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Everything posted by PaterPruts

  1. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Finished already haha, what a game! I think I've been lucky from the start! More details later because f got to go but I like it very much!! Edit: I was lucky with the place of the body and the intel I gathered. Also found very quickly a good armored vehicle and I put down 17 men. I've spend the most time in gathering equipment (I got titan launcher with many projectiles ex...) witch turned out I did not need because 5 min later I found body. After that I did not recieve cals anymore so did not now where to go looking for the strongholds (as I did not have had this call yet). But every thing seems to work fine and smooth. There was only one corps of witch I could not take his equipment. I could open his inventory but everything I wanted to take vanished... (due to cashing??). It was from a corpse of ambient combat. And another corps I could not even open his inventory (it only opens for about 0.1sec and closes again) If there was just a little bit of voice acting like ... " nah, he's not here" or "wow, look what I found here" or "That's nice" .. that would do very much about ambient and immersion. I like very much the chapel/church markers now. Nice work. I'm looking forward to play some more later.
  2. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Oh yes! Great it is out! I was just going to start a new one right now. Thx
  3. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thx, I was probably just lucky then this mission because I just finished the mission (found body and brought to the boat) but saw no gunship. I realy love the mod! Great work. I'm going to start a new one :)
  4. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I did read on this forum that TPW mod - air module is safe to use but in my case I haven't seen the shopper with this module enabled! I see many shoppers but they are all from TPW. Yesterday I played 1.87 without TPW - air module and I saw the shopper of Pelgrimage a copple of times coming to check the situation.. So I'm not so shure if it is ok to play with TPW - air module! .. Or could it be something else?
  5. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Ha, I didn't saw you replied already! I changed my post in the meantime, no need to post to much unnessacery things before beeing shure I thought. Your support is much apreciated! I'll bee very specific next time :) And indeed, there is a lack of selling options most of the time. Probably exactly as you say but now I understand why and how. And the dragging the waypoints over each other is good to know. Very simple actually
  6. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Yes I know, that's what this mod makes so interesting. You need to learn it play but then you probably can have hours and hours of fun! Now I started 1.88 with settings like you two mentioned and it's very interesting. Figuring out some strategy to complete the puzzle most efficiently. Is there a thread to post or to read about known bugs for the 1.88? Also, wondering long time now, I don't understand why we can't delete the waypoints easily. When you click shift+map you make a route. If you don't hit the waypoints you can't delete them?
  7. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    @Rydygier. Thx for the explanation, the examples you use are very usefull! I'm not looking for the "constant action" mission right now so I'm quiet shure this mod of yours is what I'm looking for. @Rydygier @alky_lee. I'm going to start the beta version now with different settings. I guess that I need a copple of tryouts to find the right challenge.
  8. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    So I need a little advise. 've been playing for 3-4 hours and I feel like missing something. I started the game with the default settings. In most places there is no resistance. I found an armored vehicle and have been driving arround 8km with nothing going on. I encountered 3 or 4 times some ennemies. It feels like I just have to run and drive arround... Is that normal? If it is normal I can probably just change the startup settings for an other gameplay. Any advice? thx
  9. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Intersting list of mod's. I now add weapon resting and bhc map contour! Thx
  10. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Oh, that I did read in the pdf but didn't realize it was this what he was talking about! Thanks for the answer!!
  11. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello guys, nice mod!! I read Pelgrimage guide (pdf) but can't find it. Neather googling.. I don't know if I understand it well. I think I just bought a car for 1200ff and it should be within 100m ... ? I can't find it? Wondering what the answer will be :)
  12. I tried to find an answer in on the last pages but nothing said about a bug in the "car chasing" mission. I can't retrieve the money.. When I chase down the car there is one guy in (driver) and he doesn't have the money. The other guy stays at the stadium but he also does not have the money. I guess something is going wrong there? .. where should i retrieve de money from, the guys? or is it in the car? And if the car arrives at the destignation, shout the mission fail? ... because it doesn't. The driver stays in the car with the engine running but I can't find any money nowhere around (afhter killing them all)...
  13. Thx for the answer. Really nice job so far. (I'm not far yet :)) but I love it. Thumbs up
  14. Just started this one. Looks promising. I like the concept very much! But.. I'm really confused about the colors??? ...?? Has it been touched? I have an overall pink feeling. Very strange. I went into the official campaign to camp maxwell and there it feels fine. When I start the first mission "missing girl" or something like that I still have the same feeling. It feels like I want to turn the brigtness of my screen down. I've never ever had this strange thing before. ... Ather restarting the mission it started raining and that also felt different then other missions. More a apocalypse feeling than a realistic one.. Any ideas or is this intentional? haha, found it.. why is this color filter included?
  15. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Is it possible to check the history of displayed messages? I mean, I think in arma 2 or operation flashpoint it was possible to go and check the history of what has been said before but I can't find it in Arma 3? So does anybody know if it is possible to check the history of conversation and/or the history of messages displayed in the middle of the screen? .. because I missed a message about trails and now I don't know wich direction to start looking...
  16. PaterPruts

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Keep up the good work.
  17. PaterPruts

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    Any details on this? I can't find it. I loved the campaign. Wan't to finish it but I don't wan't to finish it in frustration.. EDIT: it's ok. Finished it. It was nice.
  18. PaterPruts

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    As it is using a lot of scripts I can imagine it could get stuck at some point, generating some errors that have nothing to do with sound... making some other scripts not working well or what ever. I don't know it that sounds logic at all but as a non modder I can imagine it is possible :)
  19. PaterPruts

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    I just got the tip to dissable JSRS because it could cause "conflicts" with DUWS and other missions.. I've always used JSRS from the day I discovered it, it's just to good!! I'm not shure what kind of conflicts they are talking about.. anybody nows? I don't want to dissable JSRS but would like to know what can go wrong in missions when playing with this mod.
  20. PaterPruts

    ASR AI 3

    I guess there is no problem in using this along with AImenu? First time I try out an AI mod (operation flashpoint, ArmA 2 co and now ArmA 3), first glanse looks good! Thx
  21. PaterPruts

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Yes it probably is something flying around close but it's always mono and in the center, no directional. @LordJarhead: I'll try to be more specefic soon, need to test exactly.
  22. PaterPruts

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    verry nice! I'm just wondering about one sound I can't place very well. It's always in the center - mono and is of bullets flying or something. I'm wondering if this sounds is suposed to be there and if it is suposed to be in mono. It seems like all the other sounds comes from some direction but this one not! Anyone understand what I'm talking about or do I need to be more specific?
  23. PaterPruts

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    whoop whoop, then it is party time!! I'll try it right away :p
  24. PaterPruts

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Wonderfull! I've been using it some time now. Thanks for all the work I you had to put in this, realy apreciated!! I have been reading this post to see if it is normal that I could not find out from where someone was shooting at close distance... it seems that this would be fixed?? I'm running a version that I got a copple of months ago (Jsrs2.0 ver 1.0001). and I'm downloading Jsrs2.1 now. So if installed then this problem would be fixed? Besides putting audio channels to 128 nothing else has to be done? Thanks
  25. Is there a work arround or something I can try to make the shift-1 work again when afther some time it stops working? It happens in WLS and in WLA (didn't test WLA much lately). WLS seems to be running verry fine but the shift-1 problem happens very early in game.