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Everything posted by NinjaRider600

  1. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    I'll investigate that then, must be a bug with recon only since I rarely use it.
  2. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    It is supposed to work with mods but to have an accurate role for modded content it needs to be manually configured. There is an automatic configuration done as well though but it is not always 100% spot on. As for Recon still happening, the chance in percentage is affected by personality so in order to guarantee skipping recon, set it to something very high (like 1000%). Doing so can sometimes cause the leader to skip an order cycle at the beginning (squads will get a set of idle orders) but the capture orders will pick up afterwards so just ignore that little hiccup. As for recon they do use air assets now (more so with modded assets) but you can always disable that with the No Recon module.
  3. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Yeah before beta 5 I had forgotten to add the option in the module. Also, by default HAL keeps it at 0 and that's something I never changed to somewhat be consistent with the old HAL documentation even though I always set it up. I might default it to 1 for the next version.
  4. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Here is the quick cargo demo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nA_in5ekpkDvAz4kZHw37mX-dEaGt3Ah Also made the player a cargo option to demonstrate how players get transport orders. Make sure you have at least the Beta 5 as the cargo option was missing prior to that.
  5. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Cargo system should work. It works in the demo mission and has been working for the past dozens of HAL versions. Try syncing the Include Squads module to the vehicle directly and not to the crew inside. I believe there is an editor bug which prevents crews from being properly synchronized. Additionally, use the Commander Behavior Settings module to turn cargo on. I'll post here a quick demo about it.
  6. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    My pleasure to help. I just posted on the workshop page a demo mission to use as an example in the editor for how to set most things up. Hope it helps. As for the reinforcements thing i got an idea of something that might simplify greatly making arrays for pools. Essentially im thinking of making a "pool maker" module that just needs to be synchronized to squads/units and the latter get deleted but their classes are stored and used to spawn troops. That way no coding at all would be required and it would work for all the sites, reinforcements, spawns and air reinforcements.
  7. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Started making plans for 1.22.10. So far new features will include proper task completion detectors for more realistic missions (mostly for players since they dont have a time limit for missions like ai squads do) and tweaks of the rhq auto to try to make modded artillery automatically configured. My current priority is to get the NR6 Pack mod working without major issues and getting the proper documentation/tutorials for it.
  8. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Here is an example for configuring modded artillery: RHQ_Art = ["cup_b_m119_us","cup_b_m270_he_usa","lop_tka_static_d30","rhs_m119_d","rhs_m119_wd","rhs_2b14_82mm_vmf","rhs_2b14_82mm_msv","rhs_2b14_82mm_vdv","rhs_d30_vmf","rhs_d30_msv","rhs_d30_vdv","rhs_2s3_tv","rhsusf_m109d_usarmy","rhsusf_m109_usarmy","rhs_m252_d","rhs_m252_wd","rhs_bm21_msv_01","rhs_bm21_chdkz","rhs_bm21_vdv_01","rhs_bm21_vv_01","rhs_bm21_vmf_01","rhsusf_m142_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_m142_usarmy_d"]; ^add here artillery classes RydHQ_Add_OtherArty = [ [["cup_b_m270_he_usa","cup_b_m119_us"],["CUP_12Rnd_MLRS_HE","CUP_12Rnd_MLRS_HE","CUP_12Rnd_MLRS_HE","",""]], [["rhs_m119_d","rhs_m119_wd"],["RHS_mag_m1_he_12","RHS_mag_m1_he_12","RHS_mag_m1_he_12","rhs_mag_m60a2_smoke_4","rhs_mag_m314_ilum_4"]], [["lop_tka_static_d30"],["rhs_mag_of462_10","rhs_mag_of462_10","rhs_mag_of462_10","",""]], [["rhs_2b14_82mm_vmf","rhs_2b14_82mm_msv","rhs_2b14_82mm_vdv"],["rhs_mag_3vo18_10","rhs_mag_3vo18_10","rhs_mag_3vo18_10","rhs_mag_d832du_10","rhs_mag_3vs25m_10"]], [["rhs_d30_vmf","rhs_d30_msv","rhs_d30_vdv"],["rhs_mag_3of56_10","rhs_mag_3of69m_2","rhs_mag_3of56_10","rhs_mag_d462_2","rhs_mag_s463_2"]], [["rhs_2s3_tv"],["rhs_mag_HE_2a33","rhs_mag_LASER_2a33","rhs_mag_WP_2a33","rhs_mag_SMOKE_2a33","rhs_mag_ILLUM_2a33"]], [["rhsusf_m109d_usarmy","rhsusf_m109_usarmy"],["rhs_mag_155mm_m795_28","rhs_mag_155mm_m712_2","rhs_mag_155mm_m864_3","rhs_mag_155mm_m825a1_2","rhs_mag_155mm_485_2"]], [["rhs_m252_d","rhs_m252_wd"],["rhs_12Rnd_m821_HE","rhs_12Rnd_m821_HE","rhs_12Rnd_m821_HE","",""]], [["rhs_bm21_msv_01","rhs_bm21_chdkz","rhs_bm21_vdv_01","rhs_bm21_vv_01","rhs_bm21_vmf_01"],["RHS_mag_40Rnd_122mm_rockets","RHS_mag_40Rnd_122mm_rockets","RHS_mag_40Rnd_122mm_rockets","",""]], [["rhsusf_m142_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_m142_usarmy_d"],["rhs_ammo_m26a1_rocket","rhs_ammo_m26a1_rocket","rhs_ammo_m26a1_rocket","",""]], [["B_Ship_MRLS_01_F"],["magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_x18","magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_x18","magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_Cluster_x18","",""]] ]; ^add here artillery configuration as such: [[classes that will use the following ammo],[HE ammo mag,Laser guided ammo mag,Special mag (like white phosphorus),Smoke mag, Flare mag]]
  9. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Rally points are defined by the roles and nature of the missions. Idle Rally point means that any squad not doing anything will rally there. Withdraw Rally means that any retreating squad will rally there. Supports Rally means that any support squads/vehicles will rally there when not doing anything. Fronts basically limit the engagement area for a commander (they wont send squads to attack beyond that zone, AI may venture past it though). The position of the module sets the location of the virtual commander. If synchronized to a unit, the unit's position is the HQ position. For the HQ guard module, I believe it only works with squads considered "spec ops" (for example, the recon squads in NATO). Also make sure when you synchronize modules like "Set as HQ Guard" that they are synchronized to the HAL Commander module, not the unit (if using a synced unit). As for the error I am currently working on fixing it for next update. In terms of artillery, just synchronizing it should be enough to make it active though modded artillery needs to be configured. I have not created the modules yet for that but it can be done manually by script. As for cargo, yeah just placing a bunch of trucks, APCs, choppers (fully crewed) is enough (they must also be included though). The cargo only module just limits missions to transport for those synchronized squads but trucks for instance are only going to get transport missions given their lack of firepower. Its more useful for assigning APC and helicopters for only transport.
  10. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    1) Oh yes sorry I forgot to mention it. It also needs to be synced to the Commander Module 2) I think the way they did it is by making those trenches "buildings" with positions. Most I could do is to add those "buildings" in the usable buildings of NR6 Sites. Doing so will also cause garrisoned squads of HAL to use them. 3) It mostly stayed from the times of the old system. Its best use could be for the scan of interesting map objectives but aside that it is mostly a legacy feature which is a bit heavier on the system too so I usually achieve this by using several regular commanders which can move around if you want them as platoon commanders.
  11. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Unfortunately it is not possible at this time and I'm afraid there is no way of doing so (that I know at least) since the script is server-side and I don't know of any way to record camera positions of players on server.
