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Everything posted by diwako

  1. Huh, I wonder why I did not get a notification of a new post in this thread. First of thanks for replying. I do have made some emission scripts, yet never released them as they did not really encompass everything, merely just the player side of things. AI so far was a none concern and the way the emission worked was as well a none concern. E.g. not every building would work as shelter, just specific ones as these blow outs were part of a mission theme and to drive players to a certain point during the mission. Besides, it would probably break a lot of AI behavior if I were to make them try and seek shelter. So I doubt there will be a script that will do exactly what everyone want it to do. Also, Drongo made the vampires, not me, I made other agent/ai things that i never bothered to show or release 😉
  2. Looking forward to this. Have not found a good solution to make this work in MP on my end.
  3. Should not interfere.
  4. Just to clear things up in case there are some misunderstandings what "danger.fsm" means. It means the behavior logic the AI will use when they do detect danger or in general a threat. The actual detection part is not part of the danger.fsm itself and is handled in vanilla Arma, which then executes the danger.fsm as a result. Another result of that threat detection is often (basically always really) that AI will go into combat mode. This mod's main goal is to provide a custom and "improved" danger.fsm without cutting too deep into the vanilla AI behavior such as waypoints. Hence why we keep saying it is out of scope. We currently do not intend to change how AI do detect threats and what they see as a threat. The modules and waypoints we added are basically just a bonus on top to give mission makers some more options what they can do with the AI, they are in fact NOT the main focus of this mod. So in short: Will we support stealth gameplay: No, as that means we need to change the threat detection, which is out of scope Will we create a task for stealth gameplay: No, as this is such a mission specific thing and every stealth mission works differently, no way to please everyone Is it even possible to make a stealth task, yes, been there done that, made a metal gear solid op, but then again, very mission specific.
  5. From my experience with consumer level suppressors and .308 rounds, You can still hear them from 450 meters away, but the sound itself is more of whip crack sound than a small explosion or your regular gunshot sound. Yet, changing how well AI can hear and see is just not in the scope of this mod. It is something you should do on mission level. You can use "setSkill" for spotting distance and such. "setUnitTrait" on player with "audibleCoef" and also "camouflageCoef" lowered.
  6. There might be an RC for the new version soon. This will then go for 2 weeks to find issues with that version itself before we actually release it. The reason why it took so long for anything happening is simply real life just happens plus we restructured ALOT in the backend of the fsm and the addon. So the next release is more of a restructure and getting rid of technical debt than full on new feature release. To answer some of your findings with suppressors and such. We do not modify detection of AI in any way, other than the "radio" and call out feature. Not sure how a "task" can help here. You'd need to lobotomize the AI for this to work properly, suppressors are usually only used for hearing protection and the gun shot itself is still audible through several hundred meters. Tweaking the AI for stealth does not really work for us as we want a general AI improvement when they react to danger.
  7. diwako

    CBRN Script

    There will not really be an easy way sadly, the whole thing was made without the removal part. I can imagine that this might work: Note down where you are creating the zones on server. Send the position to your clients to search for a trigger at that position, make them delete the trigger. Triggers are created only locally on the players machine, so every player has their own copy of the "zone" trigger. On top of that, for JIP support it uses the cba event frame work, so, if someone jips in mid mission and after the zone was removed, it will be still there for them as it will be created when they join. You would need to remove the JIP event for that using CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP. https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/blob/master/addons/events/fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP.sqf However, you currently do not receive the ID of that event back and need to modify the createZone script so that the event raise function is at the very bottom.
  8. diwako

    CBRN Script

    I meant it as this, the example only use markers, but it is possible to pass an object as well. For example you place down a barrel object and you name it "chemical_barrel". then you can do it as such as wel in initServer.sqf [chemical_barrel, 2.5, 25, 25] call cbrn_fnc_createZone; This will create a chemical zone around "chemical_barrel" with a total radius of 50 and strength of 2.5. You also wanted to know the height of the zone. The height equals the radius, in this case, it is also 50. This script does not make it possible to have it attached to a vehicle, e.g. make it move around. It is possible to do, but not realized in this version.
  9. diwako

