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j. patterson

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About j. patterson

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  1. j. patterson

    Enhanced Movement

    I've noticed you cannot select a default key or unbind keys from the menu that this mod has within the basic pause menu. I have bound enhanced movement to ctrl+v and unbound that from ACE keybinds, but say you wanted to go back and unbind this key from the BaBe menu. You cannot. Is there a fix for this within the config.bin? I can't seem to find where this user info is stored. Same goes for the "self interaction" and "use" keybinds within the BaBe menu. Is there any way to undo your keybinds or set them to blank again? There really needs to be a way to remove your binds as you can using the standard BI controls config in game. Why not move this mod into the "configure addons" section under controls like every other mod does? I know for a fact that if done that way, you can select a default or clear out the keybind. Any plans on doing that or having a fix for this issue? Otherwise, great mod. Cheers.
  2. j. patterson

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    Great release, I played around with the one from Arma 2 that was just recently re-released last week. Glad to see the port as I am moving primarily to Arma 3 now that the game has more standard air and ground vehicles since the new Win campaign release. Great work, I'm sure that you and others here will iron out the bugs.
  3. j. patterson

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Thanks! It worked (I'm using for my unit, but the 3.0.13 file works just as well).
  4. j. patterson

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Anyone else getting the API mismatch error on TS version 3.0.12?? (stable version for ACRE, so I have to use it for now). The TFAR uses API ver. 20, but TS is requiring ver. 19. I can't use the plugin so nothing works in game.
  5. j. patterson

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Super noob question but is this map pack mod supposed to be used in addition to All in Arma? Or does All in Arma include the A2: OA maps like Taki and Cherno? only reason I ask is the D/L for this is huge and my bandwith is getting close to being throttled for the month.
  6. While I don't know how to make a mod either, I will report any bugs I find that might be outside what you have in your OP. I wish you the best in completing this epic project for the coolest transport of them all in my opinion. First issue I have noticed is in the editor: No icon for the plane. Makes placing it, well...difficult at best, funny to deadly at worst.
  7. I just got the 3.0.14 update notification a few days ago as well. I had to roll back to 3.0.12 for ACRE to work again. Stupid TS is stupid.