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Everything posted by PaterPruts

  1. PaterPruts

    1988 - Return of The Red Star Redux | RELEASE

    I do appreciate very much when people make mission and try to make the best of it. The beginning was very good. No voice action, thats ok. The missions are more important. EDIT: First mission, the atmossphere was very nice. Nice sunset, nice roat. It was realy great. The only thing I did not like was that I had to sit next to the driver insteat of driving myself (it was a long ride) Second mission, my squad could not reach the destination I was (extraction point). Don't know why Maybe the fence? Good luck making missions!
  2. Is it possible to make changes in the save files? I've been playing the resistance campaign (original game with no addons) but I lost my progress. So I would like to add some gear (PK, NV goggles, SDV) and I would like to add experience to my squad so I can continue where I left of.. So I can unlock the missions from the menu. Edit some files (but I'm not shure wich) and get on? That would be great. Or if someone can send me save files? Thx!
  3. I've been replaying Resistance in the standard game (ver 1.99 or something like that with no addons). Now I lost all the savegames of the game and I don't want to start all over, I was near the end of Resistance campaign. I dit well I think. Got a lot of nice weapons en NV goggles and stuf like that. Now I'm looking for someone who can send me his savegame so I don't have to start over. I used a copy of the RESISTANCE.SQC file but It doesn't seems to contain data over gathered weapons and combat experience of the team? Where is the info about gathered weapons and the experience of the team written? Is it in the savegame or somewhere else? Can I open that file and make changes my self?
  4. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Great thanks! I had some very nice gaming time playing those missions. I have to quit now for some time. Cheers!
  5. Thanks for checking it out. I still do have error messages but I'm shure it is mod related then. I use cba_a3. But it is not your concern. When I play Arma it is Pilgrimage, wich takes up to 6-7 hours so weather mod sounds great.
  6. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Playing the major-stiffy Malden version now. Had a great time so far!! Thanks. But I think the body is lost somewhere inside a rock or something. I'm at a churche where the stomper was but there is no sign of the body and the game does not save and does not put a cross over the churche! Is there a way to cheat and get the body back?
  7. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Great! Looking forward to it!
  8. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Another question. In the beginning of Pilgrimage there was a mod called dynamic weather, wich would be very nice in this mission but id does not work (anymore). I can't realy find other mods doing this. I did find something but I don't understand how to make it work. Sombody knows about a nice weather mod? Would love it! Starting Malden now :-) Cheers
  9. No problem. As I read above it might be cba. But even with no mods installed I don't have an option menu or weather machine in the map view...
  10. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I started Malden yesterday and picked major-stiffy lasted version but this doesn't wanted to start. I had the options menu and then it loads everything but would not actually start. Did not test more so thats all info I have for now. Alky_lee version had no problems for me and it great to see only a few churches crossed of when gathering intell. Thank you guys!
  11. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Superb, I'll try it out soon! @alky_lee, a quick test mission? In 9 hours :-) ... and only 4 reverts. Thumbs up!
  12. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Ok, I like Malden but will have a look at those other small islands then!
  13. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I've played the Malden map by alky_lee and am playing it now by major-stiffy but finding the body go's fast. When I got intell about places where it he is not (when places are exluded) about 1/3 of the map get's excluded. That in combination with a point in the right direction brings me to the body real fast. Is this intentional? When I played the Tanoa version only one or 2 places would be excluded on getting the intell. Thanks
  14. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    @alky_lee & pvt. partz Super information. Thanks for the details. I got the new TPW now, didn't know it was there. What I can share is that I'm using some modules of ACE and I think it works flawless now. It's this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1186318708&searchtext=ace. it's half the original ACE and without medical system. I added 3 pbo's form the original ACE: maps - maps gestiure and reload, it ads some little nice immersion. You can jump with it and the AI is better it seems. You have also the interacion menu and can combine magazines. I guess it changes gun sway also... The mod immerse is also very good in my opinion. And ofcourse, JSRS! Playing Malden now, for the first time. Your version alky_lee. Cheers
  15. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thanks. TPW I know, it has been there from the beginning. Incognito and unlocked uniforms also. Now I added RHS , very nice for the Pilgrimage RHS versions!! Love it. But I was looking to have a little more gamechanging stuff so I'm experimenting with ACE now. I found a lite version without explanation but the pbo's look's good and the game runs nice for now! I also use "immersion", very nice little thing. I used asr AI also but did not know about that chopper so thanks for the heads up. Nice thing about ace seems to be the module of ai, for now I think I like it!
  16. PaterPruts

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    This is real nice topic! Thanks for all the work guys! I only play Pilgrimage, great. But I'm realy wondering wich mods you you guys like to use?
  17. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I did remove about 20 pbo's on good luck (only the one's wich gave me no message of dependency) and I just got a small succesfull playthrough! Did have to reload 10 times without any issue. I know about memory leaks but I never had any issue with that. I've played arma intensivly the last time and I just got into this problem with loading times afther installing ACE... so I guess it has to be mod related! Or page file properties? Don't know what that is.. I'll play a bit more to test :) .... and to play, ofcourse :) I'll keep you posted. If there is any advice on other mod's to play with (exept the one's mentioned by Rydygier). Always welcome!
  18. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Ok, so did you play Pilgrimage with ACE? What mod's do you play now with? I'm trying your method right now, thanks! ACE is indeed very heavy and a lot of pbo's so it will take ages to test them all! Also because it is afther some time in game it starts to happen. Yesterday I thought it was solved and was verry happy :) but afther some time in game I saw it was not ok :( I will remove some pbo's on good luck! Maybe I will just remove ACE but it would be nice to have a little change in gameplay with some quality mods. Any tips in great mod's for Pelgrimage?
  19. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I've have tryied to find info on this issue but it seems that ACE is causing me very long load (and save) times playing Pilgrimage. Actually, I only play Pilgrimage, never had any issue before (without ACE). With long load times I mean 5 min or more... ! (running i7 core and SSD). I'm experimenting now with the non steam version and without RHS and there compatibility mods. Seems better but I will only be shure afther some in game time. Not shure if it is the RHS combination or the steam version or whathever combination. It take ages to find out! Any help?
  20. Hello, I've been trying to find a way to get it to work but I get error messages. With version 2 it says: "watcher.sql" not found and with previous versions it says something else not found, don't remember what it was but it was something the same. I don't understand why, and I don't understand why I can't find anything on the internet about this? Thanks
  21. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thank you very much for your answer! Exactly was I was looking. No more running arround without knowing what to look for! It where patrols then, thats for shure because I encoutered them. Cheers.
  22. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thanks, that's already very good to know. And when I first see the trail going some direction, how far should one go looking then? Yesterday I went more than 2-3 km's and then came back. When I came back I got another message about a trail, this time in an other direction, I suppose those 2 messages are for the same camp? Strange thing is that I got 4 messages that way narrowing out the place but even then I never got a message about smoke.. and I never found a camp. What is a suitable place for a camp in this game?
  23. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hello, Can I find detailed info on how to find those hidden camps? I've just spend some hours to follow the trails but never found a camp... ! I'm not shure how far I should be looking for those camps. Once I hade 4 different reports of a trail. I thought they would give me the exact location but even then I did not find it... 2 Years ago I played this one, I remeber it was not easy to find a camp but just now I spend about 5 hours finding one and did not succeed sow any advice would be great! Thanks
  24. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Sounds complicated for the casual player but very interesting for those who want's to spend some time in learning Pilgrimage and reading the manual.. When you finish the mod it would be a good idea to update the pdf. manual with clear and good explanations and examples! - So killing bad guys will gain fame for the player. This is good for getting intel from the civilians, correct? Who are the bad guys? All enemies? And where do I have to kill them - When I kill bad guys in the north of the map, in the middle of nowhere, will it give me fame in the south? Do I have to be near a city while killing bad guys to gain fame? Those are early game questions I guess. I had about 6 play through so far and each game about 3 - 8 hours of gaming but I never even noticed something about civilians. Is there a way to check out the fame or infame? And to know what it does do?
  25. PaterPruts

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    whahahaha, nice!