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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. I have good news and bad news, which do you want first? Good News: Bad News:

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    No, no, I mean editor, placeable object not a weapon that actually fires. I want these objects to make maintenance screenshots cooler.

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    So... where are they?
  4. I can't say where is the soon™ but at least I can say it: I'm on it.
  5. why the heck I missed this solution for a few years...
  6. Yes. it should be. Hmmmm... I have no idea but one thing that I think suspicious is createVehicleLocal. I don't know how it behave in MP but think is correct, it cause the issue.
  7. I can't believe that they created the trailer without fix this problem.
  8. Unfortunately, no. Even the latest Dev-Branch! What is going on, BI?

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    I found a issue... but I don't know should I post ticket to the feedback, so I post here... I place a defense system next to another defense system on a USS Freedom, and I approach them in an OPFOR helicopter, these systems will opens fire but they won't holds fire when another defense systems or USS Freedom itself are in its line of fire. So result will be blue-on-blue, or if it is a SAM, its missile will explode immediately after fire so self-destruct. (pic1, pic2) I know the issues are not a characteristic for the defense systems but... this is silly.
  10. POLPOX

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    i place this in init.sqf. note: USS Freedom is still WIP so classNames or positions may change.
  11. POLPOX

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    here is my solution: _data = [ ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_GEO_1_F",[-15,105,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_GEO_2_F",[15,105,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_GEO_1_F",[-25,60,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_GEO_2_F",[25,60,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_GEO_1_F",[-25,17,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_GEO_2_F",[25,17,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_GEO_1_F",[-25,-28,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_GEO_2_F",[25,-28,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_GEO_1_F",[-25,-75,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_GEO_2_F",[25,-75,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_GEO_1_F",[-25,-120,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_GEO_2_F",[25,-120,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_GEO_1_F",[-25,-165,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_GEO_2_F",[25,-165,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_01_F",[-0,162,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_02_F",[-0,140,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_F",[-0,105,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_F",[-0,60,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_F",[-0,17,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_F",[-0,-28,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F",[-0,-75,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_F",[-0,-120,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_F",[-0,-165,0]], ["Land_Carrier_01_island_01_F",[30,-110,23.5]], ["Land_Carrier_01_island_02_F",[30,-110,23.5]], ["Land_Carrier_01_island_03_F",[45,-110,0]], ["DynamicAirport_01_F",[-0.413116,1.14539,23.695]] ] ; { _x params ["_class","_pos"] ; _part = createSimpleObject [_class,[0,0,0]] ; _part attachTo [<OBJECT NAME HERE>,_pos vectorAdd [0,0,-2]] ; _part setDir 180 ; } forEach _data ;
  12. POLPOX

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Nice addition... but I feel little disappointed about UH-80. If they can fold their rotors, I can little more happy.
  13. This feature is pretty fun and useful for content creators. Is there any chance for add External Fuel Tank? I want see jettisoning tanks.
  14. POLPOX

    New carrier

    As Greenfist said USS Freedom is not out yet but here are possibly classNames from BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init. "Land_Carrier_01_hull_01_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_02_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_F" "Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_F" "Land_Carrier_01_island_01_F" "Land_Carrier_01_island_02_F" Just keep it mind: this is still WIP.
  15. I guess hpR is not defined outside the switch. Use private or define hpR(like hpR = 0;) before the switch should do.
  16. And if you change the active window (with Alt+Tab) and active the game again, the hidden particles appear again. WTF BI? I want make custom particles like snows, sparks of fire etc. Please!
  17. I forgot to subscribe the topic... silly mistake. Yeah I thought it was only for me but looks like there are many of players are playing with this problem. Another video:
  18. Random, random, hmm. I guess the problem is caused by ran on every machine. So I modded the script bit. I have no idea the problem was fixed - if you'd be so kind, please test it? URL REMOVED. I WON'T ACCEPT YOUR REQUEST. STOP BOTHERING ME.
  19. I didn't say so! But honestly - yes. At least I efforts with BIS_fnc_MP but I am not good with MP. I guess the problem is failed to initialization or attach (failed to create or teleport the logic?) - I will efforts with solve this problem - can you report more e.g. is there any reproducibility? If so what is the arguments? Any MODs? Anyway - thanks to your report.
  20. I have no idea - especially it is a MP game - what is going on. Is there any MODs? I am not sure but maybe there are a thing that overwrite scripts.
  21. POLPOX

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Nice! Green camo and black armors are so cool, if there are russian voices, more cool!
  22. It's done. I'm sorry but I think I don't know how to add subscriber so here it is: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123982
  23. I am creating post for Feedback Tracker - I can't believe it, there are tooooooooooo many than I imagine... Maybe I can post it today or tomorrow.
  24. You mean Post-Process effect? DynamicBlur will do for you.