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About Araknid

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  1. Araknid

    Middle East Conflict mod

    removed until proper version is finished
  2. Araknid

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Decided to not be lazy and just do all the factions, will upload and post here when I'm done. Would prefer if you included it in your next release or something rather than me making a seperate release for it
  3. Araknid

    Middle East Conflict mod

    Any possibility of an HLC compatibility patch with this? Would be pretty nice Edit: I'm making my own small compatibility patch, but it's only for Irregulars and SAA. I can't really be bothered and am not interested in doing it for the others. If you'd like however, when I'm finished I can upload what I have done with the SAA and Irregulars and you can continue on from there.
  4. Araknid

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Having a bit of trouble with shells not making any impact/explosion when rounds hit the ground or buildings when using blastcore
  5. Also I'm having trouble with IF44 Tank drivers Even with and without AI mods, drivers just do not want to stay on the road properly regardless of awareness setting or anything like that, while with vanilla A3 vehicles, the ai drives completely fine This is particularly noticeable on the IF44 maps (where sometimes the Ai just refuses to move at all), and on AIA maps such as Sahrani (while chernarus works fine at times unless theres a building next to the road) Is this just an error with the installation or is this normal? Also wheeled vehicles work fine
  6. Is there a way to make this compatible with Blastcore? Becuase some of the effects in this mod looks pretty bad, such as the muzzle flash/smoke out of tank guns, particularly at long range
  7. Araknid

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Got an issue on basically all the rifles that don't have foregrips, and thats that the handguards just sink through the hands in first person, which is very irritating like a quarter of the hand is absorbed into the handguard