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Everything posted by commanderx

  1. Hi, I´m building a template mission with some markers. Apparently on of the markers with the name "car_m6" is now gone. I couldn´t find it in the editor but if I try to make another marker with the name "car_m6" the editor tells me that a marker with the same name is present and don´t let me create another one. So how can I find my marker again? Best regards Kai
  2. Wow, thank you! Will try that when I´m back at home.
  3. sounds good, will try that :) Thanks for helping out!
  4. The 3 teamleader are not in the team _team_medic cause this is not a team. This variable is just 1 or 0. If _team_medic == 1 then all the teamleader (they have the names s2, s3 and s4) should be able to perform medic tasks. If 0 then not.
  5. Yes I did :D All the markers are still there, except for car_m6
  6. Another question. Is it possible to create waypoints only on roads? Didn´t find this in the liesmich.pdf. Great mod/script. I like it a lot! Thanks for sharing!
  7. Thanks for help. Now the second thing I need without solution :(
  8. Hi, is it possible to activate DAC (script version) via parameter at the beginning of the mission? EDIT: Got it in the meantime :-)
  9. Okay, it works now. Thanks. Is it possible in future versions to get that a bit simpler? Maybe something like linking the module with the soldier or much better an item that allows you to communicate with the artillery? :D :D
  10. Restricting users doesn´t work for me. Dont get it where put what? Tried to name the unit which should have access to artillery and named it s1. Then put dtaAuthorizedUnits = dtaAuthorizedUnits + [s1]; this in the init.sqf -> didn´t work in the init field of the unit itself -> didn´t work I tried it with dtaAuthorizedUnits = dtaAuthorizedUnits + [player]; in the init field of the unit. That also didn´t work. With or without parnethesis doesn´t have any effect. Also I don´t hear any sounds beside the readio beeps.
  11. thanks.... and I was trying and searching for hours and found via google lots of help but bothing worked... :D
  12. Hi, yesterday I tried to rename the name of groups in a mission. I tried everything I found via google but still no success. Tried it with this setGroupId["Black"] and also with (group this) setGroupId["Black"] and also group this setGroupId["Black"] in the init line of the teamleader alone and also in all init lines of every single unit in the group. I tried some more but I can´t exactly remember what I did. Any suggestions how to do this? Best regards and thanks in advance Kai EDIT: I also tried inside the editor with a module Group | Rename groups (maybe it´s called different, use the german version) but still no success. EDIT2: To clarify, I would like to see the name of the group when choosing the slot before the mission starts.
  13. commanderx

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi, I put the AGM Module Medical System into my mission. But I would like to be able to change via Param at the begnning of each mission if a medic is required for epi and blood bags. Is that possible and if yes how? Thanks in advance :-)
  14. Is it possible or even necessary to deactivate GAIA? For example if I would like to use bCombat or VCom for the AI instead of GAIA.
  15. Funny, I was just searching for the same issue as audiocustoms. Would be great if there is something like a tablet or something like that to prevent everyone with a radio using the artillery mod :) Besides that, great mod, I like it!
  16. Yes, in an roleplay environment or at a public server I agree with your opinion. But if you play milsim wihout any AI to push around and a commander who is reasonable then the tablet as it is now awkward. But anyway thank you for your detailed answer! Best regards Kai
  17. It´s a pity that you don´t want to implement the commander tablet as an item. We like the idea that you have an item to call an artillery strike instead of having magically the power that allows you to call artillery or air support. Also in my opinion the mutiny button is something that is disadvantageous to a milsim game. Maybe you consider implementing such an item in the future :) Best regards Kai
  18. Okay, I just put this in the description.ext and of course didn´t delete the folder f/spect
  19. I managed that it works now. Later today I will post what I changed. Right now I am work. I just want to let you know that it works now :)
  20. Sry, dont get it. I deleted everything except the description.ext and the f/spect folder. In the description.ext I deleted everything except the following lines. When I die I just respawn as a seagull and nothing more happens. What am I doing wrong?
  21. Thank you very much. Your help is much appreciated :-)
  22. Hi, is it possible just to use the spectator script and if yes how? Best regards Kai
  23. commanderx

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Is the enemy count dynamic? So that we have more enemies when we play with 8 players than playing with 3? Best regards Kai
  24. Is it possible to get back the commander console as an item? I dont like the idea with having a commander who somehow have a console.