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About Peguus

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  1. Peguus

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Yeah, I'd think that kind of behaviour would be accurate to T-55 family, and maybe early T-72's. From T-72B's and BM's I'd expect to steer and turn properly
  2. Peguus

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Hey Reyhard. Love the details in your work. I've noticed one issue/feature with your tracked models though; turning while moving with the tracked vehicles almost stop the vehicle, drops the speed down to 10km/h, unlike in any other tracked vehicles (arma 3 vanilla and other mods). Is this intended behaviour? Cheers, Peg
  3. Peguus

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Is there a way to disable the FCS for some tanks? The FCS is fine and all, but it conflicts heavily on the RDS Tank Pack tanks (which have a FCS of their own) and render both of them useless.
  4. Yeah, I've asked for a permission, they have not yet replied. So I'm purely asking the theory behind this.
  5. Bump to a good thread. Hello everyone. I'm new to this side of Arma. I'm trying to bring back some weapons from Arma 2 FDF Mod. I've tried the weapons with AiA and the mod in Arma 3, and here's what I was looking at: -Exterior model is fine -Optics worked (not removable but worked) -Damage of the weapon was fine -Muzzle while firing fine -Animations were fine -Magazines were fine -No sound while firing So everything was alright, BUT the weapon had no sound. So, any of you guys know how to add a firing sound to the weapon? Like add a excisting sound to it? Cheers, Peg
  6. Peguus

    Arma's Nature

    This should be added to Play With Six. Would help out alot