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About TheKobr4

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  1. Hi there, I just want to show you all the bandanna Headgear classnames. "G_Bandanna_tan" "G_Balaclava_blk" "G_Balaclava_combat" "G_Balaclava_lowprofile" "G_Balaclava_oli" "G_Bandanna_aviator" "G_Bandanna_beast" "G_Bandanna_blk" "G_Bandanna_oli" "G_Bandanna_khk" "G_Bandanna_shades" "G_Bandanna_sport" As far as i know, they are usable with every side. Have fun! Sincerely, TheKobr4 / ViciousViper, 14.07.2014 ~
  2. Thank you ver y much!(:
  3. How can i select multiple buildings in a given radius? Tried many different things but nothing worked at all. THanks for any help.
  4. Hi! as the tilte says, im looking for a script which spawns a WeaponHolder on every Buildingpos. this is what ive got, for one position: _houseList = getPos _trig nearObjects ["House",200]; { _c = 0; while { format ["%1", _x buildingPos _c] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_c = _c + 1}; if (_c > 0) then { _ranNum = floor(random _c); _crate = "USBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _crate setPos (_x buildingPos _ranNum); }; sleep 0.123; } forEach _houseList; thanks for any help!
  5. As the title says, it would be cool, but the problem is, that this is going to be realistic. I know, you dont want to hear that, but its a Simulator :/ Can you see IR lasers in real life, i think not. Maybe there are some addons which make this possible. Have you tried to search for something like this? Sincerely, Thekobr4.