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Everything posted by thelegendarykhan

  1. OK I love this mod and have some questions: 1. In the military placement module, if I choose to over ride settings, what value must I put in the over ride infantry, over ride armour etc etc. If I choose a COmpany(200) am I supposed to divide this manpower pool of 200 into these over ride fields? Like 100 infantry, 20, armour, 20 heli etc? 2. My respawn markers have respawn template in description ext, still it doesnt ask my preference of respawn location each time my unit is killed. It just shows the selection window for a blink of an eye and I am respawned ramdomly as Alive deems fit. 3. How can I go in the mission and maintain my loadout and gear even after respawns? I have to manually do this via MCC Arsenal option and load my saved gear again and again. :( 4. I guess manual save is still buggy. Just pressing save in the esc options freezes laptop. I chose MP game on LAN to play alone btw. thanks for the patience. Love ALIVE !!:bounce3:
  2. I am using AIRS( which is a fantastic mod) to respawn killed AI units. What I am doing is I have placed "respawn_west" and whenever I am killing one blu for he is respawning correctly at the marker. I am using this script in the unit init field: nul = [this,[m1,attack],0,respawn_west,5] execVM "AIRS\addAIgroupToPool.sqf"; and in the mission folder I have placed the entire AIRS and LV folders. The respawn related files are: AIrespawninit.sqf: //AIrespawnInit 1.0 by SPUn if(!isServer)exitWith{}; private["_defaultCleanUp","_diag"]; AIRS_respawn_delay = 25; //AI respawn delay (if not defined in squad leaders init) _defaultCleanUp = true; //cleanUp script [WIP] (removes corpses & wrecks > 300m of player(s) every 60 secs) _diag = false; //if true, script hints live unit amount statistics during editor testing, helps you to adjust group amounts & sizes better) //You can set respawning off side related by changing these variables from your mission: AIRS_respawn_WEST = true; //respawn WEST groups AIRS_respawn_EAST = true; //respawn EAST groups AIRS_respawn_INDE = true; //respawn INDEPENDENT groups //Just to make sure it's safe to spawn units WESTcenter = createCenter west; EASTcenter = createCenter east; INDEcenter = createCenter resistance; //Prepare some AIRS functions AIRS_SpawnGroup = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\spawnGroup.sqf"; AIRS_StartTask = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\startAItask.sqf"; AIRS_buildingPatrol = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\buildingPatrol.sqf"; AIRS_taskPatrol = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\BIS_fnc_taskpatrol2.sqf"; AIRS_taskDefend = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\BIS_fnc_taskdefend2.sqf"; AIRS_fnc_spawnVehicle = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle2.sqf"; AIRS_fnc_spawnGroup = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\BIS_fnc_spawnGroup2.sqf"; AIRS_DestroyEmptyVehicle = compile preprocessFile "AIRS\destroyEmptyVehicle.sqf"; //Start monitoring AI groups execVM "AIRS\monitorAIgroups.sqf"; //Prepare some LV functions LV_GetPlayers = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_getPlayers.sqf"; LV_NearestBuilding = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_nearestBuilding.sqf"; LV_RemoveDead = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_removeDead.sqf"; LV_VehicleInit = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_vehicleInit.sqf"; LV_Follow = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_follow.sqf"; LV_InMarker = compile preprocessFile "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_isInMarker.sqf"; //Cleanup: if(_defaultCleanUp)then{execVM "AIRS\cleanUp.sqf"}; if(_diag)then{execVM "AIRS\diag.sqf"}; AIRS_Initialized = true; How to randomise the AI's respawn locations by adding new markers to create that uncertainty? and I am needing this in SP only. Not a big fan of MP. I am kindof noob. i dont know what arrays are so please be lenient and bear with me. thanks :D p.s.: I am wiling to try a new mod or let go of AIRS if a better suggestion comes across.
  3. thelegendarykhan

    Simple random AI Respawn location question

    Love you man. Will try tonight. :D
  4. thelegendarykhan

    loot generator - fun snippet

    Thanks. the future of ARMA 3 is bright :D I dream of an arma where these features are module based in the game editor itself for noobs. With the amount of hard work and dedication you guys are putting in it, sooon In Sha Allah :D
  5. thelegendarykhan

    Simple random AI Respawn location question

    Thank you SavageCDN, I find DAC interesting and its ok I like the way it scripts :) You have any idea to make DAC spawn individual units too? I used the infantry array like this [8,1,20,8]. Technically meaning 8 = Number of Groups, 1 = size of the groups, 20 = no. of WPs, and 8 = no. of WPs to each group. I guesss it is supposed to mean spawn 8 groups with 1 member in each. Still it spawns groups with 4-5 members. What gives? And also, how to make Respawn points invincible so that there is persistency in reinforcements? Thank you.:D
  6. thelegendarykhan

