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h a w a i i a n

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Everything posted by h a w a i i a n

  1. h a w a i i a n

    Anyone know what Shemagh this is?

    LOL "suspicious" ...my ass. The only content I'm using that's not BI content is DaveGary's helmet with his FULL permission, I have the pm's to prove it. This shemagh I obtained, I just have a case of forgetfulness on where I got it from and "no" I don't have permission...yet, that's why I'm fishing around and asking you twat.... edited: my thread for my addon, https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172680-us-75th-rangers-wip/ which I'm %100 certain you didn't even check before your "suspicions".....lol
  2. h a w a i i a n

    Anyone know what Shemagh this is?

    Nice, thank you. I've played A2 before but I've never seen this mod.
  3. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    thanks for the reply, think I pm'd the right person about this inquiry.
  4. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    I had this stuffed in a folder and I have no idea how or where or who from I obtained it!? Is this an Arma2 or any other Arma game's model? The name on the p3d is SafetyCatch_3.p3d. I want to use this so bad, the same type/kind of shemagh setup I was searching for.
  5. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    nah, no patches. I mean mostly all of the pictures/references I've went thru we barely see any Rangers wearing patches, so no, no patches. But the US flag patches you see on my Rangers uniforms and helmets are available, if that's what you were really asking lol.....
  6. h a w a i i a n

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Can we get the option to use hiddenselectionstextures on the "g_lowprofile" goggles to re-texture. I tried back in 2014 and just today, hoping that It was updated but no It's not. Pretty please with a big fat cherry on top! EDIT: sent a pm to locklear and he said he'll get it done in main branch update 1.54.
  7. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    pcu variant of sorts yes :rolleyes:, a colour combination I admire also.
  8. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    ^^^ more High Quality photos 3 posts up
  9. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    I'm afriad I couldn't get any new vests, I tried (if anyone can hook me up,pm me). It's also fine because I really like the Raven vest in A3, looks really close to what a Ranger might wear. I just re-coloured it, I actually tried texturing it into multi cam but I couldn't get it right, I like the solid colour as is (references can back me up on that). I have tons of pictures/references and they wear a handful of variants of gear it's hard to emphasize the whole lot if you get what I mean. I was thinking about making a bunch of helmets with variant goggles/tac glasses than I had to think about the p3d file on how big the mb were and how that will effect loading time and whatever else it might effect so I just dumbed it down to 3. I "was" also going to use davegary's camelbak pack for the Rangers but it's such a low quality model that it looks....well low quality lol. But I'm just going to have to stick to the Raven vest for now I'm afraid, not going to use the platecarriers, just the raven. If I can just get a hold of Dave....
  10. h a w a i i a n

    Brain freeze on uniform config.

    I spotted a potential culprit....the semi colons ;; it's under class DEVGRU_uniform_AOR1: B_Soldier_base_F model = "\A3\characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_03.p3d";;
  11. so I have this error when I start a "preview" session in the map editor, No entry 'config.bin/CFGWeapons/PVS15_RR.sounds this is the array in my config: class PVS15_RR: NVGoggles { displayName = "PVS-15 NVG [75thRR]"; author = "Lennard"; picture = ""; model = "us_rangers\PVS15Rangers.p3d"; class ItemInfo { type = 616; hmdType = 0; uniformModel = "us_rangers\PVS15Rangers.p3d"; modelOff = "us_rangers\PVS15RangersOFF.p3d"; mass = 4; }; }; I can still "enter" the preview session after this error and see my Rangers...everything shows up correct, textures,model placement, there is even sound when I put the NVGs on and they work perfectly. What is this bufoonery of an error!? can someone explain to me how to fix this? I want to release my 75th Rangers without these kinds of errors.
  12. h a w a i i a n

    No entry 'config.bin

    fvck it I fixed it, or actually I just updated CBA, and no error.....
  13. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    in the works.....re-adjusted dave's ops-core, re-adjusted, re-textured,re blah blah....more variety ahead, more experimenting, more porting, texturing, zzZZZZ.......
  14. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    It's all good, this is a situation of "we make do with what we have", when I first started this mod I was making contact with other members and making plans in order to implement new models into this addon, than one day I just put gaming aside along with art, now I'm back to finish what i started even tho I've lost all my contacts and now I'm stuck with what I have and making do, bleh.....
  15. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    heh!? just to understand you better, you're saying that I re-textured DaveGary's *Mich helmet to look like an Ops-Core by using bump/normal maps to define the rail systems on the "Mich"!?, dude I am using DaveGary's Ops-Cores lol can't you tell in the dozens of pictures I posted!? It's the same model he's using on *his 75th Ranger's addon. There are solid definitions of the rails on his Ops-Core. The Mich I ported was just to show case, like I posted "just experimenting *porting" lolol it has nothing to do with re-texturing to look like an ops-core and nah I don't want to use that ECH, yuck! besides this doesn't look good or defined!?
  16. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    just experimenting porting DaveGary's Mich helmet, looks dope....
  17. I have this script, you think it'll help you? It's a script I used for a mission I was working on a longtime ago, but basically after you die it respawns custom gear that you put in an sqf, heres the code: init of players/units: null = [this] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'loadout1.sqf'"]; this one was for the second player: null = [this] execVM "loadout2.sqf"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'loadout2.sqf'"]; and this is the code for the sqf I put in the missions folder: loadout1.sqf waitUntil {!isNull player}; //to prevent MP / JIP issues _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeallcontainers _unit; _unit addbackpack "B_Kitbag_Base"; _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_khk"; _unit addheadgear "H_HelmetB_light"; _unit addmagazines ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 1]; //<- it is addmagazines ["string", number] or addmagazine "string"! _unit addmagazines ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 1]; _unit addweapon "arifle_MX_f"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Hamr"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit addweapon "NVGoggles"; /* you'd probably also use here: * _unit assignItem "NVGoggles"; */ if(true) exitWith{}; It's was a real simple script, I'm not sure if this still works I haven't tested it, but it's an easy try? If you want.......
  18. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    wow, I must be getting old LOL (so forgetful), so who evers reading this and still up for some Rangers, I had DaveGary's *Platecarrier Vest (*which I was asked not to use because it's someone else) with a **Camelbak (**I was told I have permission to use this) textures he gave me to use along my Ranger mod a while back when I was starting out, I was suprised to see them among some folders I was digging thru, glad I take the time being tidy.....anyway can't wait to port them ,maybe even re-texture them, it's gonna look dope. Will spread some screenshots from time to time......still I haven't seen any latest 75th Ranger mods yet, came across Dave's 75th Rangers Ranger thread but it seems he's gotten too busy to continue, for the time being I guess.
  19. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    re-textured DaveGary's helmet, actually I was just testing to see what it'll look like......look's pretty badass (if accurate!?, beats me). Think I'll add this texture to the Ranger's and add to their variety of apparel....... I also came across an "Arid MCam" texture and I'm thinking of making some Rangers with some Arid MCam later.
  20. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    was thinking of asking DaveGary on using his vest and backpack, but hmm, not too sure if he'll let me.....
  21. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Life got in the way of gaming, but I'm back....for the time being.
  22. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Yea Dave did a great job, and yes I do have pictures but I still need to do some re-colouring and what not, I'll get some pics when I get the chance :)