    CBRN Script

    Yup. It uses cba's getPos in the background. so you can pass anything really. Object, markername, trigger, module, etc. It will convert it to the center pos of the new zone.
  10. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    For DUI, you can add the cba settings to disable its features inside the mission. Then just set it for the mission to overwrite the settings of the clients.
  11. A feature as such would add a whole new layer of what AI needs to handle. The main issue is the behavior how an empty vehicle that no one ever sat in is seen as. Lambs danger uses the vanilla way to spot enemies, which as mentioned already, is not intended or supported. We would need to tag every vehicle that can be seen as enemy in some way or another, then need to add more assessment stages to manually fire on said target, depending if the group is even, which adds even more overhead as we now need to query over all enemy tagged vehicles, determine if they are a threat, determine if the group can even deal with that target and so on and only then we can script wise order it to deal with that target, taking away all other features until this target has been dealt with. In short a lot of work, maybe without any pay off and very much new behavior which can be seen as bugs by many people. Imo it would be easier to add a scripted module to zeus/script for mission makers can use for this kind of feature.
  12. diwako

    CBRN Script

    Double click the chemical detector in your inventory when it is in the clock item slot.
  13. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    I got a few people telling me this, I have yet to reproduce the issue. Is it a specific game mode this happens? Is DUI also running on server? Which sorting mode is being used?
  14. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    For the first point. That seems to be a bug. The indicators component is using the occlusion values of the radar component. It does make sense why the occlusion will not work within 50 to 100 range, as the radar component does not look at any units outside its showing range. For the second one. Sorting and show leader first are intended to be forced either by server or by missions. Clients are not to use this setting. Reason behind it is pretty simple. Every client should have the same sorting in their namelist. Else row calls will be confusing. No idea about that last point honestly.
  15. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Do you run DUI on the server as well. CBA settings which are server enforced only work if the server also has the settings added to CBA.
  16. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Hey everyone, The update has now been released to the stable workshop item and GitHub 😄 The changelog is the same as no issues have cropped up. Version: 1.8.0 Downlads: https://github.com/diwako/diwako_dui/releases/tag/1.8.0 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1638341685
  17. Hey everyone. I have released an update to this mod. Added Zen modules Reduction of proxy objects for effects Detector beeping sound volume is adjustable (double click on the detector) Fixed Meatgrinder activation effect not showing https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1383903166 Bye!
  18. diwako

    DUI - Squad Radar

    Hey everyone, Just pushed a release candidate for version 1.8.0. There is one large new feature. It is nametags. These are mostly already tested in a small group, but it would be cool if others also take a look 🙂 Smallish preview: Changelog: Added: Radar - Setting to choose when to show medic icon (#139) Nametags - Added to DUI (#147) Radar - Max opacity setting for icons on radar (#149) Radar - Setting to control distance between radar and bearing control (#150) Radar - Occlusion fade in time setting (#152) Fixed: Radar - ACRE God mode throws error (#146) Radar - Reduced icon jitter on radar (#151) Changed: General - Moved color setters to main component, fixes bug in indicators (#148) Note: Setting CBA setting "diwako_dui_radar_trackingColor" is now "diwako_dui_main_trackingColor" Link to download (github and workshop): https://github.com/diwako/diwako_dui/releases/tag/1.8.0-rc1
  19. Well yes, we have a Wiki entry for this https://github.com/nk3nny/LambsDanger/wiki/Variables-and-functions#unit-variables
  20. The gist of it is I am currently really busy with IRL stuff. You could say this mod is currently not being developed because of that. However I do check if people make pull requests or want to contribute somehow to the things I have on my GitHub.
  21. diwako

    CBRN Script

    Good question. I sadly do not know. I believe it is the sub title element, yet I have no idea which one it might even be.
  22. diwako

    CBRN Script

    Just tested it as well with latest CBA and latest ACE3 with the example mission. It works on my end, you sure you loaded the latest versions? For the exposure text not showing up. It could be you moved that UI element out of your view as I see you have customized that. You can check if you see this when executing it in your debug console titleText ["Test one two, hello!" , "PLAIN DOWN"];
  23. diwako

    CBRN Script

    Hmm, checking the code again, you are correct. The option to check for exposure is indeed not available then. Another issue I noticed is, i am just executing the pain adjust for ace medical without checking if it is even there. So, all in all, you are correct and ace medical is needed for all features.
  24. diwako

    CBRN Script

    It is a text that should appear on your center bottom screen.
  25. diwako

    CBRN Script

    The script currently is as is. It was made for a mission of mine and then extracted as many others wanted a standalone version of it. The reason why it is on git as well is so people can fork it and also further develop it, in hopes that people do pull requests with fixes and maybe new features.