  12. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    I'll try my best to answer these questions one by one. How does High Commander work compared to a normal leader? It essentially coordinates regular Commanders together to capture the set objectives in collaboration. Although I need to test it to make sure it works, it used to be a workaround to the limitation of 4 objectives per commander which was the core system of the original HAL. Now that I created the simple mode, that is not needed anymore. It used to be called "Big Boss" and basically works by re-positioning the 4 objectives each leader used to be limited to in a way to make them capture the "Big Boss objectives". To make it work, you would have to set the regular commanders to use Legacy mode and include them under the command of High-Command/Big Boss. In any case I need to properly document how to set it up which I will do after I make sure it even still works as modules. Can you assign units (an officer f.e) as a leader, or are they abstract? Absolutely! Synchronize the HAL Commander module to the officer/unit you want to make the commander. If you want one side to start an objective as their own (captured) and one side to attack it, do you need to place two objectives at the same place with other having the "taken" option ON and other OFF? If it's on ON and you sync both leaders to it, they both consider it taken (a defensive objective), right? Unfortunately yes. That is correct as of right now. I wanted to make a simpler system but it would involve having a "SetTaken" option in the module for each 8 possible commanders which is uglier than just synchronizing them. So for now you need to place one for each commander if they are to be captured only by one side. Are you supposed to sync Squad modules (like "Only attack orders") to the Include Squads -module or to a squad member? Sync it to any squad member or vehicle of the squad. Works similarly to the Include module actually. Is there a way to debug the leaders, to kinda' see what's going on? Check in the Commander Settings module. There is an option to turn debug on. Sync that module to the HAL Commander module. Very much like ALiVE, leaders are only aware of the objectives that have been synced to them, right? Correct, however High-Command has a setting that scans the map automatically for interesting objectives though as stated before I have no idea if it still works and needs testing. If the HC thing works in a way that there's one HC (company/regiment commander) and the leaders are supposed to be like f.e platoon leaders, that's just a wet dream come true honestly. Well the good news is that in a way it could. If I get it to work properly, you could have lets say 2 platoon HQ teams (2 commanders) coordinated by a high-commander. There is also a setting to make those 2 subordinate commanders relocate to the latest captured objective. So you could have in a way two platoons coordinated to capture areas and engage the enemy.
  13. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Glad you liked it! That was the goal. I wanted to make HAL an easier system to set up. However, I am aware of the learning curve it takes to use it and I'm currently working on getting samples ready for showcasing how most of the modules can be used.
  14. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    STEAM RELEASE OF NR6 PACK BETA 3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1877858319
  15. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    STEAM RELEASE OF NR6 PACK BETA 3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1877858319
  16. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    Uses the code from reinforcements to spawn a one shot batch of troops. Its useful for spawning a randomized force at start from the faction you want.
  17. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    Several bugs being addressed concerning Air Reinforcements so don't worry about errors linked to those modules.
  18. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    ADDON BETA 2 RELEASED. I expect to have another beta ready that expands the use of group properties tot he spawn/reinforcements modules. Once that is released, a Steam Workshop release will be next.
  19. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    NR6 PACK 3.00 ADDON BETA RELEASED! This contains HAL 1.22.9 RC6 and everything from the NR6 PACK 3.00 RC6 SCRIPT except for Sites Markers and ALICE_2 for which I am finishing the addon port. The mod is not signed at this time and some modules need work (like a better way to set custom pools for reinforcements since the addon makes them uneditable in the script). Zones/front/ammo depot modules are somewhat broken atm and several settings miss descriptions but those will be added in future betas and everything will be complete on stable release. To use the modules, basically add the HAL core module once for initialization and add a general settings module for customization. Then place a Hal commander module, add simple objectives modules and sync these objectives with the HAL commander module. The new system works in a very intuitive way. For every commander you are changing settings for, sync the settings module to the HAL commander module. Same goes for all leader linked modules as well as sites/reinforcements/spawn/air reinforcements. Just place the module, set the settings up in it and sync the module to the desired commander. More details will be in the user manual when I finally complete it.
  20. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    I'm really not familiar with that mod but if it was compatible with the original HAL it should be compatible with this as well. Although the simple mode is the default in this version you can always disable it and revert to the legacy 4 objectives system which was the core of the original HAL.
  21. NinjaRider600

    NR6 PACK - HAL Artificial Leader Evolved

    NR6 PACK 3.00 mod version development is back on and I should have a beta to release soon.
  22. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Could you send a repro? I'm unable to cause the bug in my testing.
  23. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Is that introduced in RC6? Aside that all I can think of is that it is something with the arrays needing to be defined server side.
  24. NinjaRider600

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    RC6 is up with the mentioned additions and some small fixes.