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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. Hi all, is there any way to make AI units disembark from artillery like CUP_B_M252_USMC or CUP_B_M119_USMC ? I didn't find anything about that. tks.
  2. In your video, for 2nd and 3rd missions, you're still using setDamage 1 to blow up the helos. So, consider it's not my bad. You're skipping EH handleDamage and I don't want to manage that. For the first case (using a tank), I tried to reproduce that with CUP_O_Mi24_D_Dynamic_TK and CUP_B_AH64D_DL_USA, both with custom loadout and empty pylons. Using my 2nd script, the only difference with initial helo was I had to wait for reloading an aim-9L sidewinder. For now, I will not make any change on this script.
  3. pierremgi

    Mission parameters on dedicated

    Tks. Is there a way to be logged as admin, straight at start of the mission on client?
  4. And a marker with area, all boxes in area
  5. Probably already asked but important: - sort vehicles by distance (nearest to farthest) in embark menu. Make the owned one more evident. - on the same idea, sort pickable things by distance, and limit the list to ten or twenty firsts.
  6. That's because you tested it with setdamage 1 on plane. This way doesn't fire the EH handleDamage I'm using to pick all data at the right time (if not, i couldn't respawn as is when vehicle blows). So, play normally or test firing on it with a tank, a bomb or anything able to cause hit damage.
  7. Here is a little code to find the nearest item you want (here "itemGPS") on any crate, vehicle, alive or dead unit, even in bacpack inside these "containers", or simply lying on ground. I idn't tested in all situation. I limited the search inside a trigger area but it's easy to change this 2 param entry. I sorted the result for marking with a cyan 3D arrow, the nearest GPS from player (not owned by him of course). 0 = [thisTrigger,"itemGPS"] spawn { params ["_area","_item","_pos","_allStuff","_allSupplies","_container","_c",["_arrow",objNull]]; while {true} do { sleep 0.5; _allStuff = []; _allSupplies = (_area nearSupplies (triggerArea _area select 0)) - allPlayers; { _container = _x; if (_container isKindOf "CAManBase" && !alive _container) then { {if (_x == _item) then {_allStuff pushBack [player distance _container,_container]};nil} count (items _container + magazines _container + weapons _container + [backpack _container] + assignedItems _container) } else { _rab = if (_container isKindOf "CAManBase") then [{assignedItems _container},{[]}]; {if (_x == _item) then {_allStuff pushBack [player distance _container,_container]},nil} count (itemCargo _container + magazineCargo _container + weaponCargo _container +backpackCargo _container + _rab); }; if (_container isKindOf "WeaponHolder") then { { _c = _x select 1; { if (_x == _item) then {_allStuff pushBack [player distance _container, _container]}; nil } count (itemCargo _c + magazineCargo _c + weaponCargo _c); nil } count everyContainer _container; }; nil } count _allSupplies; _allStuff sort true; _nearestItem = (_allStuff select 0 select 1); if (isnull _arrow) then { _arrow = "Sign_Arrow_Cyan_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; }; _arrow setpos (getpos _nearestItem vectorAdd [0,0,1.5]); copyToClipboard str _allStuff; }; };
  8. pierremgi

    Playable groups in multiplayer

    Sure playableUnits returns all 3den playable units, except when you disable AI in lobby (MP) To recap: switchableUnits = 3den playable units in SP, returns [] in MP playableUnits = 3den playable units if not disabled in lobby, or = allPlayers (players in game, dead or alive) if you disabled all AIs in lobby. Returns [] in SP. allPlayers returns all players in game, at the moment you call this command. In MP, you can refer to a specific playable units by its name, played or not played. In specific case you disable AI in lobby, the unit and the variable name haven't any "existence" before JIP.
  9. Really? can't you adapt a little bit when you read a "count something >2" ? and when you asked for 3 boxes as example?
  10. Hi all, Just discovered that count command can return a result (sum of elements? no) for a simple "container" class. Example: count uniform player count backPack player count typeOf myCrate Sorry. Probably useless.
  11. count ((getpos thisTrigger nearObjects ["Land_PaperBox_open_full_F",200]) select {_x inArea thisTrigger}) >2
  12. Make it simple as possible. There is no "specific" item in containers, just a list of item with "data" like picture,display name, count... but no object. So, you could create a weaponholder containing your "specific item" at death of one unit. This way, you can identify this container (weaponholder) then the unique item you need.
  13. Normal "Land_PaperBox_open_full_f" is nor a vehicle (landVehicle, plane,helo, tank...) class so you need to name your objects paperbox1 for example and use paperbox1 inArea thisTrigger, if possible, or, use some other command like nearobjects.
  14. Forget thisList for objects and read what already explained: .... inArea thisTrigger
  15. pierremgi

    Arma 3 crashes only when flying

    Check the integrity of your files in Steam library, arma3, properties, local files.
  16. pierremgi

    Tracked vehicles slipping and sliding

    added realism,imho.
  17. Don't forget thisList refers to the pre-established conditions, like BLUFOR present, ANYBODY present, ANYPLAYER present, etc. So, if you filter that with vehicle class, even it's OK, that can be tricky to have 2 such repeatable triggers (different sides), activated simultaneously with one player. You can try instead: vehicles findIf { typeof _x isEqualTo "C_Offroad_01_F" && _x inArea thisTrigger} >= 0
  18. I'd rather use allowFleeing 0 and addWaypoint.
  19. pierremgi

    Do objects and items affect FPS.

    Even in an empty map, native buildings can impact FPS. Do the test to scout 360° at entry of the town. No need to add any objects. Of course, with an empty map, FPS stay at a very decent rate. Each time you can use simple objects, do it. Verify if this option is available in edited attributes. If not, you can disable simulation for some decorative non-interactive objects. Spawn active units/vehicles at the right time in your scenario.
  20. Any array starts at index 0. If you want the 1st element you refer to index 0 (array select 0). So, with 4 element arrays like your units, the last one, "B_HeavyGunner_F", will be selected by index 3 (array select 3).
  21. pierremgi

    Refill vehicle ammo

    For your Wipeout, and all vehicles with pylons, use setAmmoOnPylon to refill easily. Have a look at "see also" BIKI commands.