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About CaptainGalaxy

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. CaptainGalaxy

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    >all pbo binarized! Yisss!! >Fixed many errors! Yisss!! Also, new stuff looks cool. Thanks, teriyaki!
  2. Amazing work! I must say I was a bit sceptical about the quality but the weapons look (and sound) really good. I would like disposable launchers to be actually disposable but apart from this and couple other minor animation issues CUP is outstanding. Congrats on the release!
  3. CaptainGalaxy

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Having the same exact problem. We've tried running vanallla game with just RHS and didn't hear each other shooting weapons, didn't see the muzzle flash as well. SO we are pretty sure that's RHS causing this problem. Please take a look into this issue, we don't want to ditch RHS because of this bug.
  4. CaptainGalaxy

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi, KoffeinFlummi. I was wondering is it possible to prevent death from unconcious state for a particular unit? Edit: comment #1000 ;)
  5. This worked like a charm, thanks!
  6. Thank you! Bis_fnc_MP is definitely the way to go. Will try it out.
  7. I'm making a sort of a quest multiplayer mission where two teams need to locate a laptop which will lead them to the next clue and so on... If the _caller is west I want the hint to show to the west side players only etc. I've already tried to apply my poor scripting skills and I'm not surprised it doesn't work. Any help is much appreciated! I've placed a laptop with this in the init field: this addAction ["Show me the hint", "Hint.sqf"]; Hint.sqf: private = ["_laptop","_caller","_unitside"]; _laptop = _this select 0; _caller - _this select 1; _unitside = side _caller; switch (_unitside) do { case west: {if (side player == west) then { hint "Hint text here"; // script is supposed to check for a _caller side, then broadcast a hint to all players of the same side. }; else { hint "Blufor has located the laptop."; // this hint is supposed to appear for every player of the other side. };}; case east: {if (side player == east) then { hint "Hint text here"; }; else { hint "Opfor has located the laptop."; };}; };
  8. CaptainGalaxy

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    I've used VAS before in my missions and it worked great. Yesterday I downloaded v2.6, copied to my mission folder and whitelisted some classnames in config.sqf, everything as usual. As I spawned I discovered that every item of the game was in the box. Is whitelisting broken? What could possibly go wrong? Attaching config.sqf in case someone could quickly identify the problem. vas_onRespawn = true; vas_preload = true; vas_disableLoadSave = false; vas_customslots = 14; vas_disableSafetyCheck = false; vas_weapons = [ "launch_NLAW_F", "arifle_MXC_F", "arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_SW_F", "arifle_MXM_F", "launch_B_Titan_F", "LMG_Zafir_F", "arifle_MXC_Black_F", "arifle_MX_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "arifle_MXM_Black_F", "RH_m4", "RH_M4_M203", "RH_M4_ris", "RH_M4_ris_M203", "RH_M4A1_ris", "RH_M4A1_ris_M203", "hlc_lmg_m60", "hlc_lmg_M60E4", "RH_M16a1", "RH_M16A1gl", "RH_M16A2", "RH_M16A2gl", "RH_M16A3", "RH_M16A4", "RH_M16A4gl", "RH_M16A4_m", "RH_Mk12mod1" ]; vas_magazines = [ "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellOrange", "SmokeShellPurple", "HandGrenade", "MiniGrenade", "HandGrenade_Stone", "SmokeShellYellow", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellBlue", "Chemlight_green", "Chemlight_red", "Chemlight_yellow", "Chemlight_blue", "B_IR_Grenade", "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", "ATMine_Range_Mag", "APERSMine_Range_Mag", "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", "SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag", "ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "UGL_FlareWhite_F", "UGL_FlareGreen_F", "UGL_FlareRed_F", "UGL_FlareYellow_F", "UGL_FlareCIR_F", "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", "1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F", "3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F", "3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F", "3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F", "3Rnd_UGL_FlareCIR_F", "3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell", "3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell", "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "Titan_AA", "50Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", "hlc_100Rnd_762x51_T_M60E4" ]; vas_items = [ "muzzle_snds_H", "muzzle_snds_L", "muzzle_snds_M", "muzzle_snds_H_MG", "muzzle_snds_B", "optic_Aco", "optic_ACO_grn", "optic_Holosight", "acc_flashlight", "acc_pointer_IR", "Binocular", "NVGoggles", "ARC_US_ACU_Uniform", "ARC_US_ACU_Uniform_vest", "ARC_US_ACU_booniehat", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet", "ARC_US_ACU_Plate_Carrier", "ARC_US_ACU_PlateCarrier_1", "ARC_US_ACU_Plate_Carrier_H", "ARC_US_ACU_PlateCarrier_2", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_ACU_Helmet", "ARC_US_Urban_Uniform", "ARC_US_Urban_Uniform_vest", "ARC_US_Urban_Uniform_tshirt", "ARC_US_Urban_Plate_Carrier", "ARC_US_Urban_Plate_Carrier_H", "ARC_US_Urban_PlateCarrier_2", "ARC_US_Urban_PlateCarrier_1", "ARC_US_Urban_Mich", "ARC_US_Urban_Helmet_simple", "ARC_US_Urban_Helmet_Light", "ARC_US_Urban_Helmet", "ARC_US_Urban_booniehat", "ARC_US_Urban_Mich", "ARC_US_Urban_PlateCarrier_2", "ARC_US_Urban_Uniform_Light", "ItemGPS", "RH_qdss_nt4", "RH_ta31rco", "RH_saker", "RH_compm4s", "RH_eotech553" ]; vas_backpacks = [ "ARC_US_Backpack_Carryall_Urban", "ARC_US_Backpack_Carryall_ACU", "ARC_US_Backpack_Urban_Med", "ARC_US_Backpack_ACU_Med", "ARC_US_Kitbag_compact_Urban", "ARC_US_Kitbag_compact_ACU", "ARC_US_Backpack_Urban", "ARC_US_Backpack_ACU", "tf_anprc155", "B_Parachute" ]; vas_glasses = [ "G_Balaclava_blk", "G_Bandanna_aviator", "G_Bandanna_beast", "G_Bandanna_blk", "G_Bandanna_khk", "G_Bandanna_sport", "G_Bandanna_tan" ]; vas_r_weapons = []; vas_r_backpacks = []; vas_r_magazines = []; vas_r_items = []; vas_r_glasses = [];
  9. CaptainGalaxy

