compare the kinds of people from the playerbase in arma 3 and the one from OPF or Arma 2, you will notice that there have been a lot more tactic clans, more tactic missions, and just a few casual modes like DayZ mod, and all of its submods. Yes something like takistan life was there, but it was more the hardcore arma players, wanted to make roleplay for some time, not casual gamers buying arma for that. It might sound strange, since my server is a life mod one, but I can tell, that 70% of our players, would not even remotely touch a tactic mission, nor they played the campain. They ask us: Arma has got a campain ? What ? Those people are a downside in the point of view, of many arma community members, who have been here for a longer time, and are used to play the way arma was intended. However I think, it was not the worst idea to bring arma closer to mainstream, not only because of not beein dependet on the god damn gamespy servers, but also to bring arma to more players attention. Many people joined the arma community when dayZ was released for arma 2 operation arrowhead, and now many people joined the community because of life mods, steam sales etc. I don't know if so many people would play still arma today, if there would not have been the steps BI took, and just some trollers and idiots are an acceptable downside of that.
  12. At the moment no, everything that is in BI code, gets kicked. You need to whitelist everything manually in your filters. If you use BIS_fnc_getName for example and you have got toArray in the scripts.txt the use of it will be kicked / logged, so you either have to allow toArray in that context, or not use BIS_fcn_getName. You can specify how strict the filters should be, with !="code" you can tell BE to ignore justg exaclty that string, when it goes through the engine, and with !"keyword" i could allow every use of toArray for example where name like _charArray is existing, to maybe whitelist all BI functions. You can look into the functions viewer or the BE scripts.log to find out what you need to whitelist. It would be nice though to have a BE internal whitelist of all arma functions, but I don't think that is gonna happen, since it would be a lot of work for BE just to get work off the server owners. Such things usually dont happen :) If you work 1-2 days on your BE filter and be smart, you should be good though, as it is not mucht whitelist. Just don't kick for anything, and then start to whitelist, it might be more secure, but it takes alot of more time and finetuning. Regards Arkensor
  13. Thank you very much for that explanation.Well then, it seems that we need to stay within that range. I am glad too, that it is not 128, since that would have been pretty boring. Maybe ask them to increase that limit, for something like Arma IV :D Regards Arkensor
  14. Did you try to clear the vehicle cargo ? maybe try this: _vehicle = YOUR-VEHICLE-OBJECT clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle; And look if you can still do the vehicle based actions, with that code. I am not sure, if that works, i am on my mobile, but tell me if it does not or, if not i gonna look it up from my mission when I am at home :) Regards Arkensor
  15. @lordpirmate look into your inbox :) Back to topic ... Is there really no developer from BI, or anyone who remotely feels like looking that this "problem" ? I know there might be more important things to do, that habing a look at this, but since the bugtracker is offline, we can only use the forums ... It would be nice to have some feedback. Maybe it is not a problem from Arma III at all, since the ingame server broswer is 100% correct, but then what is the problem ? Is there any developer who is in contact with Valve, who could help us ? Regards Arkensor
  16. Arkensor

    Set/Get Speciality

    You could go and use the scripting within the game, to handle the items. Put an eventhandler on the people, which let you handle the case of taking items, etc, and then handle the load via script. If the load of a person reaches an amount that you set in the scripting, go and remove the item from the person, and put it back into the supply he took it from. But yeah, a scripting command to so something like unit setMaxLoad 1000; would be a very nice thing, BI could add <3 Regards Arkensor
  17. Arkensor

    Write scripts within the game.

