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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. Hi all, Perhaps you could help me. I'm stuck with this problem: I've got TFAR 0.9.8 several weeks (months) ago on TFAR server. As i don't need long range radio, I disabled the f...king auto replace backpack. So, I changed tf_no_auto_long_range_radio=0 for 1 in the userConfig\task_force_radio\radio_settings.hpp Nothing hard so far. Yesterday, I found the TFAR 0.9.8 (same version I guess) on Steam and I decided to subcribe it, for an eventual automatic update (all my other mods are already automatically updated on Steam). So, my TFAR is now from Steam at Arma launcher. But, in any basic scenario I test in 3DEN, this automatic long range radio comes back! I checked for that. My userConfig\task_force_radio\radio_settings.hpp is unchanged. I can read tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = 1. I removed all files, re subscribe... no joy. Furthermore, It seems the userconfig (radio_settings.hpp) is now totally useless... I don't know what to do to avoid removing the mod. Please help!
  2. pierremgi

    3den Enhanced

    Without speaking about the fact, you can have the same kind of reset in bare 3DEN, for Arsenal. I don't know why.
  3. pierremgi

    Smarter tanks script

    Replied on the attached link. It's just a suggestion. We could try the new disableAI behaviors. To be more precise, I'm thinking about "AutoTarget" "autoCombat" "aimingError"
  4. I seems there are some new commands since the last reply. Sorry to dig up this old post. I'm not sure alarm9k still looking for sommething on that. Just if setSkill is not sufficient, try some new disableAi behaviors.
  5. Did I miss something? place an AT unit on map, name it bob for example. in a trigger or in console: 0 = [] spawn {bob selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon bob)} doesn't work, but: 0 = [] spawn {bob selectWeapon (handGunWeapon bob)} 0 = [] spawn {bob selectWeapon (primaryWeapon bob)} work fine... On the other hand, when bob is player, that works with the launcher. Incomprehensible for me. Thanks
  6. With a little more effort, the scripts will be so heavy that the engine has no more time to run any sentence. ;) Oups a joke!
  7. pierremgi

    selectWeapon doesn't work for launcher

    Focused? Where do you read any word about your consideration in BIKI's page? How much time any writer must spill trying to use this command, (generally for the goal to obtain something different from the native engine)? So the title could be : "selectWeapon is absolutely not satisfactory for launchers". But we are discussing the sex of angels.
  8. pierremgi

    3den Enhanced

    Hi R3vo, not sure to raise a new topic but do you plan to integrate creatSimpleObject for 3den decorative compositions? I'm sure you can do that before BI :)
  9. pierremgi

    selectWeapon doesn't work for launcher

    Wow, yes! Acknowledged! Roughly, I'm not so stupid when i say it's not a real "stand-alone" command. With launcher, you need to fire (at the next line of code). Otherwise, this could be the most useless command of the game, as far as launcher are concerned! I understand the difference of behavior with primaryWeapon, handGun and secondaryWeapon. The 2 first work fine. The 3rd one is overwhelmed by a standard engine for firing infantry (why not). Finally, if you want to test thoroughly this command: - selectWeapon runs and the launcher is selected but the animation has no time (most of the time) to run before AI "decides" to switch back to its previous weapon; - selectWeapon needs extra line(s) of code to effectively switch for a launcher ready to fire, and, furthermore, this is even more significant if you want to fire a missile/rocket.
  10. pierremgi

    selectWeapon doesn't work for launcher

    Thanks to listen at me also! I slightly modified my post after tests. The fact is: bob selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon bob); doesn't work at all as intended. "stand alone" for my Frenglish means you can use it without any other line of command to see the result. Not followed by fire command for example. The probable difference with you (if you tested this command on your PC) and me, is the context: I'm testing a very basic edited mission with a player, an AT AI (enemy or friend), one or two objects like car or small items from vanilla. I'm not in a battlefield context, with multiple awareness and so on. So, my experience is not yours. I'm not arguing with the validity of yours, I'm trying to understand mine and my first interest is to know if other people can reproduce mine. You tell me there is a temporary switch rifle/launcher/rifle, but in my basic context I've never been able to reproduce it. Did you try mine? Anyway, I understand the struggle between 2 systems, but it's totally weird without enemy presence (infantry or not!), regardless the lack of documentation. I wrote my post because I think some other guys spend time to make things work as announced. And, if you read it from top to bottom, at least you have some hints to avoid heavy disappointments with a such command. Thank you for your reading and explanation. I hope thos topic will not end, like some others, by a "That's normal!" If you have time, just test what I wrote above. It's basic, vanilla reproducible, and not time expensive, on contrary of all the tests I did.
  11. Thanks commy2. I like your analysis. That means all AI units in your group, when you lead, (as far as you are leader, they are local) are also "muted". Idem for AI vehicles crews.
  12. pierremgi

