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Everything posted by RiskPickles

  1. RiskPickles

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Yeah, it was fixed in Director's Cut, which is probably a lot better in general as a game due to changes in the boss fights (all can be killed/defeated stealthily) and removal of the piss-colour filter.
  2. RiskPickles

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Oh, I had no idea. Thanks Cpl Lib!
  3. RiskPickles

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Any chance we could get a pack for those gasmasks from the old SMA gear? Those were the best gasmasks I've seen in Arma 3.
  4. RiskPickles

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Subsonic ammo configs work, it's just that since the new suppressor updates, suppressors increase velocity, pushing HLC subsonic rounds into supersonic velocities. Toadie is releasing a fix soon. so yeah, subsonic ammo works fine.
  5. RiskPickles

    YO!NK Better Opfor FIA

    We can see from the prequel campaign that before Kerry's involvement, the FIA was opposed to the NATO presence on the island.
  6. Yo Dawg I heard yo like rails n scopes, so I put rails on yo rails so yo can scope while yo scope
  7. RiskPickles

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    ALERT: Raptors are capable of, and perfectly willing to utilise stairs and doors in order to ambush you. I tested a quick'n' dirty scenario in the editor at Ref. 209072 or thereabouts, at the Airfield Barracks. Outnumbered six to one and the last of my squad, I retreated to a balcony on the Barracks building to see if I could pick off the Raptors from safety. It worked, for half a minute, until one raptor climbed to stairs to maul me. I thought it was alright, I'll just lock down the stairs, it's a chokepoint, I'll be fine, when a raptor opens a door to my side and mauls me to death, having circled around the building, opened a door and gotten inside, climbed to the second floor, and flanked me. These Raptors are every bit as deadly and cunning as CSAT. I fear for anyone who attempts to resist. The Raptors will win, it is inevitable. TL;DR: Raptors are highly trained in MOUT tactics. Do not enter an enclosed space with Raptors in the vicinity, they use doors.
  8. A 10mm weapon at last. All of my YES. Thank you Toadie2k, you are amazing.
  9. Holy shite, that reload is the sexiest thing. :love: Now we can finally be bulldozer of Fallujah, yes? Thank you based Toadie
  10. Pictured is an mp5 with a slim handguard. In my honest opinion, the sexiest of non-10mm mp5s. Any chance of a model for this? Pretty please? :D http://www.americanspecialops.com/images/photos/special-forces/special-forces-mp5-hr.jpg Beardy McOperator is from ODA 594 iirc
  11. RiskPickles

    PG Services (PMC)

    Oh hey, good to know. Good luck with the new development! On a selfish note: any chance of seeing a business suit for the vip?
  12. RiskPickles

    UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun

    I'm having that issue too. It's rather absurd seeing the micro Uzi spewing out 12ga shells. That said, does need a fix.
  13. RiskPickles

    UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun

    This takes weapon modding to a whole new level. Thank you BlackPixxel
  14. Great Job! I Love it! I always needed a hooded uniform for some scenarios I was planning and these serve well, although some flat coloured versions of them would be great. Regardless, these textures are excellent!
  15. RiskPickles

    BWPH4273 projects

    This sounds great. I was confused at first, and thought the BD-5J was for A3. Not realising my mistake, I installed it and tried it out in editor. Try as I might, it wouldn't taxi. So idiot me decided to spawn it 5 km above ground and see if the engine activated when in the air. It did. Then I turned on afterburner. With a WOOOOOSH, I began to accelerate the remaining 4.9km towards Altis. By the time I pulled up, I had hit 979kph and rising. When I cleared the island, I was travelling at 1035 kph. I could cross the entire island in under a minute. Pretty Impressive for a microjet. My mistake turned out kinda fun I guess. Though now I do eagerly anticipate an updated version of your mod. Best of luck!
  16. This is sound mod is most excellent. Although if I were to make a suggestion on the improvement of sound quality, I would ask that there be at least an optional config to make the tank tread sound "Tankity-Tankity-Tankity-Tank" As per: http://flanaess.yuku.com/topic/5952/An-Army-Joke#.U_RRmfmSxvA (I first saw the joke on an arrse thread, but alas, I can't find the link.)
  17. RiskPickles

    UTS-15 Shotgun

    Don't worry about the timing man, your implementation of reload interruption and reloading only the shells you need have already placed this mod head and shoulders above any other shotgun available for A3. Best of luck!!
  18. Absolutely Beautiful, meshcarver. I, and, I'm sure, many others, eagerly await this mod. Your buildings are atmospheric and desolate. You imagine just walking into one and hearing a gruff 'Get out of here, Stalker!' Thank you
  19. There seems to be some sort of conflict between this mod and HLC weapons packs, causing HLC scopes to appear inside the bodies of the guns, or not at all, with the sign axis aligned with the bore axis. I first understood this to be a problem with SUD Russian weapons, but it seems that I can operate the sud_russians mod along with hlc mods with no conflict. I'm not unduly worried, but I thought that might just be worth your attention. nb, I'm not posting this in the hlc thread since a poster already brought it up there.