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Everything posted by voiceofarma

  1. thanks for reply, I'm using 1.62 version as it's more compatible with mods, so there is no any way to hide that diary?
  2. using secop manager cause to have a section in briefings called "secops" is there any way to hide it? thanks
  3. voiceofarma

    Question regarding MBT's

    Could you please link that discussion? thanks
  4. I receive this error when try to open inventory while have revealed hlc weapon: http://dc539.4shared.com/img/tPgHNXdfba/s3/14e0664b888/2015-06-18_00003 am I doing anything wrong or missing something?
  5. I have it too, if you are using softwares like sweetfx or reshade, battleye block some of their files like dxgi.dll, so game won't start. battleye support said they are white listing them, if you still have issue, just send files that battleye is blocking to battleye service email support, until that, try to disable battleye from arma 3 launcher, oh I forgot to say that you can see what file is blocked by battleye in same arma 3 launcher under battleye menu.
  6. I have it too, if you are using softwares like sweetfx or reshade, battleye block some of their files like dxgi.dll, so game won't start. battleye support said they are white listing them, if you still have issue, just send files that battleye is blocking to battleye service email support, until that, try to disable battleye from arma 3 launcher, oh I forgot to say that you can see what file is blocked by battleye in same arma 3 launcher under battleye menu.
  7. bug: UK59 always has a flame of fire, not matter firing or not, thanks.
  8. glad to hear, going to play it again with new voice acts.
  9. voiceofarma

    [CAMP/SP] Syria: Battle for Homs

    I really love to play missions with syrian revolution title but play as syrian army side doesn't sound good to everyone. anyway thanks for time you spend on this.
  10. Both? fantastic! can't wait to see how it works, but do they fire on flying helicopters so accurate? if yes, so I think this make environment too dangerous for helicopters, doesn't?
  11. So AI will fire on hovered helicopters or even try to fire on them while flying?
  12. can you please add bell tolls to steam workshop too? thanks
  13. voiceofarma

    Arma 3 memory leak

    oh sorry, yes I had a experience of using amd athlon x64 5000+ and that was worst cpu experience I had.
  14. voiceofarma

    Arma 3 memory leak

    arma 3 and arma 2 runs great on my amd hd 7770, so arma series have no problem with amd chipsets, at least it works for me, I use even ultra settings. @bratwurste problem that you are talking about, is also annoying me on battlefield 4! after couple of playing on MP missions, ram usage increase more and more, until I have only 300 MB free! then game crash.
  15. voiceofarma

    Marksman DLC - Thank You

    DLC was great, features upgraded game, weapons were most polished weapons I saw in my whole shooter game experiences.
  16. Yes but it's also not released for a long time too! anyway thank you guys you did great job with arma 2 and hope to see first release of your arma 3 version soon. :)
  17. open steam right click on arma 2 OA click properties go to beta tab there you switch back to 1.62 but please can check after that and see is that issue with CSLA gone and tell us here? thanks
  18. You brought a good and a bad news! so CSLA is coming for arma 3? great! any more news? pics? thx
  19. I also noticed that there are many dropped backpacks around while using CSLA mod, maybe that is happening after arma 1.63 official update, as that update broke many mods and missions.
  20. I just noticed that many users aren't so excited with Marksmen DLC weapons as they think they are some fictional weapons, but most aspects of them are real, except some minor modifications in caliber, buttstock and barrel. 1- EMR-1 (arma 3) SIG 556 DMR (real life) http://www.soldierweapons.ru/Foto_6/DMR/7.jpg (139 kB) 2- MK14 (arma 3) M14 (real life) http://www.thespecialistsltd.com/files/Replica_M14b.jpg (196 kB) 3- Kir (arma 3) VSS (real life) 4- Cyrus (arma 3) Saiga 308 (real life) 5- Navid (arma 3) HK 121 (real life) http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warrior/images/2/2d/20131025185630.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141008184147&path-prefix=ru (393 kB) 6- SPMG (arma 3) LWMMG (real life)
  21. voiceofarma

    Marksmen DLC weapons in real life

    Thanks @Toysoldier, but BIS developers themselves mentioned that they inspired MAR-10 from a "Noreen Bad News" rifle, maybe that's a "Noreen Bad News" with tier 1 AR-15 barrel! they mentioned it here in: http://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-marksmen-weapons anyway as tier 1 AR-15 is more similar to MAR-10, I replaced it with real model, thank you.
  22. voiceofarma

    Marksmen DLC weapons in real life

    There were at least 3 weapons in first pictures before arma 3 alpha release, but we never saw them, so developers just build them for those pics? or they will be available for next expansion? there are also some vehicles too, like F-35 jet and etc.
  23. voiceofarma

    Marksmen DLC weapons in real life

    Great that't a complete wiki. thanks
  24. voiceofarma

    Marksmen DLC weapons in real life

    7- Mar-10 (arma 3) tier 1 AR-15 (real life)