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Everything posted by mausAU

  1. mausAU

    'Balancing' of the Slammer UP

    What I find hard to believe is that in twenty years' time people are still exclusively using chemically propelled weaponry. Example: Where are the hypersonic steel flechettes that real attack helicopters are equipped with at the moment? Where are the ECM plague-carrying vehicles? How on Earth could there still be dumbfire munitions? Where are the railguns? In Knight Ryder the LEDs in KITT's grille cost $240 each, ~$10,000 all up. Now, for change from $10 I can obtain ten times as many that are ten times smaller, twenty times brighter and a thousand times more long lasting. One could even extrapolate from that. But I totally understand, the cannons have a 15mm bore difference with no outwardly visible reduction in girth or length (ha ha) and that to me is what the real issue is when the subject of unrealistic stuff in ARMA 3 gets brought up :D P.S. One thing I do genuinely find odd is that there seems to be a 1:1 ratio of Enemy Tank to Friendly Tank in the game. No force majeure! I would have preferred a more realistic Soviet approach whereby horribly inferior weaponry wins out over terrifyingly superior weaponry because, well, quantity has a quality of its own and life isn't precious everywhere. P.P.S. 1 tank easily winning a stoush against 10 is historically accurate and quite realistic. On the grand level warfare is all about rock, paper, and scissors. You figure out how to throw the rock at the guy, stab him with the scissors before getting a signed instrument of surrender before he does the same :)
  2. Man, there's some hilarious reading in this thread. A lot of erroneous disinformation but also some genuinely entertaining e-remarks. Just a couple things that I feel need to be pointed out, however... 1) Graphics (& physics for those of us with Nvidia hardware) are processed by the GPU. Geometry, scripting, sound et al. are all handled by the CPU. Ergo, the engine is running exactly how it's meant to. This talk of the engine being poorly built and causing multiplayer performance headaches is so totally unrelated to the root cause of the issues that it is almost Byzantine. Frankly, we should be thankful that BIS had the foresight and consideration to implement a degree of future proofing into it. Just look at the low quality, unappealing environments of Titanfall for an example of what people with low morals will do with a crap engine if they can get away with it. Two years from now ARMA 3 will still look fantastic. They've made a game with consideration of the future, not the past. This has no bearing on the matter at hand, but is interesting nonetheless. When a company decides to make a fancy game, they purchase a computer that represents the 90th price percentile of the 80th performance percentile as the target system to aim for. This is because as the game will take several years to develop, hardware that is fancy at the time will, upon release, be almost totally adopted by the majority of their target market and no longer be anything more than median. In simple terms most, if not all, games you see are built to cater to the lowest common denominator. 2) There is a massive difference between 30 and 60 frames per second. 30 frames per second works for film simply because there's very little rapid movement occuring on screen (well, technically anything above ~24.98 FPS will deceive your eye into recognising persistence of vision). When you delve into the world of games, 60 is the new 30 due to the generally rapid visual pace of video game entertainment. If you cannot notice the difference I recommend visiting a specialist immediately as you may be experiencing the onset of degeneration of your optic nerves. The only difficulty in perceiving frame rate should occur between the 60 FPS and 120 FPS range. Well; 60 FPS to 100 FPS in fact. Pretty much nobody can tell the difference between 100 and 120 FPS - it's simply what we've ended up with due to marketing companies' love of large numbers. As for the original topic of this thread, I agree that the frame rate drop between SP and MP is unpleasant but it isn't going to be like that forever. It's a simple job for a team of coders to rectify, which no doubt is what they are focusing on at this moment despite no regular developer updates affirming it. Does anyone remember Soldier of Fortune 2? There was a similar situation going on; SP would give you an excellent frame rate, around ~60 FPS with a Northwood 2GHz and a Ti 4200 in those days, but MP would cripple you with not even half of that. I discovered an interesting fix that gave me frame parity between the two modes. I just copied over the MP .cfg with the SP .cfg and that was that. Simple problems often have simple solutions. For those of you who are angsty and gripingly unhappy with the lowered MP frame rate, take solace in the fact that adversity breeds strength and adaptability. It's not great now, I know, but you should relish it while you can. When the issues are resolved you will discover that you suddenly become a whole lot better at the game, in the way that a man who has been carrying a great weight now released finds himself able to perform almost any task without a trace of exertion. Anyway, this has turned out much longer than I anticipating but I very much enjoy correcting other people, so I must in good conscience give this thread a 6.5/10 all told. :)
  3. Looks really nice, but for the life of me I can't get it going, which sucks because from what I've seen it looks super awesome... I've tried everything I know but to no avail. Anyone able to offer some insight? I'm not very literate when it comes to this sort of stuff, only been doing it for a few weeks so if there is something super rudimentary I missed then sorry in advance. Speaking of which: My map is on Altis, and I do use dual monitors but ARMA only runs on one of them, windowed fullscreen, and I did leave VAS in to run concurrently. Poor form? I extracted the wsys_dialog folder into my mission folder. Pasted: ...into my mission's description.ext just under where the last #include is before author, respawn, etc... Pasted: ...in alongside the other #includes below class Params but above class CfgSounds, right below & above #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" And finally copied: ...from the mission.sqm and tried applying it to a crate in-editor but with no result whatsoever. It's baffling but like I said I'm not very good at this. I even stuck the DLS.Stratis folder into my mission folder after going into its mission.sqm and replacing all of the instances of stratis with altis, hah. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much in advance :) Cheers.