    selectWeapon doesn't work for launcher

    OK, If i understand, selectWeapon is not a "stand alone" command. If you place one Rifleman (AT) in editor + the player, there is no way to script something with this command to see the AT unit switch for the NLAW (never seen the switch for launcher and switch back for rifle, my unit doesn't anything at all). Could you please try the code below, it takes 2 minutes: 0 = [] spawn {bob selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon bob)}; in any trigger or console, and tell me if different from my result ? (I verified ARMA 1.58, local cache and so on... No problem with a mod or anything else). Please try bob as the AI unit, then as the player in 3den or SP. See: Player switches for NLAW (PMCL) but not AI. But if not a "stand alone" command, how to use it? The ammo is not the problem as the launcher are already loaded for vanilla units. Add any empty truck, car, tank you want. Now, another problem (undocumented so far, if I'm right): You can fire an unguided missile on any object with: bob reveal [my_object,4]; bob doTarget my_object; bob dofire my_object; I succeed to fire an Alamut at an antibiotic box! This works also for guided missile like NLAW, but only on accurate targets like cars or trucks at least. So, selectWeapon... finally what for? It seems coupled with the "fire" command, but this couple of commands works along with a more complex environment: Try with an rifleman (AT) OPFOR (unguided Alamut), a truck (empty), a BLUFOR player as enemy presence is mandatory, player out of sight of enemy AT unit: bob reveal [my_object,4]; bob doTarget my_object; bob selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon bob); bob fire (secondaryWeapon bob); The script will work only if player fires a shot (in any direction). The enemy sound seems to awake the OPFOR which take the launcher and finally fire at the object (truck). Of course, on this statement, I tried bob setCombatMode "yellow" or even bob setCombatMode "red", with no added behavior. Player has to shoot. Sorry for this long post. If you declare that selectWeapon is not broken, it could be fine to precise in BIKI, the context and limitations. Thanks.
  13. OK, to be more precise, I tested that with 2 PC on the same room. One hosted server, one client. As far as I tried, enable sentence false worked on both PCs each time the local player with this code (enableSentences false) had to say something. We can say all machines are impacted in this way. I guess it's an intended behavior rather than a piece of luck, because it will be a non-sense to mute the player locally but not what is saying remotely :blink: . On the other end, all incoming sentences (from other players) are locally muted. So all players can hear conversations but not the local one with the code (the" local" behavior of .this command). I don't know ACE3 because,on my mind, it's a too heavy mod (not weight but behavior). It changes Arma dramatically at a point we don't know if ACE3 is not compatible with other mods of ARMA or the contrary! If so popular, it should be integrated more or less to Arma. Personally, I regret that so many topic suggest an ACE3 solution, even if efficient. I'm working on ARMA, scripting mods for vanilla. CBA doesn't interfere and no one ask me for this compatibility. ACE3 is a pain in the butt for many scripts (displays, menus) et questions about compatibilities are legions.
  14. You're right. I was trying to understand kbTell and other commands, but it's out of my scope. One "sure" thing: enableSentences is supposed to be local (EL). I tried that and, it seems you can disable the player's sentences like "out of ammo" (first good point), but also this works for all players (then I think is more a global effect than a local one). I don't know what is the behavior for incoming (listened) sentences (from other units/players). I guess you shut off these sentences also, but only locally (your PC). So, for what I try to obtain, a poor solution consists of tracking the event which could trigger this boring warning, and temporarily disable the sentences at this moment. I do that now for my backpack management in my addon and it works... as far as I know when magazines are off/in the bacpack.
  15. Is there a way to disable just a type of sentence, I mean just "out of ammo" for a unit (player), instead of all sentences with enableSentences false? Thanks
  16. pierremgi

