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doc. caliban

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Everything posted by doc. caliban

  1. doc. caliban

    How to create a new ammo class?

    Oh man. Everything was fine, and after today's patch, my new config crashes on startup. I even stripped it all the way down to one new class each for ammo and a magazine. Murphy is alive and well. Fixed. Was inheriting Bullet_Base instead of BulletBase. Didn't cause any issues as it turns out I wasn't using the class anymore anyway, but 1.66 ignored the nonexistent class name and 1.68 completely craps the bed --- CDT during startup. The error handling seems to have slipped somewhere with the new update. Code in Post #1 updated.
  2. doc. caliban

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hello. How do I set the default direct voice mode (whisper/normal/yelling) via init? I've tried this but it doesn't seem to work for me: call TFAR_fnc_setVoiceVolume; TF_max_voice_volume = 100; Thank you.
  3. Hey, that taught me a bit more about something I've seen, but didn't understand the distinction between. Thanks. Mine is continuous zoom, so there must be something else that I'm missing. The only thing I'm doing that's out of the norm for the vanilla scopes is setting the default zoom level to something other than the lowest magnification. I think most scopes init to the low magnification anyway, so the issue may not show in most cases. Best, -Doc p.s. A note on the stepped-zoom scopes: We determined last night that those are the only ones affected by the MP bug in which only one person can zoom with that type of scope at a time. It does not affect continuous zoom scopes. Posted the info to the bug tracker. I'd rather my scopes be stepped, but no can do until that bug is fixed.
  4. Hello. Custom optic. opticsZoomMin and opticsZoomMax set and working. (float values for 10x & 1x respectively) My understanding of opticsZoomInit is that it's supposed to be the default zoom level when you first bring the scope up. Is that not correct? I try to set it to the value for 4x, but the scope always comes up at 1x. Messing around with things seems to indicate that opticsZoomInit is completely ignorred. The default is always whatever the lowest zoom setting is. (opticsZoomMax)
  5. Hello. Created a custom scope. It works in SP. In MP, only one player at a time can zoom the scope optics (for instance, with the mouse wheel.) Player 1 and player 2 have the scope. Only player 1 can zoom with it. If player 1 gets rid of the scope, zooming suddenly starts working for player 2. Absolutely dumbfounded. Any ideas? Thanks, -Doc UPDATE: Apparently a known bug, but most people experience it with the vanilla scopes. We'll count ourselves lucky for not having to deal with that.
  6. class CfgPatches { class NEW_Custom_Class { units[]={}; // Do these need to contain classes that you are going to import and create? weapons[]={}; whatever[]={}; }; }; Or just one or the other? Thank you, -Doc EDIT: After looking at more examples, I think it's only supposed to contain new classes that are being created. Correct?
  7. doc. caliban

    How to create a new ammo class?

    Hi, Bnae. Thanks for the reply. I checked and that seems to be ok, but I did get clued in to a few syntax errors and unneeded imports. I've fixed those and will test everything at some point today. Updated the code in Post #1.
  8. doc. caliban

    How to create a new ammo class?

    Not quite there yet, but I think I must be close. Updated code in Post #1.
  9. doc. caliban

    How to create a new ammo class?