    Simple random AI Respawn location question

    Thanks a lot you all. @DreadEntity, thanks but I have already tried this approach. I kill the AI and just watch the respawn locations. No1 pops up. I tried this after saving as a MP mission. Anyway, I basically need the AI, both enemy and my side, respawn when killed and proceed to marker for attack/defend/SAD etc and get in nearest vehicle when possible to reach there and disembark 200-300 distance away. @ JShock I cant thank you enough for taking the trouble to reply after getting back from wherever you were :D I know I am not asking for the world. You guys have been there and done that. ;) I believe DAC serves the purpose but I need to ask you guys that does it come with an infinite respawn option? P.S.: Again I am reinstating, if you have a better and simpler way to help me, please share. I am not hell bent on DAC. All I want is a perpetual wasteland like mission where no groups only individual units from all 3 sides move acros islands in search of new target. Simple guys. :'( I am not a MP fan, hence this I intend in SP mode. I can play in MP as the only player and rest AI. THanks again for being patient.
  7. I am using this script in AI group leader init field: nul = [this,[m1,attack],0,respawn_west,5] execVM "AIRS\addAIgroupToPool.sqf"; and in mission folder, i got this in init.sqf: if(isServer)then{execVM "AIRS\AIrespawnInit.sqf";}; I want to randomise enemy respawn location, hence was wondering how to add more AI respawn locations in the unit init field? an array like below example is not working: nul = [this,[m1,attack],0,[respawn_west,respawn_west2,respawn_west3],5] execVM "AIRS\addAIgroupToPool.sqf" any help?
  8. thelegendarykhan

    Enemy AI random respawn?

    you're a darling bro :D
  9. thelegendarykhan

    SP scripting help needed

    where to put this info man. thanks a lot but im a noob in the coding dept.
  10. Hello Arma community. I will keep it simple. I am trying to make a SP Mission where units of all the 3 sides - BLU, OPF, and IND are present on an island individually without any or little groups and search each other out and kill. I need: 1. AI unit Respawn at random points 2. AI units to get attack/defend/capture priorities randomly 3. AI can detect nearby empty vehicles and proceed to these objectives. If an unarmed car then how to disembark also rather than sitting ducks and eating bullets and launcher fires 4. AI units can find and resupply from nearby crates and vehicles on objective markers 5. Player respawn in SP Against all the above, I have combined ALIVE (Garbage clean up) and AIRS (AI respawn and proceed to target marker) to attain the above goals partially. What I have been able to achieve till now: 1. AI unit Respawn at random points - Like I said I used AIRS to respawn dead AI inf units on a respawn marker. But, how can I add more markers for the same side through out the map to be able to randomise the AI respawn location? 2. AI units to get attack/defend/capture priorities randomly - I used AIRS to give the AI marker spots to proceed and attack. But they either go to that marker or directly come to my location where I shot them. 2 furthers questions: a. How to randomise AI target markers after respawn in AIRS? Marker names separated by commas? b. How to brainwash the respawned enemy AI in believeing I never existed in the last spot and just move to any randomly chosen target markers? 3. AI can detect nearby empty vehicles and proceed to these objectives. If an unarmed car then how to disembark also rather than sitting ducks and eating bullets and launcher fires - I saw in AIRS features- "AI detects nearby empty vehicles". But I have no idea how it works. If there is an empty vehicle at their respawn location or in the way to their objectives, will they board it automatically? or scripting is needed? Also is it possible for AI to disembark from a, say, unarmed offroad when shot at? or will it continue to let itself turn into a roasted turkey? One tricky question in this - If i spawn a hunter gmg with a group in and I damage the wheels, the ai like usual comes out, and I kill em all. Now will the vehicle and the group manning it will re-spawn separately or the vehicle will wait for the entire inf group to die, as I will use vehicle respawn too? How to have them respawn together - Vehicle + inf group in it? But what if my other normal vehicle respawn script has a target of respawn vehicle if left empty for xx seconds/minutes? 4. AI units can find and resupply from nearby crates and vehicles on objective markers - speaks for itself. How to? 5. Player respawn in SP - A fantastic mission made by Genesis92x by the name Endless Survival (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22807) has most of these features which I need. I have no idea how that mission manages single player respawn at random bases. Ai respawn is ok but how do players respawn in SP? Thank you for patiently going through. I love ARMA 3 like you all and will publish this mission for SP lovers like myself It will be a perpetual and interesting game mode IMHO. Regards
  11. thelegendarykhan

    loot generator - fun snippet

    OK so this code goes in mission descriptoin.ext? and also this location spread value and search range value is going to be like Alive where prepetually in nearby buildings loot will spawn?
  12. thelegendarykhan

    Enemy AI random respawn?

