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About Thompson

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  1. Hello. I bought an ArmA III server with Vilayer and installed the altis life mod, wich runned perfectly for one week, but now the server is not appearing in the multiplayer menu, and when I connect with the IP, the Reception of mission files blocks at 35 and I can't connect to my server. Even the support of vilayer couldn't do anything. Can someone help me ? Thank you. Thompson.
  2. Where is the MYPHP admin page please ? I'm on vilayer
  3. Can someone please send me a list of all the admin commands to grant, degrant, and give myself money ?
  4. I don't want to change any names for now... I just wanna put myself as an admin, sergeant, and do the same for my friends... and like that we can start to config the server ;) Can you please tell me how do I change my permissions and rank in game ??? Thank you, Thompson :)
  5. Hello. I'm creating my Arma 3 altis life server too. It's already bought, I already have a MySQL database and the mod is installed. I'm just looking for someone that can help me to rank my team as admins and sergeants, someone that also knows how to place NPC's and change the names of the NPC's on the map. If someone could answer, I have Skype, my pseudo : thorn.MT1 Thank you :) Thompson