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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. pistol what? You must define pistol, or you might meant a string "pistol"? No idea how do you wanted to use the variable so no idea.

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    I can't, since it's in a Discord server you probably didn't joined in. It's a project from the guy(s) drebin052 mentioned, and looked for an animator to make an “asian squat” animations.

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    We know nothing about release date of any of CDLCs, but one of the CDLC is an Asian-themed, is confirmed information. Also, CSLA is rumored to be CDLC.
  4. Quite confusing. There's no assets that you might interested, since contact (which I mean optional part of the Expansion, not enoch, base part of Contact Expansion) only adds extraterrestrial things, functions and campaign. If you just need Livonia terrain, LDF faction, Promet and/or ED-1D/E UGVs and play multiplayer, just not to load contact.
  5. It uses mask texture, which is used in the blood/injured overlay, so you need to damage them.
  6. Don't forget to check difficulties also.
  7. Of course everyone can use it AFAIK.
  8. ["AfricanHead_01_sick","AfricanHead_02_sick","AfricanHead_03_sick","AsianHead_A3_01_sick","AsianHead_A3_02_sick","AsianHead_A3_03_sick","AsianHead_A3_04_sick","AsianHead_A3_05_sick","AsianHead_A3_06_sick","AsianHead_A3_07_sick","GreekHead_A3_01_sick","GreekHead_A3_02_sick","GreekHead_A3_03_sick","GreekHead_A3_04_sick","PersianHead_A3_01_sick","PersianHead_A3_02_sick","PersianHead_A3_03_sick","TanoanHead_A3_01_sick","TanoanHead_A3_02_sick","TanoanHead_A3_03_sick","TanoanHead_A3_04_sick","TanoanHead_A3_05_sick","TanoanHead_A3_06_sick","TanoanHead_A3_07_sick","TanoanHead_A3_08_sick","TanoanBossHead_sick","WhiteHead_16_sick","WhiteHead_17_sick","WhiteHead_18_sick","WhiteHead_19_sick","WhiteHead_20_sick","WhiteHead_21_sick"] Quick test: player setface "AsianHead_A3_04_sick"; player setHit ["Head",0.5] Note that, looks not all faces have proper texture for it.
  9. What exactly do you want? _ObjCar = createVehicle ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", getMarkerPos "car", ["car1", "car2"], 0, "NONE"]; _ObjCar say3D ["cars",50,1]; Why don't you take this way?
  10. POLPOX

    Speaking Clock

    I just looked your script roughly, so might wrong, but aren't _firstnum ... _fourthnum string but not scalar? Try if (_x isequalto "1") ... instead.
  11. Ever bothered to search the weapon you actually wanted to use in Arsenal? This is Arsenal Search, the MOD to search items from Arsenal list! Also, you may already noticed that I've a Ko-fi account now. If you've an extra wallet and cheer me up, bring a coffee!
  12. My stupid idea I always take is this: onEachFrame { _dist = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] distance basePos); systemChat str ((positionCameraToWorld [0,0,_dist] distance basePos)/_dist); }; Smaller number = camera center is closer. Of course try not to use onEachFrame for actual work, this is just for temporary debugging.
  13. _object enableSimulationGlobal false; There's no point to disable/enable simulation for Simple Objects //Later on, once found the position _object setPosWorld _myObjectPos; private _pos = getPosWorld _object; _pos set [2, getTerrainHeightASL _pos]; _object setPosWorld _pos; _object setDir _myDir; Why did you do this while you want to place it to the pre-defined position? _object setPosWorld _position; _object setDir _myDir; I don't see the code is correct because it's broken (as it seems, at least in the post).
  14. POLPOX

    Hint Timer?

  15. AAA = 1; 0 spawn { addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",{AAA = AAA + 1; removeMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",_thisEventHandler]}]; _frameNow = diag_frameno; waitUntil {diag_frameno != _frameNow}; AAA = AAA/2; }; Something like this?
  16. this move (targetwaypoint getPos [random 10, random 360])
  17. POLPOX

    WaitUntil and a variable.

    The condition will be fulfilled as soon as you started the mission, so would fit but isn't that what you want?
  18. POLPOX

    WaitUntil and a variable.

    I use waitUntil {time != 0}; for the purpose. (I know this is a dumb thing though) Also, checking boolean (true/false) never requires operators.
  19. POLPOX

    WaitUntil and a variable.

    Depends on what exactly you wanted to do. I see nothing about things you wanted to do. Every codes in this topic are completely useless though.
  20. Thanks Dedmen, so basically it's the same thing with the thing that written in rpt file, isn't it? Also, what's the difference between isAvailable and isOwned? Available in-game (unlike Maps, Soundtracks or Tactical Guide) vs purchased on Steam?
  21. Can some of the devs explain what are the return values of getAssetDLCInfo stand for? I wanted to write the info to BIKI.
  22. POLPOX

    Changing Vehicles Colour

    Here's what you need to read: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Procedural_Textures#color The correct one is "#(argb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,1)"
  23. POLPOX

    Trigger Bug?

    That's an array. Long story short, params["_civList"]; in your script picks the first element of the array, which is thislist. That's why it won't work, so use beno_83au's either solution.
  24. POLPOX

    Trigger Bug?

    What do you mean? That's just an empty array.
  25. In this case switchMove is the correct command to use, but looks like just an animation-side problem. The animation isn't correctly mapped/signed to move, so can't move. EDIT: Correction, it's working, yet somehow not for AIs.