    Updated code in Post #1.
  10. Understood. Thank you for the reply. Perhaps that can be a request then, since it's simple to do. Best, -Doc
  11. Ammo type request: Subsonic (147gr) 9mm ammo/mags. The only reason I don't use the Sting on stealth missions is because the vanilla ammo is supersonic. (Probably 115gr or 124gr) I believe a 147gr load that retains a maximum subsonic velocity when fired out of an SMG-length barrel would be an excellent addition to the game. Thanks for considering. -Doc
  12. Hello, Are there patch versions of the updates? For instance, a v1.2 to v1.3 update that doesn't require re-downloading the gigs of unchanged data? Thank you, -Doc
  13. Thank you both very much. It's a very specific thing I wanted to be able to do, and while there are certainly fringe cases that it might not handle, those are not of concern for my purposes. Here's what I'm doing: I use the script-only version of the AI mod that's bundled into MCC, Gaia. The mission making process is to place area markers that will be used at Gaia "zones", place groups in the zones, then edit the init for each group leader to define, among other things, the zone they are assigned to. That meant a lot of init editing, which meant a few mistakes in almost every mission. I wanted to make the process more automated and error-proof. I have custom groups saved with the other init settings that I want, so all I have to do is paste them into whatever zones I want, but I still had to edit each group leader's init to specify the zone. With this code the zone will now be automatically set, so my Gaia-related mission making phase is super fast and simple, and pretty much error-proof. I always have zones nested inside of other zones, but rarely have any that partially overlap by much. If they do, it's very little, and I simply don't place groups in the overlapping areas. Every group is in at least one zone, but if I make a mistake and have one that is not, the code returning "" is just fine. It won't hurt a thing. Again, thank you so much... this has been a huge help, and will have a great impact on my missions in that I can spend more time working on the other aspects of them once the basic Gaia zones and troops are laid down. Best, -Doc EDIT: I've run into one snag: Using (this call smallestMarkerUnitIsIn) does not seem to work. Using player instead of this works on myself, but these need to run against AI units, not playable units. I'm sorry if my not specifying that sooner caused a problem!
  14. Hello. I am needing to find out which marker areas a unit is within, then determine which of them is the smallest. I need the variable name of that marker returned by the script. I'm guessing it would be something along the lines of this: 1 Use unit inArea against each marker returned by allMapMarkers. 2 Use getMarkerSize against the results of the above line. 3 Determine which marker from the results of step 2 is smallest, and return its variable name. Any help with the actual scripting would be greatly appreciated! -Doc
  15. My limited understanding of this stuff is really starting to show now. :-) It looks like I could use it in my array like this: [(player call SmallestMarkerUnitIsIn), etc...] That would result in the array containing ["markerName", etc...], correct? If so, to do that I'd need to have this in init.sqf? waitUntil {time > 0}; MarkerArea = { switch (markerShape _this) do { case "RECTANGLE": {getMarkerSize _this params ["_msw", "_msh"]; _msw * _msh}; case "ELLIPSE": {getMarkerSize _this params ["_msw", "_msh"]; _msw * _msh * 0.25 * pi}; default {0} } }; allMapMarkersOrderedByArea = [allMapMarkers,[],{_x call MarkerArea},"ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; SmallestMarkerUnitIsIn = { {if (_this inArea _x) exitWith {_x}; ""} forEach allMapMarkersOrderedByArea}; Off to bed. I'll check this in the morning. Thank you again. This will help massively reduce the time it takes me to make missions. I'll explain once I've got it working. -Doc
  16. Hello! If I understand, Serena's code is in fact what I need, KK. It's ordering the markers from smallest to largest, and then returns the first one the unit is in in that order. So if the unit is in 4 different areas, it will return the smallest of the 4. If the unit is in any single area, it will return that marker name since that single area is by default the smallest area the unit is in. Thank you, Serena! Here's how I'd like to use this: In the init field of some units, I have a statement that includes an array. One of the string entries in the array is the variable name of a marker. I'd like to utilize this code to output that string value at startup. I currently have a less desirable solution of just getting the nearest marker, like this: [([allMapMarkers, this] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition), etc...] That works, but can easily be inaccurate since it does not take marker area into account. (Thus this post) I'd like to replace ([allMapMarkers, this] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition) with Serena's code. Should I precompile it as a function and call it like this? [(call fnc_serenaCode), etc...] It will be running a few dozen times at startup, and then won't be used again during the mission. Thank you again! -Doc EDIT: I just saw the latest 2 replies .... typing a clarification. Stand by... (watch this space) :-) To clarify: Overlapping areas (cases where a smaller area is not completely contained within a larger area) are not an issue for my needs. I just need to work with areas that are completely contained within other areas, or if the unit is only in one area, the name of that area. Does that help?
