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About coldgas

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  1. coldgas

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi everyone, we are quite far on custom things on our server now and i also found an option to change at least the rangemaster uniform by a cop uniform. This worky by overwriting the normal texture loaded by a custom. The major problem I have with this overwriting is, there is a problem with the "standard" skins and custom skins placing them the wrong way on the model. So I thought about another option to implement custom skins for police by defining a new class for it. What I figured out so far is that the classes for players are defined in the server-side pbo file and calls the skin-paa files from the standard arma skin folder. So for including a custom skin by class I have to create that class client-side so everyone will download the paa files and the class definition inside the client pbo. So now what I don't know: How this class is being defined in detail. As I figured out classes for skins are found in the vehicleCfg class but thats all I was able to find out. All tests including it failed so I have no more ideas how to do that. Maybe anyone can help on this?
  2. coldgas


    hi demian, i relay love your skins and sounds and we realy would love to use them on our altis-life server. the only problem ist we are all new to altis-life and have no idea how to implement your great work into the mod usable and visible for everyone. do you have any hints for me how to do it? greetings, coldgas