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Everything posted by Locklear

  1. Locklear

    protection vests

    Go to Armory to buy the vest of your choice again, you just do not get to chose the color variant anymore, so we can help the differentiation of players' sides. However, if you think you didn't get the refund, please send me your user name so I can let it to be checked.
  2. Locklear

    protection vests

    You buy a particular type of vest (e.g., Tactical Vest), but you do not chose its color variant anymore. In the match, the color variant of the vest in your chosen loadout is assigned to you based on your faction. It's black or brown for Flames and green/grey for Clouds. Together with the retexture of Flames Uniform, we believe this is a significant improvement for friend/foe recognition. (Money spent on vests before the last update have been refunded.)
  3. Locklear

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    Weapon colors – not now, we may look into some options in the future. About the damage, there seems to be some discrepancy between their damage in the editor and in the multiplayer. We'll investigate. However, no intentional change in damage model has been made.
  4. Locklear

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    I did the last test at around 25 meters; balancing is done with 70 meters in mind, the differences are minimal.
  5. Locklear

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    Tried the same. With EMR, I killed a no-vest target in one chest shot. With SPAR-16, it was three. Both values are as intended and as before.
  6. Locklear

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    Neither nerf to weapons, nor buff to vests or uniforms has been done. Any change like this would be in a changelog, so you would know clearly. However, we'll make sure everything works as intended; a few test I did show no sign of anything off, though.
  7. Locklear

    Body armour

    Well, basically, let's talk a clean shot to the body (= chest, stomach). A target with no protective vest shall be killed with 7.62×51 bullets (ABR, EMR, Mk14, SPAR-17, Zafir) and stronger. With Tier 1 vest, a shot from .338/9.3mm caliber (Navid, Cyrus) and stronger is needed. A target with Tier 2 vest shall survive one shot to the body from every Argo weapon but Type 115 .50 muzzle. Damage also depends on distance, but under most common circumstances, the results shall be adequately consistent.
  8. Locklear

    AK-12 Damage nerfed because too OP ?

    No ninja nerfs happened. Yoshi_E explained the adjustments that did happen quite some time ago precisely. And let's not forget the very interesting and powerful burst fire mode, unique for AK-12 – it allows you to shoot two bullets in rapid succession, in a way that the second bullet is not affected by the gun's recoil.
  9. Locklear

    Ask us anything!

    To be fair, you pretty much hit the nail with a few things that are important for game balance, just your interpretation is in my opinion a bit off. :) Indeed, some lower-tier weapons you mentioned are very good and completely viable in many situations. A lot of players are concerned by the balance in games with higher level difference between players, due to more powerful weapons being available deeper in the skill tree. Yet, as we've seen so far, and as you stated, it is quite possible to use guns that are available very early to great success. I think this helps with game balance a lot. I'm not trying to say everything is perfect, so we gather data and feedback, and we will make adjustments when and where needed.
  10. Locklear

    Argo Map Editor

    In case you mean your custom Raid level on Malden, we plan to publish some templates to help with that soon™.
  11. Locklear

    Ask us anything!

  12. Locklear

    Ask us anything!

  13. Locklear

    Feedback Thread

    Thank you for your feedback, I'll address a few points which I can relevantly comment at the moment. Skill tree reset: It does scale with your progression in the game. At the moment, it intentionally does not scale with how many times it has been used. Aiming after sprint: It was decided to make this part less realistic and different from Arma, since it better suits the pace of Argo gameplay. Protection items: Again, we simplified Arma's damage model so we could have got more reliable results, better suited for this kind of game. You can read more about that in my devblog. Colored smoke grenade for supporters: We've been discussing that, no mor details at the moment, though.
  14. Locklear

    Feedback Thread

    Editing individual bullets in a magazine is not quite feasible due to how the technology behind it works, I'm sorry. The night maps are beyond the scope of the project, so we have no plans on adding those; the same applies to some Arma weapon attachments, which are not needed in Argo, or adding more weapons. Adding colored smoke grenades is something we have discussed, but a final decision hasn't been made yet. In short, for more advanced gameplay (time of day, weapons, vehicles, etc.) there is Arma. For small-scale, specific PvP action, there's Argo. Hope this helps. :)
  15. Locklear

    Skill points at max

    There are 25 skill points total, so you need to pick skills you really want to use.
  16. Locklear

    Will Combat Patrol Give XP/Credits?

    The PvP modes are the core of Argo, and we want the player's level to reflect their experience with those. Proficiency in Combat Patrol does not necessarily improve one's skill in PvP modes, so we keep the XP rewards in those, and have Combat Patrol as some sort of a chill mode and a little showcase of more Arma-like gameplay.
  17. Locklear

    Ask us anything!

    Yes, that's correct.
  18. You now need to buy weapons/gear you want in Armory. You do so with AC (the in-game currency) you've gathered so far in your games.
  19. Locklear

    Ask us anything!

    You cannot use weapons/gear you bought if you don't have the appropriate category unlocked anymore, but you still own the items. If you unlock its category again, you regain access to the weapon/gear you bought; you don't have to buy it again.
  20. Locklear

    Ranked community servers

    There are no plans for community-hosted servers to allow gathering xp/currency for security reasons.
  21. Locklear

    Supressor unlock

    Well, yup, just found out it's a known issue, actually. It will be fixed soon – sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Locklear

    SEA/OCEANIA/JAPAN servers?

    There will be a wipe (reset) upon the release.
  23. Locklear

    Supressor unlock

    On which weapon do you want to attach a suppressor?
  24. Locklear

    Project Argo Discord

    There's a pretty nice unofficial Argo Discord here: https://discordapp.com/invite/kfSYRmv. ;)
  25. Locklear

    Feedback Thread

    Your argument is based on a thought that the "true" experience from a game comes with an opportunity to use anything the game offers. I can understand the sentiment, but I quite cannot agree. :) Before we even could implement the skill tree, we had predefined loadouts in each scenario. It was fun, indeed, easy to get into, and it offered a small amount of variability. And it got boring very quickly, to be honest. Basically, there was nothing to play for. Since very early in the development of Argo, we knew we wanted to have this kind of player progression in the game, so players have some goals, something to look forward to. Another motivation for playing the game besides the game itself. In Argo, the progress is more important than the actual max level. There is no end game like in MMORPGs, where you want to rush to the max level to get access to the arguably most important features of the game. Limiting your access to various pieces of gear allows you to try and use things you might not touch otherwise, so I'd even say it makes your game experience richer. I understand the concerns about lower-level players playing with higher-level ones because of the gear differences, and we hope the matchmaking solves the majority of potential issues. However, gear does not equal skill, and its advantages vary depending on game mode and scenario layout. For example, sniper scopes won't help you that much in most Link maps; and all the weapons are basically equally lethal when its user aims for the head. I get the ranked system similar to other competitive multiplayer games would be an interesting addition, but to be honest, its out of the scope of the project. Let's not forget Argo is essentially a playground for a rather small team of developers to test ideas and hone skills. :) Last but not least let me thank you for your ideas, concerns, and well-worded feedback in general, it's appreciated.