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About RedPerkele

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Does anyone have any idea how to stop Articulate from picking up random sounds? It used to work absolutely fine until recently - when, for no reason I can think of (I didn't change any settings), it began reacting to e.g. in-game sounds (AI talking) or even mouse wheel scrolling! It's really annoying, coz now it pops up menus randomly. The only solution is to use the "push to talk" feature, which I don't like. I've tried experimenting with the settings, and I also reduced the levels of my microphone, but no luck :(
  2. There is, again, a point (although, Americans didn't have a problem with testing nukes in their own yard!). I'm not arguing against you, simply pointing out that the storyline is somewhat flawed - at the very least, lackluster...
  3. Yeah, while earthquakes in Iran or China are entirely unprecedented :P
  4. Well, that plot does make some sense, although it still has holes a whole...truck can go through. Like,
  5. I played both. I didn't find any great explanation in the Miller ending either - in some sense, it introduced more questions. For example, why did
  6. I have a pretty decent rig, and I can certainly testify performance drops occasionally. Elaborating on why I found 'Win' disappointing: (I'm overdoing it with spoiler tags maybe, but I prefer to err on the side of safety) - There just isn't any larger-scale context. The whole story so far has been secretive, suggestive, whatever you wanna call it, but at least it had the elements for an interesting finale. Well, apart from the questions that are unanswered, the biggest issue is that there isn't any political/"rest of the world" dimension offered. The setup for Survive and, to a lesser extent, Adapt was pretty good in that respect. You had a feeling of something bigger existing out there, that will be revealed in due course. Well, it didn't. - OK, this is a matter of taste, but the weather was really monotonous in Win. I mean, come on! The weather engine of Arma is really cool, I'm surprised the designers of Win didn't want to show it off more. - Location choice was boring. - Missions really lacked in variety. . -
  7. Thanks for the help, appreciate it. In the end, I finished the mission without it. Btw, I can also add my own frustration at the 'Win' part story-wise. Thoroughly disappointing :(
  8. This is the mother of all stupid questions, but in "Preventive Diplomacy", where on earth do you find the UAV? I notice one flying above, and I do have a UAV terminal with me, but for the life of me I can't see anywhere a UAV on the ground that I can use. There's also the other stupid message about sniper weapons, also MIA...
  9. RedPerkele

    Can't Get New Update

    Ah, I see! I thought it's released because of the SITREP notification that appeared ;)
  10. RedPerkele

    Can't Get New Update

    Today is the day where the 'Win' campaign is released, together with several other improvements and features. Well, I was under the impression the update happens automatically, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. I get the top-right side notification (that it's released), but there's no 'Win' campaign and no new items. Is there a way to add the update manually, or...?
  11. I confirm that removing and reinstalling solved the issue of mid-air spawning. I have no clue why, but it works now :cool:
  12. It's been working fine for months, up until the latest Arma patch. I am seeing it in all occasions, all maps (e.g. no-addons, plain-vanilla units in editor preview). But thanks for the path info, I had changed the wrong file indeed! Disable works now - although, I'm still baffled by the mid-air spawn. :confused: I guess I could try removing and reinstalling TPW just in case...
  13. I'm having a pretty serious (although, I must admit, funny as well) bug after the latest Arma patch. I mentioned the issue in Armaholic, without any reply. Any ideas here? The thing is, civilians spawn in mid-air, and then fall onto their deaths! Kinda ruins the immersion (although I'm feeling tempted to make a mission with 'It's Raining Men' as the soundtrack) ;) Also, how exactly do I deactivate civ spawning? Waiting for a solution, I'd like to remove that, but setting the value to '0' on the TPW_MODS.hpp file doesn't seem to work. :confused: I have the latest version of both Arma and TPW