Hi, I am having this horrid issue I know others are having, although few it seems. I am experiencing in Singleplayer, not even Multiplayer 30-40 fps. http://puu.sh/cFHqj/9b324ec86b.jpg (373 kB)
I have seen videos and streams where people using a single outdated AMD Gpu can achieve a stable 60 fps.
What can I do to fix this? I have followed all the guides I could find, and nothing.
Both the CPU and the GPU seem to not be taxed fully under load?
Is it to do with my HDD? It is a Seagate 7200 RPM 1Tb drive?
This is with the following
Cpu- Amd 8350 Oc'd 4.5 Ghz
Gpu 1- Gtx 780 3gb
Gpu 2- Gtx 780 3gb
Windows 7 SP 1
Mobo- MSI 990FXA-GD65
RAM- G. Skill 16Gb 1600 Mhz