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About bhyatt

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  1. For the past few days when I play Arma 3 for more than 2 hours, my game begins to have extremely low fps then crash to desktop with this message: http://gyazo.com/0115fb4f64ef83af39345cdf14edf2d4 I'm not sure what is causing this because I have 16 gb of RAM and when I am playing my RAM usage never gets over 7 gb, so it is no where near out of memory. Any tips on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi, I was attempting to use the VQI HALO mod with a few friends, but for some reason they are unable to see the Jump/Load Masters and thus they are unable to participate in the jump. Any tips?
  3. bhyatt

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Am I able to utilize the fast-rope function of this mod with a human pilot and an all-human crew? As of currently I have only been able to get it to work with AI pilots and way points. Is there something I am missing? Or does this only work with AI pilots? Thanks!
  4. bhyatt

    Urban Patrol Script

    The script seems to not work when I use CAF Aggressors, is this just for me or does this script only work for CSAT forces?