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Everything posted by Mokomoko

  1. Mokomoko

    Arma 3 Server monetization

    Most Server owners won't bother to apply for that list. Why should they? They don't care about BI, they won't do anything anyways. They didn't stop A3Life, why should they look for servers NOT on their monetization list just to ask them to stop monetization? They could have done that all along, but they didn't. Tonic is right - this isn't a real solution. If they really start to punish people vilolating their TOS, everything will make sense, but until then: Not happening.
  2. Can anyone explain me this grass texture glitch? I don't know why it looks like that, and obviously not how to fix it. I tried turning the clutter off, and using a different grass texture. The first didn't do anything and the latter made the ground black around me... Any help is greatly appreciated!
  3. Hey guys, I have the following problem: I am using the Terrain Builder to create a map for Arma 3. I got it working to the point that I can create missions for the map in the arma3 map editor. Now I wanted to place some trees, houses, etc. and did so by adding every single object onto the terrain. When I wanted to test it, it worked fine and I could play the map normally. Suddenly - when I had placed a lot of objects (around 2000 maybe?) the bulldozer said "Too many objects in grid rectangle 13,8" when I tried to start it. I tried to pack the map anyways and when I tried to launch arma, the same error appeared. So I assume I have too many objects in the grid rectangle 13,8 -> My Question is: How can I locate that spot? And what is the maximum of objects that can be there? Any help is greatly appreciated! Edit: Here is a picture of it
  4. You looked at the settings of BadLuckBurt not mine. My map is actually 10.000m² take a look at my settings here: http://img5.picload.org/image/ciaadoa/samplers.png I understand your explanation anyways, it clears up a lot of questions I had about those values and I never found a good documentation or manual for the terrain builder.
  5. Sorry burt :D Well, he said I need a smaller Grid Size, and the next smaller one is 512x512 and If I want the same terrain size, I need to adjust the Cell size to 20m - that's just what I thought would make sense.
  6. http://img5.picload.org/image/ciaadoa/samplers.png This is my samplers Tab (ignore the last value, I changed that to 40x40 thanks to BadLuckBert) but you are saying I should change Grid Size to 512x512 and then cell size to 20? Then I'll still have the same Terrain size but I can place more objects? Why would you want that value to be high then anyways? And will I get problems with my terrain when I change those values? Last time I played with those values my objects changed their position randomly.
  7. Mokomoko

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    Even 10x10 crashed my terrain builder :P I like your 40x40 value - I think that's the perfect balance!
  8. You guys are amazing. Thanks for your reply! @BadLuckBert: That error appeared before and after I changed that texture size. I may try to take a look into that textfile. @Jakerod: Its not 13,8 meter - it was in the middle of the map and the map is 10km^2 and I don't think 0,0 is in the middle of the map but yes I used the fill option - and that was probably the problem... I resolved that problem by deleting everything and placing every object manually so I can track down after every object which cell is affected. Exhausting! But I've never been confronted with that error again...
  9. Mokomoko

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    Well that was all it took! I don't have that weird wave and transparency effect anymore! Everything looks awesome now! You made my day! God bless you! :)
  10. Mokomoko

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    Thank you very much for your answer! (Or dankjewel? :D) This is how my Sampler settings look like: http://picload.org/image/ciaadoa/samplers.png (221 kB)
  11. Having the same problem: ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 019E2DE7 Version 0.00.0 Fault time: 2015/01/27 12:14:39 Fault address: 019E2DE7 01:00871DE7 G:\Standartprogramme\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Binarize\binarize.exe Prev. code bytes: D9 81 A4 00 00 00 C3 CC CC 55 8B EC 56 8B 75 08 Fault code bytes: 83 7E 24 02 7D 07 8B CE E8 AC 7C 18 00 8B 96 B8 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:0208DFF0 ECX:03BED8B8 EDX:03ADB0A0 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000000 CS:EIP:0023:019E2DE7 SS:ESP:002B:002CD038 EBP:002CD03C DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010202 ======================================================= Call stack: Stack 002CD038 0030D038 mapfile: G:\Standartprogramme\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Binarize\Binarize.map (empty 1)
  12. Mokomoko

    [WIP] New map incoming need help

    Looks pretty badass :D
  13. I had the same problem. No I am getting an Division by Zero everytime I try to crunch something. BI really has to work on that binarizer - even opened a ticket on the bugtracker.
  14. It's hilarious that I have to "spam" other threads just to get more than 5 Posts just to start a thread.