  17. Hello. I am using the script-only version of Gaia and would like to dynamically set the zone number in the unit init field. An example of the normal init statement looks like this: (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[ "1", "MOVE"], false]; The "1" is the marker name of the "zone" the unit should be in. I'd like to have that string value be defined automatically on init by using the BIS_fnc_nearestPosition function, where the output would be the string name of the nearest marker, such as: _zone = ([allMapMarkers, _this] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; _zone would be the string that needs to go where the "1" is in the first example instead of me having to manually enter it. What is the correct method / syntax to incorporate this function into the init for the purpose of passing the string name of the nearest marker to the first value being defined in the array in my first example. I'm not sure if I'm explaining that well, but in short I would like to use this function in the init to automatically populate that value based on the name of the nearest marker to the unit. Thanks! EDIT: Got it: (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[([allMapMarkers, this] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition), "MOVE"], false]; Now looking into getMarkerSize to see if I can get it to base the proximity on the area of the marker instead of it's center point.
  18. Unit A WP1: Get In (he gets in the vehicle) WP2: Hold (he sits in the vehicle and waits, as expected.) WP3: Move WP4: Move Etc. Trigger Type: Skip Waypoint Set Waypoint Activation: Connected to WP2 Trigger activation: Radio Alpha I have now tested it 20 times in a row, restarting the mission (in the editor) each time and changing nothing between tests. Vehicle drives to WP3 as expected: 13 Vehicle sits at WP2 and does nothing: 7 Thoughts? Thank you, -Doc
  19. Good idea, I'll do that just in case. Yeah, it's weird; even in a mission (Stratis) with nothing in it except the player, a single AI, the vehicle, and the waypoints and trigger ... it fails most of the time.
  20. I haven't used it much since once it's set, it's set, but I did have it fail to come up once. Restarted Eden and it worked fine again. But yea, a bit touchy.
  21. I can only answer to that one, and would like someone to confirm this: When in the editor, ctrl-alt-s will bring up the CBA settings dialog which is now how the difficulty options are set. The documentation is a bit behind at the moment since there are so many awesome new updates to the mod. This is one of them. -Doc
  22. Hello. Another thing I noticed last night that might be along the same lines when you look into it: The mic clicks play in both ears, even if the radio is set to left or right only. I don't know what the behavior is IRL, but it would seem that all radio related sounds would be in one ear in the game if the option is set that way. (Or maybe it's a TS3 setting that handles those sounds?) Thanks, -Doc
  23. We appreciate that, thank you. We're currently holding off on the switch from TFAR due to this, as small of an issue as it is. One our our guys' sound setup on his computer makes the mic-closing click particularly jarring for him at it's default volume relative to other sounds, so I'm still trying to think of a solution in the mean time. -Doc
  24. Thanks for the reply! I appreciate your taking the time. I had a feeling that was the case with the hearing spectators from within the mission, especially once I noticed that TFAR required the use of an alternate TS3 plugin for that purpose, thus more or less confirming my thought that it was related to that. Completely understandable. My understanding of sidetone is that when you speak, you can hear yourself doing so through the headset/speaker. Like landline phones and some audio chat apps. Many higher end radios provide the option, the selection of which is emulated in the mod. But when I have it enabled, there is no difference that I can hear. Note: I currently have the radios set as full-duplex until my guys get more used to using them... could it be related to that? Thanks again, -Doc EDIT: Oh, and the audio question ... do either of those volume controls affect *only* the mic opening and closing sounds? That's all I need to be able to do.
  25. Sidetone: Does the feature work? I've enabled it on the radio but I still don't hear the feature when I'm transmitting. I assumed it works since it's an option that can be selected, but maybe the functionality isn't implemented yet? Thanks, -Doc