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Everything posted by fakemessiah

  1. fakemessiah

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hi, My friends and I have been using this mod and so far it's great, but we are experiencing a problem. Several of my friends get a very low frame rate when they play Arma 3 on the normal build, whereas it's fine on the development build. Using TFAR on the development build however, causes all the backpacks in the game (both the long-range radios added by TFAR and the vanilla backpacks) to stop working. Every time you try to spawn in or attempt to place down a unit in the editor you get the following error message: ''no entry config.bin/Cfgvehicles/B_UAV_01_backpack_F.hasDriver''. When you then try to spawn in anyway not a single class has their appropriate backpacks. The boxes which are supposed to contain the backpacks are empty, and the TFAR radio's box does not contain any long range radios. If one of us switches back to the normal build, everything is fine. It is just on the development build that the backpacks seem to magically disappear.