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Everything posted by ussrlongbow

  1. Can someone please clarify, I was testing the mission update with Apex Sneak Preview branch, and discovered that BIS's revive system stopped working, and indeed, "Revive" is no more present in "CfgRespawnTemplates".
  2. Somewhat like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKPogx816YE
  3. ussrlongbow

    Binarizing Mission Files

    What do you want to hide and for what reason?
  4. Updated script to version 1.1 It now includes a build script which automatically installs addons, builds stringtable.xml file and includes your resources in description.ext
  5. Script has been updated to version 1.0 Source moved to github, example mission will come a bit later.
  6. ussrlongbow

    WIP - Esseker - post apocalyptic map

    Got a crash on Apex Preview branch while entering Camp Spencer from North-West.
  7. Thanks for your feedback! Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
  8. Has player actually killed you? AI starts to attack team-killers when their rating drops after shooting friendlies or civilians
  9. Updated the archive and docs. Most of the work is around documenting things, so may take some time to polish. So let's consider it version 1.0 :)
  10. Larrow, thanks, that's definitely must be considered, I will be re-releasing one of my scripts soon, and will mention this moment for script makers
  11. This is a duplicate thread, made by accident when SQL errors were encountered. Please use this thread - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192009-release-arma-3-mission-skeleton/?hl=mission+skeleton
  12. This is a duplicate thread, made by accident when SQL errors were encountered. Please use this thread - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192009-release-arma-3-mission-skeleton/?hl=mission+skeleton
  13. This is a duplicate thread, made by accident when SQL errors were encountered. Please use this thread - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192009-release-arma-3-mission-skeleton/?hl=mission+skeleton
  14. Best wishes for this thing to be released :)
  15. Hey, kind of stuck with this question: we have a mk6 mortar gunner unit. How can we check the remaining mortar shells, without assembling it?
  16. Then I will recommend to create a backpack within init script (say init.sqf or initServer.sqf)
  17. You should create groundweaponholder with script, then put backpack into it, and disable simulation for groundweaponholder like this _gwh = "GrounWeaponHolder" createVechile position player; _gwh addBackpackCargo ["Backpack classname",1]; _gwh enableSimulation false; try this in editor's debug console for init field of backpack in mission you may try smth like this _gwh = this nearEntities ["GroundWeaponHolder",1]; (_gwh select 0) enableSimulation false;
  18. you should disable simulation for ground weapon holder, not backpack. cursorobject reported groundweaponholder, not backpack
  19. ussrlongbow

    FHQ TaskTracker

    dropped a PM, but seems you did not get it. Agree for 1.58 :)
  20. Just tried, and enableSimulation worked fine. https://youtu.be/qyBRj8pq9MA Even if I test in SP, in MP it works also just fine - I am using it to disable regular inventory on boxes, with attached Arsenal. Also you may want to wait till 1.58 release, there you may just create unsimulated object using just backpack's 3d model - createSimpleObject, AFAIR.
  21. the mass parameter for magazines is config defines which part of inventory volume it'll take. You can spawn a projectile by createVehicle and immediately issue enableSimulation false on it - it will allow you to get a bounding box and work with it without rush.
  22. ussrlongbow

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Hey Varanon, thank you for this nice script, I was almost to do smth like this myself, but you saved me some time :) May I ask your permission to modify the code to support better localization? What I want to achieve, is when string supplied as task name and descriptions is a string starting with "STR_" the script would use it as localization key and not text. Then forward these changes to you. What will you say for that?
  23. You are playing wrong game, avoiding really useful advices. Without understanding basics you will create nothing. For example, I am in arma scripting for 1.5 years (besides years in IT industry) and only now I have started developing own MP game mode, after gaining some practice in writing own scripts and fixing others'. Developing a game mode is not about placing a town in flat area of a map, but about mission dynamics, speed and audience. Mp game for ones who just relax after work, and MP mode for ones who is thursty for hardcore simulation are very big differencies. Planning a game mode - is a stage with paper and pencil, designing the experience the player will get joining the server running your mission. When the concept is ready (in details) you can approach technical side of this challenge. And this requires times and practice, from simple to complex things, as engine has about 1000+ stock commands and scripts, it is vital to understand its internals, test things and code, code,code. this is why we do not have much variety of MP game modes. This is just another chance to show that you are starting from a wrong place. PS if you have a good game concept, community will accept, I am sure you will find people who will help to implement that mission. But I see not concept here.
  24. rpg42 rocket is simulated like bullet or mortar shell - low speed, high-parabolic trajectory. this matches the real life, in rpg's engine is working only for fractions of second to gain some speed. in case of rpg7 the powder charge is burnt inside barrel.
  25. ussrlongbow

    Find a random position on radial

    if your goal is not practicing math, take shk_pos script by Shuko