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Everything posted by M1ke_SK

  1. M1ke_SK

    Enhanced Movement

    ^^ this Is there way to prevent climb certain objects? E.g. set something in object to prevent from climbing on it?
  2. No mods required. It supports ACE3, so if you are using ace, cba is requirement.
  3. use trigger to set task state as I explained two posts above
  4. condition should return BOOL value, that means true or false. In your case it return null/nil as you add code with " ; " at end. Also you are using LOCAL variables (_bomb, _status) in global condition. Try to name bomb object with global name, as "bomb1" (without "") and then in condition: ! (bomb1 getVariable ["a3f_bomb_active", true]) bomb1 - is name of your bomb object true - is default condition in idle status of bomb ! - negation of status ( true is false and false is true ) - because we are waiting for bomb to have FALSE value, so when it does, condition in trigger will be TRUE and activate trigger
  5. I think in Arma 3 equivalent should be "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\smoke.p3d"
  6. this path is from Arma 2. You should find it in arma 3 and rewrite it "\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\SmokeAnim.p3d"
  7. M1ke_SK

    Civilian Presence Module

    Can confirm, only for singleplayer.
  8. M1ke_SK

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    When I change clothes of zombie (use addForceUniform), it is not moving. Will be this solved, or is there at least some workaround?
  9. I did not notice any errors on any other maps, only this one. Example: Isla duala (from IceBreakr) is fine, without error.
  10. I got error when pick abramia in editor. Abramia 1.9
  11. You have defined wrong path to functions. It should be (if folder bomb is in root of mission folder) : class CfgFunctions { #include "bomb\cfgFunctions.hpp" };
  12. Map is gorgeous, but well, you have there bullet-proof vegetation ( poppy-fields, trees ). Still waiting for that CUP integration tho.
  13. I think eventHandler run unscheduled code, so sleep will probably give error. You should use spawn inside eventhandler to have delay ( usage of sleep ) like pierremgi explained
  14. You are missing sqf file in your mission folder. Do you have folder "bomb" and all files in your mission folder?
  15. I am using BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger) for random position in trigger area. How can I get random position for marker area assuming that marker is circle/rectangle?
  16. M1ke_SK

    Landing gear of airplane

    Then report a bug, because any animationSource on F18 is returning 0 at any change.
  17. M1ke_SK

    Landing gear of airplane

    Then report a bug, because any animationSource on F18 is returning 0 at any change.
  18. M1ke_SK

    Landing gear of airplane

    Use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/animationSourcePhase to get "source" ( landing gear ) use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/animationNames another approach would be use eventHandler https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Gear second parameter (gearState) tells you if gear is up or down Home that helps and gives you direction dont forget to send love my way :D
  19. M1ke_SK

    Change unit name

    That is class name description. Not sure if you can rename it with SQF. You need to rewrite config to be able to do so ( e.g. make a config / mod ) and everybody need to download it.
  20. M1ke_SK

    Change unit name

    You need https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity
  21. No, not at the moment
  22. You can setup option with ADDON OPTIONs in main menu in Arma 3. (moved to main menu)
  23. M1ke_SK

    Targeting improvements

    Confirmed. Works as intended. I was more than 600m away. Sorry for confusion. It is clear to me now.
  24. M1ke_SK

    Targeting improvements

    Yeah, NLAW is not locking to target anymore. I am just confused as I did not notice change, but now.
  25. I am trying to create zeus and assign it to current admin logged. init.sqf fnc_zeus = { { if (isNull (getAssignedCuratorUnit _x)) then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } forEach allCurators; _curator = "curator" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _curator addCuratorAddons activatedAddons; _this assignCurator _curator; _curator addCuratorEditableObjects [vehicles,true]; _curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Man"),false]; _curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Air"),true]; _curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Ammo"),false]; _curator addEventHandler ["CuratorObjectRegistered", { _curator = _this select 0; _zeus = getAssignedCuratorUnit _curator; _uid = (getPlayerUID vehicle _zeus); _isAdmin = (serverCommandAvailable"#kick"); if (!_isAdmin) then { unassignCurator _curator; deleteVehicle _curator; }; }]; }; waitUntil {(!isNull Player) and (alive Player) and (player == player)}; [player,"fnc_zeus",false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; Here is what I want to create via script: