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About haleks

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    Chief Warrant Officer

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  1. haleks


    Hey guys, Regarding loot-related issues recently reported : I haven't touched Arma 3 in a long long while, so take this with a grain of salt, but, looking at the code, I'm thinking the approach I went for back then is probably flawed. Basically, the code keeps track of every object searched by players, and creates new variables for every each one of them. The problem, I think, is that said variables aren't deleted unless players take another look at these objects after some time ingame... If the terrain is large enough, it is possible that the number of variables gets big enough to impact performances before players start examining objects they already visited (thus destroying old variables)... Hashmaps weren't available back then, and could, potentially, provide a solution; but I reckon the most robust fix would be to cap the number of objects we keep track of. No promises, but I reckon one last hotfix is necessary. I will certainly fiddle with the code, and provide a test version on this forum if I can come up with a solid enough workaround. Just to be sure, does any of you guys encounter those performance issues without the dynamic furniture system ?
  2. Hello! Is the revage mod still supported by you?
    I found a small problem related to the spawning of objects in buildings. I described it in more detail in the group "BI Forum Ravage Club". link

  3. haleks


    Honestly, being a Single Player kinda guy, and now that it's clear that Reforger won't ever be SP-friendly, my interest in modding it has pretty much vanished... I might boot it up some day and fix it, but I reckon it will be the last time I touch anything Reforger-related. Although I do need to fix (ideally replace) my CPU first... 😑
  4. haleks


    @MuRaZorWitchKING, you're welcome my friend ! It's always amazing to see the passion and dedication Ravage can spur - congratz on the release guys ! 😉
  5. haleks


    That 's unlikely : currently Impact is pretty much just a conditional addForce command plugged into a hitPart EvenHandler; it cannot have any effect on anything other than units.
  6. haleks


    Hey guys, Tiny update for MP : Apparently, the addForce command I'm using requires the target unit to be local... And since the hitPart EH fires on the shooter's machine, I'm guessing the previous update wasn't properly working.
  7. haleks


    @honger : the condition field is used for the spawn triggers generated by the module, rather than on the module itself; but the effect is the same, yeah.
  8. haleks


    Hello chaps ! I've pushed a small update after realizing that Impact wasn't working properly in MP. Since the "hitPart" EH I'm using needs to be added from any potential shooter's machine, it is important to remember that Impact should be loaded on both server & clients. Have fun people !
  9. haleks


    Correct. Good thing you're asking mate - I realize I can easily add the same workaround as the visual detection tweak to both the damage output and the damage EH. The "legacy" update isn't quite ready, but I reckon I'll try to push a tiny patch around next week-end with a few improvements I've made so far. 😉
  10. Your code won't do anything because you're not running it on any object : your mossRocks array is holding classnames, not objects. But before we dig into the syntax errors, you should know that you can't modify terrain objects; if the idea is to adjust the size of all those objects on the terrain, the process is going to be a bit more involved : - you'll need to detect all corresponding terrain object and hide them. And then spawn the same model with a random size - spawn them as simple objects to do so. - buuuuut, the sheer number of objects to keep in memory will most likely be enough to crash the game while attempting to save in SP, and/or cause many issues in MP.
  11. haleks


    @honger: To expand on what EO suggested : The spawn system looks for any "static" structure to generate spawn positions; that means that fences and street lights along main roads will tend to monopolize the potential spawns outside of urban areas. Ravage does have a backup method to spawn zeds in the absence of static structures, but since that's a rather generic reference, it doesn't even kick in most of the time... The spawn module does allow you to blacklist specific structures though, that could improve things in your situation. My Remnant mod has a more advanced and modular system, but I don't see any easy way to port it to Ravage without potentially breaking custom scenarios. 😕
  12. haleks


    Hello chaps, Here comes another update ! Ravage v1.0.5 * fixed script compilation error * added Entity Catalog to Infected Faction * fixed BT using obsolete scripted nodes * fixed infected being unable to sprint and attack at the same time * Infected can now jump over obstacles in their idle state * BT tweaks & optimization * The Request Climb scripted node now enters a FAIL state if climbing isn't needed * Infected no longer try to move to their target if they are close enough * Reduced leading movement time during chase sequence * fixed infected using an obsolete voice amplitude config * fixed obsolete keywords following recent Reforger updates * improved infected textures The mod is playable again, and the patch features several AI improvements & optimization. Note that infected audio needs further tweaks - sound occlusion doesn't seem to work properly, and audio levels need to be adjusted to work better with their amplitude config. Another thing to keep in mind, regarding zeds being able to climb in their idle state : the original plan was to limit that feature to low obstacles, but the current functions related to climbing don't seem to be 100% working right now... I was unable to obtain the data I'd need to distinguish between climbing and vaulting - at least not in a reasonable or optimized way; so that will need some adjustment too. Have fun guys !
  13. haleks


    I gotta say, even though I have no love for Reforger and its full on MP orientation, working with the workbench is always nice. The game breaking issues caused by the last updates were easy to fix, and I've already made some sensible improvements to the infected behavior. 🙂 Here's a preview of the next changelog : I'm considering lowering their sprint speed even more, now that they will happily try and grab their target while chasing it - previously they had to slow down a bit before they could attack, which made them easier to evade... I'm not sure how much of a threat they were in a solo/coop environment though, so any feedback is welcome in that regard. I'm going to take the time this week-end to rework their textures, fix some minor errors, and maybe adjust their audio configs; the update should be ready in a few days. \o/
  14. haleks


    @PolskiOski : Thanks for reporting! I'm working on a fix right now; beyond that error (already fixed on my dev build), that update broke the AI BT nodes... again. 😅 While I fix them, I'll probably tweak their behavior a bit more (their pathfinding needs improvements) - the next update should also feature improved textures for the infected. Sorry for reacting a bit late on this folks, RL work has kept me away from doing much modding lately. 😕