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Everything posted by ruPal

  1. Some errors: and Also I found that in VR Arsenal items from category "Glasses" duplicates in category "Night Vision". Probably you can wear the same items both in Glasses and Night Visions slots, may cause visual glitch.
  2. ruPal


    Oh :butbut: Sorry then. Btw, is it compatible with multiplayer?
  3. ruPal


    Well, it is not actually on chest http://i.imgur.com/P0mhuzB.png If it is possible move it to the proper place, please ;) Probably, like in FSF SacVentral mod.
  4. ruPal

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Thank you and sorry. Didn't find any info about that on armaholic.
  5. ruPal

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Have this error in rpt: Please fix.
  6. Sure. But if you have time, check Leights OPFOR Pack, please. It also has talibs but with arma 3 hands. Maybe this will help. Nevertheless thank you for a such great mod!
  7. OMG. This mod is going to be a bomb!
  8. Thank you, Legislator. Your mod contain tons of civilians and talibs. Also they are in good quality! Maybe it will be better to remove hands and use vanilla? I have found that hands and faces changes simulationusly in Arma 3.
  9. Great mod! Please fix this issues: white face but black hands http://i.imgur.com/VI3fAJr.png hands float in the air http://i.imgur.com/AB42zJ6.jpg
  10. ruPal

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Great mod, but I found several errors in logs. Is it legal to modify this addon for other users?
  11. ruPal

    CH Bright Nights

    Thank you for a fast update. I have checked again, first one resolved. Also I found that the problem with control[CA_ValueIsland] and control[CA_ValueNameScripted] appear only when I load any mission with in init.sqf. Maybe Arma3 fault because I found same problems dated 2013 year in Google.
  12. ruPal

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Also underbarrel flares has square form in the air. Is it possible to fix too?
  13. ruPal

    CH Bright Nights

    I like this addon but have several errors in rpt: and Is it possible to solve this problems?
  14. In previous ACE3 versions I found that frag grenades and underbarrel grenades has But in released version this effect is much less. Am I wrong?
  15. ruPal

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Ok, the typo is in warfxpe/ParticleEffects/config.bin and warfxpe/ParticleEffects/config.cpp: It should be: Also you can fix .rpt spam by deleting this lines in class PreloadTextures of warfxpe/config.cpp and warfxpe/config.bin: P. S. If you see both config.cpp and config.bin in one folder, you can delete config.bin, fix problems in config.cpp, convert it into config.bin with CfgConvert tool and then delete config.cpp from folder. Also I can post fixed file here if Opticalsnare give a permission. Btw, thank you for a great mod!
  16. ruPal

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I found the problem and solved it. Don't know is it ok to post it here or not. It was a typo in config file.
  17. ruPal

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Here is the bug that I get all the time: http://imgur.com/1SQzncX,J9wVwyP,gRrmtBl,sFAtWJO I found old version of Blastcore here https://github.com/HopeJohnson/Blastcore_A3 and copy pasted one file from it: /WarFXPE/ParticleEffects/Universal/data/smoke_03.paa (it is ~90kB only and in Blastcore Phoenix it is ~5Mb). Smoke bug was solved, but I got other visual glitches, for example shot from Slammer into earth cause square particles. Probably the problem is somewhere there.
  18. I saw the news that BI published TOH Data Pack http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169554-Sample-Models-and-Licensed-Data-Packs&p=2925206&viewfull=1#post2925206 Is it possible to activate it in arma 3? Will it work out of the box or this contect must be changed to work with arma 3?
  19. As far as I know when you start you get warning message... Maybe it make injections in game or smth? Don't want to get ban that is why I am asking. I found this in installation guide: So it make something with arma3.exe.
  20. Is it safe to use will Battleye?
  21. ruPal

    JBAD Release Thread

    I like this mod but is it possible to disable "reverb" sounds inside the buildings?
  22. Or here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190433-ACE3-A-collaborative-merger-between-AGM-CSE-and-ACE&p=2922481&viewfull=1#post2922481 http://i.imgur.com/vuwq5bj.png (414 kB)
  23. I think that "twitching" should be noticeable only in first several seconds of shooting. Because at this point you are not ready for contact but then you concentrate on shooting and don't experience any twitching. Something like that: 1. First several shots - twitching; 2. Then you not experience any twitching in *** seconds or till you lower your weapon.
  24. ruPal

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    This addon require CBA, is it working with new CBA?
  25. Did you change recoil for small arms? Is it possible to return vanilla recoil? If I delete recoil.pbo, will it solve this?