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About vulkans

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  1. vulkans

    RH Pistol pack

    Whoa there, It in no way edits any of the JSRS base classes, it only defines a jsrs_soundeffect entry for each of the RH pistol classes which I was under the impression that anyone could freely do. Is this really not allowed? I also wrote the configuration file from scratch, it's not derived from anything. I more or less posted it in response to the 2 people that were asking for it as a friendly gesture. If it's truly a problem, I'll surely remove the pbo from my end.
  2. vulkans

    RH Pistol pack

    Quick JSRS2 patch I made for myself to add distance and indoor effects to the pistols, figured I'd put it up for anyone that would like to use it. I replaced some of the weaker sounding .45 sounds with either the 4-Five ones from the JSRS2 pack or with better sounding ones from the RH pack itself, I also wanted to replace the firing sound for the Taurus Tracker but haven't gotten around to finding a better sounding one yet. Other than that, it's still using the default RH sounds as I figured most of them were pretty good to begin with. dropbox.com/s/ej9xc27ws4h6vja/rh_de_jsrs.pbo