Hey, im sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forum.
I have been introduced with arma2 because of the dayz Mod. I have been playing Dayz for quite a while now and find the "maps" kinda dull and boring as there is not much to explore in them for a "survival" game. Altough the maps are very good for open field combat and military simulation because that is what they were created for.
Now i want to change this. I have been looking around and found these Bi tools and i installed them but i find oxygen2 kinda like a dinosaur progam to make models. (no offense :p)
My question is. Is there a good progam to make buildings like this for dayz/arma2
And if so is there a tutorial, ors omeone that could help me out with it? if you have time ofcourse.
I am even willingly to pay for some tutor lessons online.