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Tim Doh

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About Tim Doh

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  1. What is the editor object that is called the "Spartan" on Stratis map ?
  2. Figured it out. ROTC hackers, stringing in data that perpetually sets the game to run LAOL only to use as cover for biological grey matter bullets and over watch bombings. They are people who are not comfortable unless they mess with something or a person.
  3. How do I switch the bombing mode LAOL - LOBL ? The flight models are stuck in LOAL mode. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ! 😆 LOL
  4. Arma 3 player character + ai character command is only the player character then other ai characters and groups of ai characters. Your development team ever going to include an automated ai command tier structure? Ex: Battalion, then tiered platoons, then tiered squads, then tiered teams, then tiered sections and specialists ?