    I am using notepad++ since 3 1/2 years now, 2 of these with arma 2-3 with sqf support. I have got syntax highlightning and autocomplete, for a few commands, but a IDE made for arma, which gets updated with all new commands, and a description of that is doing what and stuff would be sooo great. Arma 3 features some of that, but only in the debug console ... Just for those of you, who are notepad++ fanboys like me: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/138891-arma-3-notepad-syntax-highlighting/ Regards Arkensor
  18. We are running 200+ players since 1 1/2 years now, and we increase our server performace every day, so that we were already able to play on 255 people online. Our server cps and fps are still high enough to ensure that the player's are not getting limited in their performace. The actual reason why wo do not go higher, is that people with a cheap laptop or weak gaming pc, having so many people online reults in massive drops to their fps. That is why we stick to around 225 players. However we already come up with a way to give even more space to people without any loss on performace or client fps ... And that is why we want to go over the 255 limit, to see what is possible, to max everything our, to find our the limits. We tested 255 people, and it is possible, also not only for testing, but as a permanent maxplayer count. Getting everything out of arma, is what our community loves, and we are always excited to get even more performace. But right now, we can not progress futher due to the 255 people barrier ... we could go higher, and say, well we do not care if the server displays 5/5 people, when we have got 260 online, but well that looks very stupid. It would be nice to remove that barrier, so that we could see how high we can get, and stay there. Also this topic is a bugreport / reuqest not a place where I tell stories about our performace or discuss if a arma 3 server should have that high amount of servers, so please keep things close to the issue. Regards Arkensor
  19. Arkensor

    Reporting a server for stealing content

    Well then ... you feel right, because "stealing" code is not a crime, BI does not care, because it was not your code, it was the code from the gamemode maker you took and modified a bit. No one will do anything, but have a smile when reading that ... Welcome to arma, everybody takes everything from anybody. If you are not ok with that, you shoulnd be hosting a server
  20. His tools has always been then best <3 Love them
  21. Confirmed, I can reproduce the same log
  22. @razazel you are right, when hosted via eden editor or player as server, there is nt rpt spam. However as shukari stated, this error appears on Arma 3 Vanialla, without any mods or group management systems, when you take the provided mission, start a dedicated server, and run the selected mission. Then do not go into the first slots, which also named, so that you do not join into it, but pick on of the 3 down below, and you will see the massiv, spam inside the server .rpt Regards Arkensor
  23. Well there is nothing special about AL. But Tonic messes up the group on, thats also the reason people join random in other people gangs there. As I said, you need to just delete his group system and make your own. There is nothing to do about it, it's a one big problem. Thats why we rewrite our gang system atm, with a self written, which focuses on the points I mentioned. Always have a leader, transfer leadership to other when people join and leave etc ... Either BI resolves the error, so that they handle the group leader on the engine, or we as mission creators, need to script that. But I think they won't do something like that, because actually we are doing something wrong, with creating a MP mission with a leader, and not using the leader slot. If you play a mission, you would join that slot first. Me and my tactic buddies, fight for getting into the leader slot ... so I think we just use it the wrong way. A way BI did not intend for arma at all. Still even if it is a PS, people also might want to read that :) :) Regards Arkensor
  24. Arkensor

    Removal of the 2D Editor

    You can remove the 2D editor, when you put the ID button into the Eden editor ... if not please leave it where it is :) Regards Arkensor
  25. I looked at the video, and looked into the mission you uploaded. Now this is the problem: Unit NOT_SPAWN_AS_LEADER, is forced to be the leader, as you gave him a Sergant, which is a higher rank than the other 3 people. You also connected the group towards him. This makes him the leader anyway ... Now if you join in as some of the TRY_ME_IM_NOT_A_LEADER, you are right, they are not the leader, and they cant be ... your mission does not allow it, due to rank and connection So you join in as somebody, who is not allowed to the the leader, and to not take of ther leader over a script command, which would force the unit you want to be leader ... this results in a conflict, of the game wanting to grant someone the leader, it cant, you mission does not allow it, Boom error spam So what do you have to do: When the player is setup, check the owner of the group the player is in. With this you can see who ist holding the group, ob his local machine. Next check the leader of the group, if it does not return a valid object, go and execute the player als selectLeader, to gibe him the ladership over the group. Yes it is a bit tricky, and I don't see a reason why arma did that, but it is how it is, and you can only work around, or make the mission so that the leader must be selected, however you would ike to do that ... or as I said you need to do it with scripting. A simple sulution: Make every slot without a group, so that everybody gets it's own and join a group via script ingame ... this is a workaround I used a while ago @shukari this forums are english only, please read the rules again ;) Ohter people need to be able to read this too. Regards Arkensor