    Automatic backpack refill with Arsenal

    Anybody has this problem.... or a solution?
  17. This sentence is just too frequent. Some mods have heavy & big magazines like 100 rnds for L7A2, but also 150 rnds for Zafir,etc. If you have just 100 rnds in weapon and 100 rnds in backpack (very heavy with L7A2 mag), you're already "out of ammo". It's probably because this sentence comes with the number of magazines instead the number of rounds. Too bad!
  18. pierremgi

    3den Enhanced

    Hi R3vo, thanks for your mod I use every time. Perhaps, you could help with this problem. I added Massi's WW2 units mod and Unsung alfa ones. Unsung comes with plenty of insignia. Recently, i removed Unsung, then starting preview, I got some error messages for missing insigna (bis_fnc_insignia doesn't find UNS_blabla...) Browsing the mission.sqm, i found that (Unsung) insignia attributes are still present even if I never specified an insignia for the units. The missing insignia seems to be the first one (by default?) of the insignia list in your mod. Thanks Pierre
  19. Hi commy2, Great thanks for your answers. I learned more here than in any other reading. The config commands are great, with a little difficulty sometimes, because other commands are waiting for a string (like "muzzle_Rot") rather than a class ( like config.bin/CfgVehicles/MRAP_02_hmg_base_F/AnimationSources/muzzle_rot) ! .The mistake is regular. I didn't success in obtaining directly your results, so I added 2 lines to pick up configName: private _config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "O_MRAP_02_F" >> "AnimationSources"; _configs = configProperties [_config, "isClass _x", true]; _strings = []; {_strings pushback _x} forEach _configs; Anyway, BIKi for configClasses command should be re-written because the description is not accurate. Your notes about hit-points are very interesting. I always asked me why an empty static weapon gets some "damage" (command) but an empty array for "getAllHitPointsDamage" (as far as hit by a 6.5 mm caliber)! LOD's are probably depending on caliber. I regret the lack of consistency between "global" damage and these "all hit points damages".
  20. pierremgi

    problem with #define macro in uniforms

    Try: "\use_police\data\" + str(##TEX##) + ".paa" or "\use_police\data\" + ##TEX## + ".paa" . Without guarantee.
  21. It does really depend on what you want to achieve. ???? The description: "Returns an array of config entries which meet criteria in condition code. Command iterates through all available config sub classes of the given config class." is wrong except if you argue "O_MRAP_02_HMG_F" is not a config class. So, why not returning all sub-classes like in config viewer? As you referred of what could be achieved, If you want to open a door on a IFRIT HMG, you can't pick it in its own sub-classes, like it's supposed to be in the description. I know there is always a "palliative" solution (often the case for ARMA!) You can find all doors in "parent" IFRIT class, then animate what you want on IFRIT HMG, but it's weird,... and difficult to automatize that in a script for any kind of vehicle. You can also browse for all possible doors of all possible "land" vehicles... then test until you'll find the good one.Yepee! "I guess you're referring to the first comment." Read just below: "_faces = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "Cfgfaces"); //same as: _faces = (configfile >> "CfgFaces") call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;" I spilled some times with that wrong remark.
  22. pierremgi

    Broken ragdolls

    Sure, this occurs even in Vanilla. Something all players use to see without mentioning. But you're right. It's not very immersive.
  23. pierremgi

    Mutli-player issue freezing

    The respawn module is sick anyway in 3DEN. You can respawn enemy units on a sided respawn module.
  24. Sure! Too many servers kick you because you don't want to use ACE. When I write a mission, first I'm in the public released version of Arma (never the dev one), second I'm trying to limit at iddle the dependencies. I'm fond of Unsung and be sure I'll use all possible vehicles of B when released, instead of any other mods, if not necessary. My question is: What mods, except Unsung of course, players fond of Viet Nam missions are ready to use for a MP scenario? I'd like to write for these players.
  25. pierremgi

    Arma 3 - Car Exploit

    Duplicating items in Vanilla Arma?... You need at least a code. So, check the code.