    Constant crashes in MP

    Game is crashing randomly in multiplayer Every time I get the same crash dump: Fault address: 656E696D 7453403B:656B6972 Unknown module file: __cur_mp (__CUR_MP) world: altis Prev. code bytes: 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 00 Fault code bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Registers: EAX:01434F00 EBX:0000000E ECX:7D2C04F0 EDX:656E696D ESI:72C6A1A0 EDI:61427C40 CS:EIP:0023:656E696D SS:ESP:002B:01ECE50C EBP:28652790 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010247 I wonder what does this __cur_mp refer to? If I only knew what that is maybe I could fix my constant crashes.
  10. CaptainGalaxy

    BattlEye kicks me upon the second connection

    Thanks, but unfortunately that didn't help, I've been kicked again.
  11. CaptainGalaxy

    BattlEye kicks me upon the second connection

    Cable internet, TP-Link WR841N, Ping ~20-30ms, connection speed - 20Mb/s. Connection is used by me, my phone and my wife's phone.
  12. So this started a while ago and I was ok with it, but I'll be happy if anyone could help. It happens every time I connect to a multiplayer server for the second time. It means: 1. Start Arma 3. 2. Connect to a server and play. 3. Disconnect from a server 4. Try to connect again (it can be any server, not necessarily the one I was playing on) 5. 5-25 seconds after connection I get kicked by BattlEye (Client not responding). After that I get the same message on every server so I have to restart Arma to be able to connect again. What I've tried: Verifying game integrity in Steam. Reinstalling the game. Deleting BattlEye dll's and downloading them manually. Any ideas, folks?
  13. Hi F3 team. I've been using F3 group markers for all my missions and it worked just great for vanilla units and factions (NATO, CSAT, AAF, FIA). Currently I'm building a mission using "Russians" addon and I can't make the group markers appear on the map. I tried to change: case "AAF": to case "sud_russians": in the folk_setLocalGroupMarkers.sqf but that didn't work. Could you give me a hint on how to add third party factions to the group marker script? EDIT: I discovered that the class name for Russains is SUD_RU, but that doesn't work as well...
  14. Hey guys. I'm trying to restrict other players from using MCC. Nothing works for me. Syncing the MCC access rights module to a unit is not an option, because I'm not always sure which slot I will take. Placing this in my mission's init doesn't work as well: if (isnil "MCC_allowedPlayers") then {MCC_allowedPlayers = ["My nick name"]}; Placing this in the module init aslo has no effect: this setvariable ["names",["My Nick Name"]]; Any ideas? Thanks.
  15. CaptainGalaxy

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Try to enter this in the unit's init field (Change "Headlessclient" to whatever you HC profile name is) if (profileName == 'Headlessclient') then {selectPlayer this}; ----UPD---- Sorry, didn't see your update, you seem to have figured that out