    My friend yes this is the duplicate of my other thread. But you can check out how many people answered my question there. Plus I have decided to break my other rather lengthy post into small small questions like this. And secondly there is no delete your post option IMHO so i get rid of those. @Iceman thanx a lot on your reply on the other thread. But it was a bit confusing for a noob like me so didnt want to trouble you with further explanation. I know the basics but in scripting you wrote a big code. I have no idea what to replace with my in-mission elements? Excuse me please :( Ok disregard my original post. Just tell me from your side guys how to make a simple enemy AI respawn after i drill his head? Sorry for my rude language but im sick of this. I saw youtube tutorials and even in multiplayer the "spawn - "BASE" and spawnDelay - 3" this is not working.
  13. thelegendarykhan

    Simple random AI Respawn location question

    Thanks for the reply man. Yeah sure: spawngroup.sqf: //spawnGroup 1.0 by SPUn if(!isServer)exitWith{}; private ["_array","_faction","_group","_side","_base","_grp","_tempGrp","_lifes","_setBase","_task","_delay","_air","_azi","_basePos"]; _array = _this select 0; _faction = _this select 1; _group = _this select 2; _group setVariable ["state", "spawning"]; _delay = _group getVariable "delay"; sleep _delay; switch(_faction)do{ case "BLU_F":{ _side = west; }; case "BLU_G_F":{ _side = west; }; case "OPF_F":{ _side = east; }; default { _side = resistance; }; }; if((_side == west)&&(!AIRS_respawn_WEST))exitWith{}; if((_side == east)&&(!AIRS_respawn_EAST))exitWith{}; if((_side == resistance)&&(!AIRS_respawn_INDE))exitWith{}; _setBase = _group getVariable "base"; if(isNil("_setBase"))then{ if(_side == resistance)then{ _base = "respawn_guerrila"; }else{ _base = "respawn_" + (str _side); }; _basePos = getMarkerPos _base; }else{ if((typeName _setBase) == "ARRAY")then{ if((_setBase select 0) in allMapMarkers)then{ _base = _setBase call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _basePos = getMarkerPos _base; }else{ _basePos = _setBase; }; }else{ _basePos = getMarkerPos _setBase; }; }; _air = _group getVariable "air"; _azi = _group getVariable "azi"; _grp = [_basePos, _side, _array,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,_azi,_air] call AIRS_fnc_spawnGroup; _tempGrp = []; { _tempGrp set[(count _tempGrp),_x] }forEach units _grp; _tempGrp joinSilent _group; deleteGroup _grp; _lifes = _group getVariable "lifes"; if(_lifes > 0)then{ if(_lifes > 1)then{ _lifes = _lifes - 1; _group setVariable ["lifes", _lifes]; }else{ _group setVariable ["classnames", nil]; _group setVariable ["lifes", nil]; _group setVariable ["task", nil]; _group setVariable ["base", nil]; _group setVariable ["state", nil]; _group setVariable ["delay", nil]; _group setVariable ["air", nil]; _group setVariable ["azi", nil]; }; }; _group setVariable ["state", "alive"]; _task = _group getVariable "task"; if(!isNil("_task"))then{ [_group] call AIRS_StartTask; }; and "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup2.sqf": /* File: BIS_fnc_spawnGroup2.sqf (original: spawnGroup.sqf) Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land, modified by Thomas Ryan (MODIFIED by SPUn [vehicle positioning check, air option]) Description: Function which handles the spawning of a dynamic group of characters. The composition of the group can be passed to the function. Alternatively a number can be passed and the function will spawn that amount of characters with a random type. Parameter(s): _this select 0: the group's starting position (Array) _this select 1: the group's side (Side) _this select 2: can be three different types: - list of character types (Array) - amount of characters (Number) - CfgGroups entry (Config) _this select 3: (optional) list of relative positions (Array) _this select 4: (optional) list of ranks (Array) _this select 5: (optional) skill range (Array) _this select 6: (optional) ammunition count range (Array) _this select 7: (optional) randomization controls (Array) 0: amount of mandatory units (Number) 1: spawn chance for the remaining units (Number) _this select 8: (optional) azimuth (Number) _this select 9: (optional) if groups vehicles spawns flying (Boolean) DEFAULT: false Returns: The group (Group) */ //Validate parameter count if ((count _this) < 3) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Function requires at leat 3 parameters!"; grpNull}; private ["_pos", "_side"]; _pos = [_this, 0, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _side = [_this, 1, sideUnknown, [sideUnknown]] call BIS_fnc_param; private ["_chars", "_charsType", "_types"]; _chars = [_this, 2, [], [[], 0, configFile]] call BIS_fnc_param; _charsType = typeName _chars; if (_charsType == (typeName [])) then { _types = _chars; } else { if (_charsType == (typeName 0)) then { //Only a count was given, so ask this function for a good composition. _types = [_side, _chars] call BIS_fnc_returnGroupComposition; } else { if (_charsType == (typeName configFile)) then { _types = []; }; }; }; private ["_positions", "_ranks", "_skillRange", "_ammoRange", "_randomControls","_air"]; _positions = [_this, 3, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _ranks = [_this, 4, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _skillRange = [_this, 5, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _ammoRange = [_this, 6, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _randomControls = [_this, 7, [-1, 1], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _air = [_this, 9, false, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Fetch the random controls. private ["_minUnits", "_chance"]; _minUnits = _randomControls select 0; _chance = _randomControls select 1; private ["_azimuth"]; _azimuth = [_this, 8, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Check parameter validity. //TODO: Check for valid skill and ammo ranges? if ((typeName _pos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Position (0) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((count _pos) < 2) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Position (0) should contain at least 2 elements!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _side) != (typeName sideEnemy)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Side (1) should be of type Side!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _positions) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of relative positions (3) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _ranks) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of ranks (4) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _skillRange) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Skill range (5) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _ammoRange) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Ammo range (6) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _randomControls) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Random controls (7) should be an Array!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _minUnits) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Mandatory units (7 select 0) should be a Number!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _chance) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Spawn chance (7 select 1) should be a Number!"; grpNull}; if ((typeName _azimuth) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Azimuth (8) should be a Number!"; grpNull}; if ((_minUnits != -1) && (_minUnits < 1)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Mandatory units (7 select 0) should be at least 1!"; grpNull}; if ((_chance < 0) || (_chance > 1)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Spawn chance (7 select 1) should be between 0 and 1!"; grpNull}; if (((count _positions) > 0) && ((count _types) != (count _positions))) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of positions (3) should contain an equal amount of elements to the list of types (2)!"; grpNull}; if (((count _ranks) > 0) && ((count _types) != (count _ranks))) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of ranks (4) should contain an equal amount of elements to the list of types (2)!"; grpNull}; //Convert a CfgGroups entry to types, positions and ranks. if (_charsType == (typeName configFile)) then { _ranks = []; _positions = []; for "_i" from 0 to ((count _chars) - 1) do { private ["_item"]; _item = _chars select _i; if (isClass _item) then { _types = _types + [getText(_item >> "vehicle")]; _ranks = _ranks + [getText(_item >> "rank")]; _positions = _positions + [getArray(_item >> "position")]; }; }; }; private ["_grp"]; _grp = createGroup _side; //Create the units according to the selected types. for "_i" from 0 to ((count _types) - 1) do { //See if this unit should be skipped. private ["_skip"]; _skip = false; if (_minUnits != -1) then { //Has the mandatory minimum been reached? if (_i > (_minUnits - 1)) then { //Has the spawn chance been satisfied? if ((random 1) > _chance) then {_skip = true}; }; }; if (!_skip) then { private ["_unit", "_type"]; _type = _types select _i; //If given, use relative position. private ["_itemPos"]; if ((count _positions) > 0) then { private ["_relPos"]; _relPos = _positions select _i; _itemPos = [(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0), (_pos select 1) + (_relPos select 1)]; } else { _itemPos = _pos; }; //Is this a character or vehicle? if (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "isMan") == 1) then { _unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit setDir _azimuth; } else { //Find empty place for vehicle to spawn (if not spawning at air) private["_tempPos"]; if(_air)then{ _tempPos = _itemPos; }else{ private["_isFlat","_eRange","_sim","_water","_asize"]; _sim = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "simulation"); if(_sim == "shipx")then{_water = 2}else{_water = 0}; if(_sim == "airplanex")then{_asize = 12}else{_asize = 6}; _isFlat = []; _eRange = 10; while{count _isFlat == 0}do{ _tempPos = [(_itemPos select 0) + (sin (random 360)) * _eRange, (_itemPos select 1) + (cos (random 360)) * _eRange, 0]; _isFlat = _tempPos isflatempty [_asize,0,1,2,_water,false]; _eRange = _eRange + 2; }; }; _unit = ([_tempPos, _azimuth, _type, _grp, _air] call AIRS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0; //_unit = ([_tempPos, _azimuth, _type, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0; }; //If given, set the unit's rank. if ((count _ranks) > 0) then { [_unit,_ranks select _i] call bis_fnc_setRank; }; //If a range was given, set a random skill. if ((count _skillRange) > 0) then { private ["_minSkill", "_maxSkill", "_diff"]; _minSkill = _skillRange select 0; _maxSkill = _skillRange select 1; _diff = _maxSkill - _minSkill; _unit setUnitAbility (_minSkill + (random _diff)); }; //If a range was given, set a random ammo count. if ((count _ammoRange) > 0) then { private ["_minAmmo", "_maxAmmo", "_diff"]; _minAmmo = _ammoRange select 0; _maxAmmo = _ammoRange select 1; _diff = _maxAmmo - _minAmmo; _unit setVehicleAmmo (_minAmmo + (random _diff)); }; }; }; //--- Sort group members by ranks (the same as 2D editor does it) private ["_newGrp"]; _newGrp = createGroup _side; while {count units _grp > 0} do { private ["_maxRank","_unit"]; _maxRank = -1; _unit = objnull; { _rank = rankid _x; if (_rank > _maxRank) then {_maxRank = _rank; _unit = _x;}; } foreach units _grp; [_unit] joinsilent _newGrp; }; _newGrp selectleader (units _newGrp select 0); deletegroup _grp; _newGrp
  14. Hello Arma community. I will keep it simple. I am trying to make an SP where units of all the 3 sides - BLU, OPF, and IND are present on an island individually without any or little groups. I need: 1. AI unit Respawn at random points 2. AI units to get attack/defend/capture priorities randomly 3. AI can detect nearby empty vehicles and proceed to these objectives. If an unarmed car then how to disembark also rather than sitting ducks and eating bullets and launcher fires:shoot: 4. AI units can find and resupply from nearby crates and vehicles on objective markers 5. Player respawn in SP Against all the above, I have combined ALIVE (Garbage clean up) and AIRS (AI respawn and proceed to target marker) to attain the above goals partially. What I have been able to achieve till now: 1. AI unit Respawn at random points - Like I said I used AIRS to respawn dead AI inf units on a respawn marker. But, how can I add more markers for the same side through out the map to be able to randomise the AI respawn location? 2. AI units to get attack/defend/capture priorities randomly - I used AIRS to give the AI marker spots to proceed and attack. But they either go to that marker or directly come to my location where I shot them. 2 furthers questions: a. How to randomise AI target markers after respawn in AIRS? Marker names separated by commas? b. How to brainwash the respawned enemy AI in believeing I never existed in the last spot and just move to any randomly chosen target markers? :) 3. AI can detect nearby empty vehicles and proceed to these objectives. If an unarmed car then how to disembark also rather than sitting ducks and eating bullets and launcher fires - I saw in AIRS features- "AI detects nearby empty vehicles". But I have no idea how it works. If there is an empty vehicle at their respawn location or in the way to their objectives, will they board it automatically? or scripting is needed? Also is it possible for AI to disembark from a, say, unarmed offroad when shot at? or will it continue to let itself turn into a roasted turkey? One tricky question in this - If i spawn a hunter gmg with a group in and I damage the wheels, the ai like usual comes out, and I kill em all. Now will the vehicle and the group manning it will re-spawn separately or the vehicle will wait for the entire inf group to die, as I will use vehicle respawn too? How to have them respawn together - Vehicle + inf group in it? But what if my other normal vehicle respawn script has a target of respawn vehicle if left empty for xx seconds/minutes? 4. AI units can find and resupply from nearby crates and vehicles on objective markers - speaks for itself. How to? 5. Player respawn in SP - A fantastic mission made by Genesis92x by the name Endless Survival (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22807) has most of these features which I need. I have no idea how that mission manages single player respawn at random bases. Ai respawn is ok but how do players respawn in SP? Thank you for patiently going through. I love ARMA 3 like you all and will publish this mission for SP lovers like myself :D It will be a perpetual and interesting game mode IMHO. Regards
  15. thelegendarykhan

    Need AI related help, Wasteland like SP mission

    Come on guys please. :( ok one point at a time atleast.
  16. When i do what he says in ARMA 3, I am getting "Script SP_respawn.sqf not found" error on the mission loading screen. Any ideas?
  17. thelegendarykhan

    The new Sector Module

    Hey, saw your comment and just need some help from u. I basically havethe latest development build of Arma3 with Zeus. I am trying to create a similar seize mission in editor. I add eveything as mentioned in the "show info" of the module. Just wondering how to add AI in my team as well as the enemy team who work towards this seize objective and respawn and again rush towards seizing. Would appreciate any reply. :bounce3: